
Posted Posted in 师父每日佛言佛语

  任何的退转,或者想不通,或者难过,都会让你自己的意志转换,时间长了会形成一个恶性循环——就是轮回,负能量轮回。意念不够光明,很容易给你心中带来黑暗,黑暗来了之后你就会觉得这个世界没有希望,会失去很多的精神支柱。 经常看那些能够坚持的人,会给你带来信心,带来力量,所以要接触那些有意志力的人,这就是为什么榜样的力量是无穷的。听听过去那些高僧大德的故事,会给你带来无穷的力量。看看高僧大德是怎么坚持的,你就会有力量;经常跟那些懦弱的人在一起,你会变得越来越懦弱;经常跟小孩子在一起,你就会经常哭,因为小孩子经常哭。 有智慧的人从别人的痛苦中得到力量,没有智慧的人从别人痛苦中影响自己,让自己变得痛苦,这就是没有辨别能力。过去的诸佛菩萨高僧大德给我们做了很多好的榜样,所以要从别人身上吸取正能量,去除自己身上的短处,但是首先要了解自己身上的缺点和短处才会改,否则不容易改。 心目遮障陷轮回, 无明缠缚心无慧。 知己缺陷方知悔, 信愿坚定佛心回。  


Posted Posted in 师父每日佛言佛语

  反复地锻炼才能坚定你坚强的意识。菩萨怎么会成金刚的?百炼成刚。“炼”就是练就你的心力,不被外境所困扰——无论外面再怎样,你都不改变,这就是心力。为什么有些人碰到事情就变,而有些人如如不动,这就是一个人内心的力量。 坚持念经,会有心力;坚持自己的理念,会有恒心。坚持不下去的人因为自己的理念不够坚定,所以才经常会恍恍惚惚。有时候很恨自己,就是因为不够坚强,经常变来变去,心有所动,心随境转。心随境转的人,不能战胜自己。不管外境怎么变,你还是做你的工作,这就相当于你在工作单位人家把你调到其他任何部门你都好好工作一样,不会因为部门变了,你就工作不努力了,其实都是一样的。 什么叫意志?“意”是从你的意念中来的;“志”就是你的志气,你对某件事情的坚持,就会有志气。意念决定你的意志,意志锻炼你的意念。意志可以让你的意念更加坚强,意念就是念头。一念善升天,一念恶下地狱,所以要管住自己的念头,要靠自己坚强的意志,这就是最重要的。 人生虚幻一场梦, 心转境转心如盲。 意志坚强心念空, 心如金刚无所动。  

Little House | Appendix

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Introduction to Buddhist sutras and mantras   Daily recitation is the set of sutras and mantras that one must complete a certain number of recitations every day. For example, one may recite the Great Compassion Mantra 3 times, the Heart Sutra 3 times, the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance once, and the Cundi Dharani 21 times. […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (23)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

23. My daughter is schizophrenic. How should I recite and offer Little Houses?   Schizophrenia is a major karmic obstacle, and it is related to a major spirit that is occupying that person. These spirits have been authorised by the underworld to bring about karmic retribution to the patient. Under such circumstances, one should recite […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (22)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

22. My mother has poor vision. May I dot and offer a Little House that she recited on her behalf?   The reciter must write his/her name personally on the Little House, otherwise it will be deemed invalid. However, you may hold and guide your mother’s hand in writing her name accordingly. This is to […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (21)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

21. Can I ask others to recite Little Houses for me?   One should sincerely and diligently recite Little Houses for their own karmic creditors to repay karmic debts. This is because money cannot buy merits and virtues. Should there be a problem with the quality of a Little House, it is considered to be […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (20)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

20. What should I take note of when reciting Little Houses for others? Help yourself in order to help others. When you recite Little Houses for others, you will have to shoulder some responsibilities. As such, if you do not have sufficient spiritual power, their karmic creditor(s) may come to you instead. Generally, a person […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (19)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

19. Does it work if I recite Little Houses for a non-believer?   Yes, it does, but it may not be as effective. It is best to persist in recitation for the non-believer by reciting the Heart Sutra 7 times or more per day. At the same time, pray for the blessing of Guan Yin […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (16)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

16. Can I dot Little Houses in a hospital?   It is best not to recite or dot the Little House in places where the energy field is unfavourable. However, if you have no choice but perform recitations outside the home, then you should still dot the Little House at home. Under unavoidable circumstances such […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (13)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

13. Can I recite the Little House while doing household chores?   When it comes to reciting Little Houses, the quality of your recitation is the most important. If you can stay focused and ensure accuracy, even if you are performing household chores, you will gain merits and virtues and the Little Houses will be […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (12)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

12. Is there a relation between a number that appears in a dream and the number of Little Houses required?   If in your dreams there are scenes about karmic creditors with accompanying numbers, then the numbers usually have an association with the number of Little Houses you should recite. For example, if someone you […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (11)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

11. Is there anything we should take note of when dotting a Little House?   Do not tick, cross, dot outside the edge of the circle or fill the circle right to its rim. The red dots cannot be too small—They should take up at least 50% – 80% of the space within each circle. […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (10)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

10. Is there an order to observe in dotting a Little House?   Each time you finish reciting a sutra or mantra, use a red marker to fill the corresponding circle. Alternatively, you can add the dots after reciting a series or an entire section of sutras and mantras. When adding the red dots, it […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (9)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

9. Can two people recite a Little House together?   Two people may complete one Little House by jointly reciting either the same or different scriptures. Each reciter must personally write their name on the Little House. The names can be written side by side or on top of each other (refer to Figure 31). […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (7)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

7. Is there an order to observe in reciting the Little House?   The four scriptures in the Little House can be recited in any order. You may observe the following order if you prefer: start and end the recitation of the Little House with the Great Compassion Mantra; recite the Great Compassion Mantra before […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (6)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

6. How to deal with interruptions during recitation?   If you are interrupted in the midst of reciting a scripture, chant the following mantra once to pause your recitation – “Ong Lai Mu Suo He”. You can resume recitation by reciting the same mantra again and continuing where you left off. However, it would be […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (4)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

4. Can I pray for myself when reciting Little Houses?   The Little House is a means of offering the Buddhist scriptures to karmic creditors or the deceased. It is used to repay karmic debts, so you should not pray for yourself when reciting a Little House. If you have a strong intention to pray […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (3)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

3. What is the relation between the Little House and daily recitation?   Daily recitation is similar to your daily expenditures, while the Little House is like your loan repayments. Daily recitations cannot be counted towards a Little House. The prayers and the number of recitations that you perform for everyday use should be separate […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (2)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

2. Since the Little House is so valuable, will my recitation attract foreign spirits to demand it?   Karmic creditors come for a reason, be it related to karmic affinity or karmic debt. Just like the human world, there are laws and rules in the spirit world. It is also true in the underworld where […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (1)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

1. How does the Little House help spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm?   The Little House is an important Buddhist method that the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva bestows upon us in this Age of Dharma Decline. All four sutras and mantras contained in a Little House are from Buddhist […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Wenda20130802 22:02 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program) IGNORANT BAD HABITS LIKE ENVY, JEALOUSY AND HATRED ARE CONSIDERED KARMIC OBSTACLES Caller: Are the ignorant bad habits of humans for example, envy, jealousy and hatred considered karmic obstacles? Master Jun Hong Lu: The ignorant bad habits of human such as jealousy, hatred, etc are considered […]