Q&A 128. Performing recitations for people with dementia

Posted Posted in About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, one of my family members has been diagnosed with dementia, what sutras and mantras should we recite? A: Dementia is a physical illness caused by spirits and karmic obstacles. Generally, it cannot be completely cured by modern medical science. We must learn to use the Three Golden Buddhist Practices well to help […]

Q&A 122. Performing recitation for self-cultivation

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, can we record the sutras and mantras that we recite for daily recitation and Little Houses on the Self-Cultivation Record Form? Could you please advise us on how we should store and use the sutras and mantras that we recite for self-cultivation purposes? A: Your daily recitation of Buddhist sutras and mantras, and your recitation of Little […]

Q&A 120. Symptoms experienced while performing recitations

Posted Posted in About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, when I perform recitations, I sometimes burp, sneeze, get teary, yawn, feel tingling on the scalp, or feel tired and sleepy, etc. What are the causes? A: While you are performing recitations, it is fine if you experience the following: burping, sneezing, itchiness on the nose, and passing wind, etc. These are […]

Q&A 119. Helping the deceased to ascend to a higher spiritual realm

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, since practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, I have frequently dreamt about deceased people. Should I recite Little Houses for them one at a time, or should I recite for all of them simultaneously? Without knowing which realm the deceased person is in, how many Little Houses should I recite? May I recite Little Houses for the deceased […]

Q&A 114. Performing recitations on behalf of children

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: How do we perform recitations on behalf of our children? What should we be aware of? A: Generally, if you are performing recitations on behalf of your children, regardless of their age, you can recite the Heart Sutra for them, the more recitations you do the better. Reciting the Heart Sutra helps children to gain wisdom, obey their parents, […]

Q&A 113. Performing recitations for people with mental disorders

Posted Posted in About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: I have been diagnosed with depression. I am constantly stuck in my own mind, have trouble sleeping, and feel irritable and disturbed. What should I do? A: In most cases, mental disorders such as depression, epilepsy, etc. can be classified as illnesses related to karmic obstacles and foreign spirits. These types of illnesses all originate […]

Q&A 112. Naming aborted or miscarried babies and setting up spirit tablets for them

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, I have previously had an abortion, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. How should I recite Buddhist scriptures to help the spirits of the children ascend to a higher spiritual realm? I have already named the child that I miscarried and set up a spirit tablet for the child on my altar. Is this […]

Q&A 111. How to resolve predestined calamities related to one’s love life

Posted Posted in About Marital and Relationship Issues, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, I previously went to see a fortune teller and he told me that I am unlucky in love. In reality, I have been experiencing problems with my marriage and my husband is having an affair. I am now following Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, reciting Buddhist scriptures and cultivating my mind. I […]

Q&A 110. How do we know if we have the power to recite Little Houses for others?

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, how do we determine if we have enough spiritual power to recite Little Houses for others? A: Helping and saving people is a good deed. However, if you do not have the capability, then you may even be dragged into the quagmire. You should only help others if you have the ability and adequate […]

Q&A 109. Sexual misconduct and adultery

Posted Posted in About Marital and Relationship Issues, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, I frequently commit sexual misconduct and I started masturbating when I was young. I often have unwholesome thoughts and I cannot control myself. Even though I am now performing recitations and learning Buddhism, I am still having disrespectful thoughts towards Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It is as if I have been possessed by […]

Q&A 107. Performing recitations for Dharma Protectors

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Recently, some Buddhist practitioners proposed that we perform recitations for Dharma Protectors. They said that each of us has our own Dharma Protectors, and they also need energy and sutra and mantra recitations. Is this recommended? A: Dharma Protectors in heaven follow Buddhas and Bodhisattvas wherever they go; they are also Bodhisattvas. They are Bodhisattvas […]

Q&A 102. Application for True Name (Applicable only for those who are unsure of original name)

Posted Posted in Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, I was adopted as a child, and my foster parents do not know my original birth name. How do I lodge my Application for Change of Name? A: You can use the Application for True Name (see Appendix C). You can download the application form from www.GuanYinCitta.com. For the procedure for lodging the Application for True Name, […]