Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | X. When you need to recite Little Houses and how many (2)

05/12/2021 |    

2. How many Little Houses required?


  • You should be persistent with Little House recitation. It is not a one-off effort, as your recitation only helps your present karmic creditors to ascend to a higher spiritual realm. It does not mean there won’t be karmic creditors in the future. Karmic obstacles can be activated and transformed into spirits at any moment.

If life is smooth-sailing, you should offer at least 3 Little Houses each week, addressed to the “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>”. Generally, do not burn more than 5 Little Houses per day to your karmic creditors.

However, you may burn more Little Houses if you are feeling rather unwell or in trouble, if you are helping aborted or miscarried children, or the deceased to ascend to a higher spiritual realm, or if there is a sign of the presence of karmic creditors. This includes suffering from a chronic illness due to karma; a headache or fever; being involved in car accident or lawsuit. You should not burn more than 21 Little Houses in a day in general.

  • In most situations, it is recommended that you recite Little Houses in batches for better efficacy, just as one completes one course of medication before beginning another. As you begin each batch you can first make a vow to Guan Yin Bodhisattva stating the number of Little Houses you will recite and the timeframe in which you will complete them by. For example, “I, <your full name>, will recite <X number of> Little Houses for my karmic creditor in <Y period of time> or by <date>. May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to recover from <name of illness> (or other wishes).” It is not necessary to accumulate a large number of Little Houses before burning them. You can do so after you have completed around 3 Little Houses.