Testimony Sharing

Dementia – A Buddhist friend’s mother returns from the abyss, through her diligent recitation of Little Houses

24/06/2023 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest Gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors!

Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu!

My life took an unexpected turn when one night, for unbeknown reason, my mother was screaming on top of her lungs as she tossed and turned in bed. Since that fateful day, she had to be constantly sedated with tranquiliser after being diagnosed with dementia – an incurable illness. 

Looking back, we must count our blessings because from the day that I started performing recitation of Buddhist scriptures for her, her condition markedly improved. She stopped screaming and hence, the prescribed dosage of tranquiliser was slashed to one-fourth the maximum quantity of two tablets per intake that she once depended on. The greatest consolation is her ability to hold a conversation with me every now and then. As she is on the mend, we are able to regain life normalcy bit by bit. 

Here’s my story: 

I’m Huang Hui Xian. I’m an elderly overseas Chinese, and currently reside in a town in New South Wales, Australia. I’d like to share with you how Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door helped restore happiness in my household. 

It all started in March 2013 when one night, out of the blue, my mother, aged 90, started to become ill. Unable to bear the agony, she started to scream in pain. Upon admission to a hospital, she was diagnosed to have narrow intestines and dementia and was medically deemed a hopeless case.    

Unprepared for this sudden turn of events, I kept her company at all times. To address her insomnia and incessant screams, she had to be sedated day and night. I was advised to send her to an old folks’ home, but the notion of having her pass out of my sight was not a conceivable outcome that I was mentally ready for, so I decided to take her home. 

Hardly had I had the time to settle down in the comfort of our home, another problem cropped up – she had completely lost any sense of self-care and hence, needed external help. That said, nothing beats the frightened expression on her face, and her incessant screams. In the face of a twist of fate, my entire household was on the verge of a mental tailspin. Other than prescribing the highest possible dosage to subdue her conditions, even medical help offered little comfort. Needless to say, I was nothing but helpless.     

With the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, things started to fall in place. Assisted by my sister-in-law, I started to perform recitation of Buddhist scriptures and Little Houses. That was October 2013. After giving me a book authored by Master Lu, my sister-in-law advised me to recite Little Houses to be offered to my miscarried children. I was practising another dharma door then and had never performed recitation before. However, I was open to her suggestion, and started to recite Buddhist scriptures.     

After offering 40 odd Little Houses to my miscarried children, I dreamed of a group of kids seated around a table with me standing before them. That was very much a shot in the arm, and soon after, I decided to perform daily recitation for my mother. Lo and behold, every time I performed recitation, a sense of quietude would fall upon her. That said, it could not erase her frightened facial expression. Every now and then, she confided that there were people going after her. Hence, I decided to offer Little Houses to her karmic creditors. Her condition improved further as she became more at ease. 

Suddenly, one day, she exclaimed, “My father, <his full name>, was killed by his brother”. She repeated this statement thrice. Without much hesitation, I offered 20 odd Little Houses to my maternal grandfather. Soon after, she said, “My mother, <her full name>,…” For this, I offered seven Little Houses to every deceased whose name my mother mentioned. When I was reciting the sixth Little House to my maternal grandmother, my mother shouted the name of another deceased. They are people who are related to us one way or another. For every deceased, I would offer seven Little Houses and this went on for more than a year. I have lost count of the amount of Little Houses offered and the number of deceased I have recited Little Houses for.    

My mother’s condition improved significantly, as I pressed on performing daily recitation for her, and offering Little Houses to her karmic creditors. Those horrifying screams have become a thing of the past. At her worst, she was prescribed two tablets of tranquiliser per intake and the dosage has since been reduced to one-fourth. The best consolation is she is now able to hold a conversation with me on certain occasions, as life normalcy slowly returns. 

At present, her condition is stable. Notwithstanding, I will continue to persevere in performing daily homework and Little Houses for her. 

That is the end of my sharing. If my sharing today is improper in any way, I seek forgiveness from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Dharma Protectors.

Huang Hui Xian, a Buddhist friend from Australia

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