Words of Wisdom | If There Is No Self

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If there is no ‘self’, the attachment to dharmas will not arise. Hence, the human factor is important. If we fail to free ourselves of worldly concerns, we cannot end our attachment to dharmas, and we will remain in an ignorant state. If we wish to become a Buddha, we must eliminate ignorance (even a […]

Words of Wisdom | Awaken Immediately

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Awaken immediately and do not be confused by worldly desires. If you fail to become awakened, how will you know where your true home is? 要幡然梦醒 ,不能迷惑于五欲六尘。 若不觉悟,怎知哪里是你的家。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Human Beings – Three Grades

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Human beings are divided into three grades according to their spiritual attainment. Those who help people readily are in the upper grade; those who act in accordance with karmic conditions are in the middle grade, while those who observe the precepts are in the lower grade. 人界都有上、中、下品。 帮助别人是上品,随顺因缘是中品, 守住戒律是下品。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | The State Of No-Self

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Bodhisattvas help people to achieve spiritual attainment according to the level of their aspirations. “Bodhisattvas” are those who can let go of themselves to accomplish the state of ‘no-self’. 菩萨根据人愿力的大小而成就其果位。 人因放低自己,成就无我, 而称为 “菩萨” 。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Must Know How To Let Go

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In whatever we do, we must know how to let go of the ‘self’. Buddhist practitioners will not give up spiritual happiness. The worldly pleasures enjoyed by mortals are not true happiness. 做任何事情,都要懂得放下自己。 学佛人不会放弃精神的快乐,而人间凡人的欲望快乐不是真正的快乐。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Karmic Affinities

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If you can think straight when faced with an issue, this is regarded as good affinity. On the other hand, it is regarded as negative affinity if you can’t think straight. Both are considered to be karmic affinities, be it good or bad. It all depends on how you deal with it. 遇事想通就是善缘,想不通就是恶缘,善缘恶缘都是缘,看人怎样去对待。 – Master […]

Words of Wisdom | Enjoy The Dharma Bliss

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Live in the present, forget the past and look forward to the future. Break away from the suffering of hell and enjoy the Dharma bliss of the Pure Land. Through cultivation, our minds become increasingly pure and sincere. 拥有现在,忘记过去,展望未来。 脱离地狱苦,享受净土乐。 修心让心越来越纯洁,越来越真诚。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Maintaining The Spiritual Joy

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The unfathomable connection of affinities is a by-product of impermanence. The arising and ceasing of karmic conditions as well as the phases of formation, existence, decay, and emptiness are all associated with karmic conditions. Where there is matter, there is extinction, but the spirituality is eternal. Practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind is all about […]

Words of Wisdom | Attachment To Dharmas

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Attachment to dharmas includes attachment to the methods and teachings of Buddhism. For instance, a smoker would argue that the five precepts make no mention of abstinence from smoking! It is only when you eliminate your ignorance through cultivation that you will discover your previous attachment to dharmas. It takes relentless cultivation to eliminate the […]

Words of Wisdom | Maintain Strong Faith

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In practising Buddhism, one must maintain strong faith and persist without slackening. Spiritual progress cannot be made by merely listening to others. 学佛要自己坚定信心,坚持不懈, 不是靠听人家讲就能修出来的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Take Things Lightly

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Don’t take things too seriously, then you won’t hurt yourself. If you take things lightly, you will be able to quickly get through the hurdles in life. By taking things too seriously, you will get stuck in a quagmire with no way of extricating yourself. 不要把每一件事情看得太重, 你就不会伤害你自己。 你把人间的一切看得淡一点, 你就会很快地走过人生挫折的道路。 把每一件事情都看得太重了, 最后你就会陷在污泥浊水当中, 不能自拔。 – Master Jun […]

Words of Wisdom | Constantly Correcting Oneself

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A good captain is always ready to correct the course of navigation. Success of an individual lies in constantly correcting oneself. If weather and temperature can be adjusted, why can’t you adjust your life? 任何一个好的船长,都是在调整航向的。一个人的成功是在不停地调节中。天气、温度都 是调节,你的生活为什么不调节呢? – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Compassion And Love

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A father said to his son, “I love you very much but I’m going to send you to a place far away so that you won’t be too sad when I die.” Such is the compassion and love of a father. 有一个父亲跟自己的孩子说:”我很爱你,但我要把你送得远远的,这样等到我死的时候你才不会太伤心。” 这就是父亲的慈爱。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5  

Words of Wisdom | Treat Feelings With Equanimity

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Though we are human beings with emotions, we must treat feelings with equanimity. As we can’t take with us anything from the mortal world, we must look beyond it. Human relationships are not eternal. 虽然我们是有情众生,但我们必须把有情众生看淡,我们要看穿这个世界,因为这个世界什么都带不走,人跟人之间的感情根本不能永随。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Morality

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Morality can be used to make up for the inadequacy of our wisdom, but wisdom cannot be used to make up for the inadequacy of our morality. 道德可以填补智慧的缺陷,但智慧不可以填补道德的缺陷。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Gained Wisdom

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Those who have no wisdom will have worries. Those who have gained wisdom will be able to let go and have no worries. 没有智慧的人,才有罣礙。 拥有智慧了,放下了,就是没有罣礙。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Path To Buddhahood

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The path to Buddhahood is formidable. It takes constant diligence and relentless self-restraint to forge ahead step by step. 成佛的路很难, 只有靠自己精进的努力 和顽强的克制中一步步前进。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | To Be Compassionate

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While in the human realm, train your heart to be compassionate so that you can return to heaven. If you still harbour greed, hatred and delusion, you will not achieve any level of spirituality in this life. 在人间把心修成慈悲心,才能回到天上;如果有贪瞋痴,一生什么境界也没有。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Exercise Forbearance And Diligence

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When someone is down and out, we mustn’t rub salt into their wounds. We need to rejoice when seeing others in good times. When someone says something bad about us, we must exercise forbearance and diligence. When someone speaks well of us, we must avoid becoming arrogant. 别人不好,我们不能落井下石;别人好 ,我们要随喜赞叹。 别人说你不好,我们要忍辱 精进;别人说你好,我们不能 贡高我慢。 – Master Jun […]