English Sharing Session

English Sharing Session – 28 July 2019

24/02/2020 | English Sharing Session    
< English Sharing Session    

Time : Sunday 2.00pm-3.30pm (fortnightly)
Venue : Singapore Oriental Radio Practice Centre

1. Video clip on Master Lu’s story: Life is like a piece of paper
2. Video clip: My Respectable Master
3. Merits of offering Flowers and Fruits
4. Testimony sharing: How Practicing Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door helped in various aspects of my life
5. Buddhism in Plain Term: The Wondrous of Heart Sutra
6. Eight Dharma Methods to overcome Obsession
7. Learn to say ‘no’ (Story of Yun Jie)
8. Totem enquiry: Development of malignant cancer due to acts of killing
9. Questions and Answers




On 28 July 2019, Guan Yin Citta (Singapore) held yet another fortnightly English Sharing Session at the practice centre featuring many inspiring and enriching items on the lineup.

An informative segment of the sharing touched on the benefits of offering flowers and fruits, enlightening Buddhist friends about pragmatic daily how-tos in our communal journey of spiritual cultivation.

Another sharing imparted the importance of saying no through a fable. Through the lighthearted story, attendees understood more about how saying no can essentially be a form of self-care and respect, and peals of laughter abound in the midst of our learning.

Additionally, the audience learned about the 8 ways to overcome obsession in the session.

Finally, there was also a featured testimonial sharing where a Buddhist friend shared about various efficacious occurrences that resulted from learning Buddhism and performing recitation. The experience of this Buddhist friend wowed the audience, particularly when she spoke about how praying to Bodhisattva and reciting the Great Compassion Mantra completely relieved her from immense physical discomfort.    

If you wish to understand more about Master Lu’s latest discourses, learn to apply Buddhist teachings into our everyday lives, imbibe yourself with more positive energy and blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we welcome you! Join us in the next English Sharing Session to embark on a wondrous expedition of wisdom and positivity!


< English Sharing Session