Q&A 174. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door practitioners may recite the Medicine Buddha Dharani (Yao Shi Guan Ding Zhen Yan)

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

As we are in this Age of Dharma Decline, Master Lu, out of compassion, advises that Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door practitioners may add the Medicine Buddha Dharani (Yao Shi Guan Ding Zhen Yan) to their daily recitation. Effects of the Medicine Buddha Dharani: It is effective in protecting one against calamities and the pandemic. Through reciting the Eighty-Eight […]

Q&A 173. Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu Festival)

Posted Posted in About Festival and Special Days, About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu, I would like to ask about the significance of the Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu Festival) and what we should be aware of on this special day. A: ● The Dragon Boat Festival is one of those festivals where we can pay respect to the deceased. It is the day to remember and […]

Q&A 172. Making a vow to recite 100,000 times of a Buddhist scripture

Posted Posted in About Making Great Vows, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu has mentioned that if we wish to make a vow to recite 100,000 times of a particular Buddhist scripture, the effects will be especially good. May I ask which Buddhist scriptures may be considered for such a vow? How should we perform and count the recitation, and how do we state our prayers? […]

Q&A 170. Handling the returned dharma items of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Some Buddhist practitioners returned statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas they previously worshipped, as well as damaged Guan Yin Bodhisattva pendants, images of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or sutra booklets to the Guan Yin Citta Centre. Can these items be accepted and how should they be handled appropriately? A: The Guan Yin Citta Centre can accept these […]

Q&A 168. Offering Little Houses to eliminate karmic obstacles

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q:  I came across one of Master Lu’s discourses on reciting Little Houses for eliminating karmic obstacles. May I know under what circumstances we should recite these Little Houses?  What is its significance in comparison with the Little House that we commonly offer to our karmic creditors? A:  The type of Little House that is commonly addressed to the karmic creditor of […]

Q&A 166. Performing recitations on Chong Yang Festival (Double Ninth Festival)

Posted Posted in About Festival and Special Days, About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, could you please tell us which particular sutras or mantras we should recite for the Chong Yang Festival (the Double Ninth Festival)? A: Chong Yang is a special festival. According to the latest teachings by Master Lu, you can perform recitations as follows: You can recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance no more than […]

Q&A 165. Interpreting the meaning of dreams

Posted Posted in About Dream, About Performing Recitation, About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q:  Dear Master Lu, what do our dreams mean? A: Dreams are a way for us to receive messages from the spirit world.  Some dreams are foretelling, a reflection of what you have thought about throughout the day, or are scenes from your past lives. Some dreams provide us with some revelation or suggestions, but […]

Q&A 164. Addressing Little Houses and filling in red dots

Posted Posted in About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, what should we be aware of when addressing Little Houses and filling in the red dots on them? A: Filling in the fields: If you already know whom you are going to give the Little House to, you have to fill in the “Offer to” (the recipient) field on the right-hand side before commencing recitations. […]

Q&A 162. Helping the deceased ascend to a higher realm by adding recitation of Amitabha Sutra

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, on your radio program, a listener shared that she helped her deceased family member ascend to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss by reciting the Amitabha Sutra along with Little Houses.  How should we go about doing it in terms of the number of recitations, prayers and procedures? Please kindly advise. A: The […]

Q&A 161. Reciting the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance on special days and Buddhist commemorative days

Posted Posted in About Festival and Special Days, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu has previously explained that during Chinese New Year and other important festivals and special days, we can eliminate many karmic obstacles by completing more recitations of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance.  What is the maximum number of recitations that we can do? Do we need to complement this with the recitation of Little Houses?  […]

Q&A 158. Offering Little Houses to resolve karmic conflicts

Posted Posted in About Marital and Relationship Issues, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: I hurt the feelings of several boyfriends in my previous relationships. Now I have realised my mistakes, and I am reciting the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance as well as the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots to repent my wrongdoings. Do I also need to offer Little Houses? What should I do? A: The recitation of the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots is […]

Q&A 157. Order to recite scriptures contained in a Little House

Posted Posted in About the Little House, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, there are four types of sutras and mantras included in the Little House. Do they need to be recited in any particular order? A: The Little House consists of four kinds of Buddhist scriptures. The order in which you recite them does not matter. According to the latest teachings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, it is […]

Q&A 155. What to do if one has too much Yin energy?

Posted Posted in About Fengshui and Metaphysics, About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu, I often have nightmares and I feel cold all the time. Does that mean I have too much Yin energy? What should I do? A: Those who have too much Yin energy should complete more recitations of the Great Compassion Mantra to enhance their energy and spiritual power. You should also recite Little Houses diligently. A person tends to have a […]

Q&A 154. Reasons for ineffective recitations of scriptures

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu, I have health issues. For the past 10 months, I have been practising Buddhism and performing recitations, but my condition has not improved. Could you please explain this? A: Firstly, ensure that you are strictly following the instructions of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to perform recitations of Buddhist sutras and mantras. All […]

Q&A 153. Problems encountered when introducing Buddhism to people

Posted Posted in About Spiritual Cultivation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu, I made a resolution to help people become spiritually awakened by introducing Buddhism to them, but I have not been successful in my attempts. I also have headaches and become ill every time. Is it because my approach is inappropriate, or is it because I should not be doing this? A: There are […]

Q&A 152. Spiritual substitutes

Posted Posted in About Fengshui and Metaphysics, About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: A psychic medium once mentioned that if you want a child to have a long lifespan, then you need to find a “spiritual substitute”. Could Master Lu please advise us regarding this issue? If a spiritual substitute has already been employed, would this affect the child? What should we do? A: The practice of employing […]

Q&A 151. Menopause

Posted Posted in About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Master Lu, my mother is currently going through menopause, and she is experiencing problems with her health and temperament. Can you please advise what we should do? A: It has already been scientifically proven that both men and women experience menopause. However, women tend to experience more noticeable symptoms. From a medical perspective, the cells […]

Q&A 147. Performing recitations for people with Hepatitis B

Posted Posted in About Health, About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, I am a Hepatitis B carrier. How should I perform recitations? A: From a medical perspective, Hepatitis B is related to a physiological imbalance. In fact, this is an illness resulting from karmic obstacles, regardless of whether you were born with it or you became infected later in life. The following is […]

Q&A 145. Performing recitations during postnatal care and breastfeeding

Posted Posted in About Performing Recitation, Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q: Dear Master Lu, can we perform recitations during postnatal care? What are the things both the mother and the child need to pay attention to? Can we perform recitations while breastfeeding? A: It is a Chinese tradition for women to have postnatal care which lasts approximately one month. Giving birth can be life-threatening, therefore it […]