Posted Posted in About Dream

HELPING NON-BUDDHIST FAMILY MEMBERS Question: I dreamed that one of my family members who is a non-Buddhist would be faced with calamities. I understand that we can help our family members by applying the Three Golden Buddhist Practices. However, according to some Buddhist practitioners, helping our family members would affect us negatively, and they may […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

DO NOT TAKE YOUR WRONGDOINGS LIGHTLY! Master Jun Hong Lu: If you have an opinion about everything in life, do you think it is possible for you to eliminate your karmic obstacles? Take for instance, someone highlights your shortcomings today and specifically raises an issue about your temperament. If you have yet to realise your […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 8 | Seeking Emptiness of Nature – Transcending the Twelve Interdependent Links

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Every individual’s pursuit and interpretation of life can exhibit duality. The same scenario can be painted in a positive light, emphasising its beneficial aspects, or viewed negatively, accentuating its flaws. The key is where your mindset tends to lean. For instance, is aging good or bad? It can be argued that it’s good. The elderly […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 7 | The Emptiness of Nature in Right View

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will discuss the concept of ’emptiness of nature.’ In this context, ‘nature’ signifies one’s inherent nature, and ’emptiness’ refers to absence. When a person’s nature is empty, they become receptive to the truth, subsequently attaining it. However, if the nature is not empty and is instead tainted by worldly defilements, consider what your […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 6 | Practising the True Through the Illusory; Witnessing Buddha-Nature

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Witnessing Buddha-nature means that when you observe someone performing good deeds with a Buddha’s heart, you recognise them as a Buddha or a Bodhisattva. Witnessing involves seeing and confirming their status as a Bodhisattva. Realising Buddha-nature requires a person to use their true heart to comprehend and awaken to their inherent Buddha-nature. The combination of […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 5 | Learning Buddhism is about Learning How to Conduct Ourselves; Ignite the Lamp of Enlightenment Within Your Heart

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Now, I will discuss the “Ultimate Extinction of Afflictions” from the Six Supranormal Powers. This refers to the state where one is no longer bound by the troubles of birth and death, having fully understood the nature of life and death, and possessing the ability to foresee the future and the end of one’s life. […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 4 | Adhering to “Four No’s” in Buddhist Practice

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I want to discuss four “No’s” in Buddhist practice: 1. No Overjoy: Do not allow a sense of self-importance to arise in your heart. Arrogance occurs when you feel superior because of the good deeds you have done or the great merit and virtue you have accumulated. This can lead you to look down […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 3 | Cultivating Both Nature and Life; The Wise Encounter Conditions

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

It’s crucial to cultivate our nature and life at the same time. Many people know that in their later years or during times of disaster, protecting both one’s nature and life can be difficult. What does it mean to have difficulty protecting one’s nature and life? Life refers to your physical body, while nature pertains […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 2 | Master Lu on Buddha-dharma and the Law of Cause and Effect

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will discuss the Buddha-dharma and the power of the Dharma. Many people are aware of the boundless power of the Buddha-dharma. However, some may wonder why, with such limitless power, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas don’t show their compassion and save people from the numerous natural and man-made disasters. Why don’t they prevent these catastrophes […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 1 | On Buddha’s Virtue and the Unity of Knowledge and Action

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Buddha’s virtue refers to possessing the moral character of Buddha. In our conduct, we should embody Buddha’s moral character, virtues, and inner nature. The fruition of Buddhahood involves attaining the fruits and the supreme status of Buddhahood. The fruit of non-self (anattā) is such that those who genuinely cultivate well see the fruit as empty. […]

Dementia – A Buddhist friend’s mother returns from the abyss, through her diligent recitation of Little Houses

Posted Posted in Testimony Sharing

Deepest Gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha! Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors! Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu! My life took an unexpected turn when one night, for unbeknown reason, my mother was screaming on top of her lungs […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

WE MUST HAVE THE IMPETUS TO MEND OUR WAYS Master Jun Hong Lu: If you are oblivious to the gravity of the eventual consequences when you sow the seeds of karma, you are literally living a life of ignorance. For this reason, you will not be able to recognise your spiritual roots and there is […]