Testimony Sharing

Practising Guan Yin Citta Cured My Decade-Long Back and Bone Problems

13/03/2020 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

Deepest gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors.

Deepest gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu.

Thank you to all fellow Buddhist friends, good afternoon!

My spiritual cultivation journey with Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door started in 2012. During these nine years, I bore witness to many miraculous happenings. Shortly after my practice, I vowed to refrain from killing and eating live seafood. On the 15th day of the 7th lunar month in 2014, I made a great vow to be a full vegetarian.

I hope my testimony would benefit everyone here today in terms of gaining a deeper understanding of the immutable law of causality. If my sharing is improper in any way, may Bodhisattvas and the Dharma Protectors forgive me.


First and foremost, I’d like to share how my attendance in a dharma convention helped cure my lower back pain that had tormented me for more than 20 years. Since the age of 10, whenever I sat on the floor for more than 10 minutes, I would not be able to turn my body or get up from bed unassisted the next morning.

My worst experience occurred during the 2004 home relocation. After cleaning the house and mopping the floor, I literally couldn’t move my body at all the next morning. It was only after an acupuncture session, my movement somewhat returned to normalcy.

In the subsequent few years, my lifestyle continued to be affected by the severe pain at my lower back. I was unable to wear high heels, sit or stand for too long, carry anything heavier than 5kg and perform physically-demanding house chores such as floor mopping.

Helpless, I decided to undergo physiotherapy at the General Hospital, but in the absence of any improvement, I sought advice from the Traditional Chinese doctor. I even resorted to a spinal treatment, but the specialist diagnosed that my spine was largely normal and recommended me undergo one course of spinal alignment treatment. To my dismay, none of them helped rectify my lower back problem.

It was not until August 2012, after attending my first public talk by Master Lu in Singapore, and the subsequent one in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2013, that the miracle started to unfold!

During the public talk in Kuala Lumpur, I was exhilarated to see Master Lu and without much thought, I made my way to the front and sat on the floor, listening to Master’s speech for about an hour. When Master went for a brief break, I returned to where my mother was seated. My mum asked where I had gone to as she couldn’t see me and I told her that I was sitting on the floor at the front. My mum started to worry and reminded me that my lower back might ache on our ride home.

Overjoyed to meet Master, I totally forgot about my health issues. Interestingly, at that time, I was still able to stand right in front of my mum and was even able to move about with ease despite having sat on the floor for an hour!

In the following Totem reading session, once again, I was seated on the floor for another hour. I even carried 10 boxes of packed dinner on each of my hands after that. Miraculously, all symptoms that had become part of my life were undetectable!

Think about it, a chronic medical condition of over 20 years, one that was deemed incurable by both the Traditional Chinese and Western doctors, healed without any medication or treatment whatsoever. All that it took was my attendance in two public dharma talks. It was incredible to say the least. It must have been the blessings and protection from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! In 2013, I even took part as a volunteer in the Hong Kong and Kaohsiung public talks. During the convention periods, I had to get up early and return to my hotel room late into the night. I was busy helping to shift dharma materials weighing in excess of 10kg – something that would have inflicted unspeakable amount of distress on my lower back in the past.

After all, during the Singapore Lingshan Dharma Convention in 2017, Master Lu said that for all future dharma conventions, at least 108 Bodhisattvas would be in attendance to provide the right conditions. Thus, we must cherish the opportunity to attend Master Lu’s public talks.

The second health improvement that I experienced relates to my severe skin disorder. I had been suffering from festering and itchiness of skin behind my left ear for two years. No topical medication could put it under permanent control. To make it worse, it even emitted foul smell. 

After the 2013 Chinese New Year, I started to recite 49 times of the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra and 245 times of the Mantra To Untie Karmic Knots..  

A month later, the effects started to become visible! The foul smell disappeared, although skin itchiness persisted. Things improved dramatically when I started offering Little Houses to the karmic creditors on my left ear.


Before reciting Little Houses

After offering 14 Little Houses, my skin started to get smoother, there was no more itchiness but some tingling lingered on. This gave me the confidence to continue with my recitation.

After offering 16 Little Houses, the scar was gone!

After offering 21 Little Houses, it was completely healed! This goes to show the power of Little House.

Without having to spend a single penny, the problem that had troubled me for two years was gone for good!

Prior to practising Buddhism, I detested ants and thus had killed swarms of ants. Back then, I also suffered from dandruff problem that was never solved even after ‘investing’ thousands of dollars. However, after encountering Buddhism and performing recitation, this problem simply vanished! I believe the acts of killing had led to my skin disorders


Last but not least, I would like to share about my lower limbs that would give out without any warning. I’m not sure when this started, but it happened every morning when I got up from bed, causing me to fall on the ground.

I would also fall when walking up or down staircases owing to bone pain that destablised my footing. This could even occur on flat ground! As my falls got more frequent, I started to do some leg exercises for 5-10 minutes before getting up from bed every morning. As the problem persisted, in December 2009, I consulted a rheumatologist and immunologist. A series of examination, including a comprehensive blood test and an x-ray, was conducted, only to be told that everything was normal. I suffered from neither calcium deficiency nor osteoporosis.

‘Unsatisfied’ with the diagnosis, I probed the doctor, “Why do my bones ache then? I’m only in my mid-thirties and yet, standing and walking steadily are already a challenge. Are there any solutions to treat and prevent my conditions from worsening? My biggest nightmare would be to be told that I have to use a wheelchair!” 

The doctor replied, “Your condition isn’t severe enough for an accurate diagnosis. I can only offer you a follow-up check-up within a year. If your condition worsens, you should immediately come for a check-up.” 

Upon hearing this, I was helpless and speechless. Left with no choice, I reluctantly accepted the prescribed supplements, painkillers and a guide on exercise for the soles of my feet.

Sometime in June 2016, I was lucky enough to get through Master Lu’s totem radio program. Master Lu told me that karmic obstacles generated from my acts of killing ants had caused my blood disorder which explained my frequent falls. And, the worst had yet to come, as these karmic obstacles could lead me to suffer from leukemia in my later years.

I then made a vow, targeting at my karmic obstacles from the killing of the ants — the first batch of recitation of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance being 108 times, and the second batch being 49 times. At the same time, I never ceased to offer Little Houses – either 21 or 49 per batch for my karmic creditors. I also persisted in performing life liberation to eliminate my karmic obstacles. 

On top of all these, I also diligently read Buddhism in Plain Terms. I have since completed the first eight volumes. Without me realising it, I started to be able to get off my bed with ease. My deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

I hope everybody here today will learn from my experience. Do not think that the killing of small insects like ants and cockroaches  will not amount to anything big. Acts of killing over a prolonged period will culminate to something significant and when the karmic retribution is being served, we may not be capable of handling it. 

On the flip side, as mentioned by Master Lu, we should not think about the effort put in or the benefits we stand to reap as the reward will surely come. I hope my testimony will help convince more people that Bodhisattvas do exist.

As Buddhist practitioners, we should make good use of the Four Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta of reciting the Buddhist scriptures, making great vows, performing life liberation and studying Buddhism in Plain Terms. 

Together with Master Lu, let’s come together to save more sentient beings so that they are able to abandon suffering and gain happiness. The best thing that has happened to me is none other than my decision to embark on my spiritual cultivation with Guan Yin Bodhisattva under the guidance of Master Lu.

Master Lu picked me up at the depth of my desperation. Because of him, I  understand the law of causation and the six realms of existence. Not only did I learn to liberate myself from suffering that my ill health once brought upon me, I learned to be a morally-upright person – one that I aspire to become. I also learned the importance of repentance.

Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for your enduring compassion and love that you have bestowed upon me.

Deepest gratitude to Master Lu, for your guidance.

My heartfelt thanks to all Buddhist friends for this opportunity to share my testimony today.

I pledge to follow the footsteps of Master Lu for the rest of my life and eliminate my karmic obstacles through self-cultivation. Last but not least, I will do my utmost to propagate Buddhism and help others.

Once again, thank you!


Shu Qin, Singapore

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