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Q&A 149. Eye disorders

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Q: Dear Master Lu, I am severely nearsighted. Is this a disorder resulting from karmic obstacles? In addition to performing my daily recitations, what else can I do?


  • In general, illnesses can be caused by physical reasons or karmic obstacles. If you have not over-stressed your eyes, then it is possible that your poor eyesight is related to karmic obstacles.
  • You can recite the Great Compassion Mantra 21 times per day, and pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to alleviate your eye disorder.
  • Recite the Heart Sutra 21 times or more per day, as the recitation of this sutra can help you to gain wisdom and good eyesight. You can pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to cure your eye disorder.
  • Recite the Ru Yi Bao Lun Wang Tuo Luo Ni 49 times per day, as the recitation of this mantra is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  • Recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance about 3 times per day. When you say the prayer, make sure to pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help you to repent and eliminate the karmic obstacles that have caused your eye disorder. Meanwhile, recite around 3 Little Houses per week and address them to the “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>”.
  • You can apply the Great Compassion Water to your eyelids. Note that It is not necessary for the water to get in your eyes.
  • You should also make oil offerings more often. The offering of oil can help us gain wisdom and good eyesight.
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