Words of Wisdom | Contributing Factors To Betterment

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Regard hardships as contributing factors to our betterment. We will not cultivate the mind well without the tests of tribulations. The more adversities we encounter, the more merits and virtues we attain in fulfilling our Buddhist practice. 把吃苦当补药,增上缘。 没有经过痛苦的磨难,就不懂得修心; 逆境越多,成就佛法的功德就越大。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | Those Who Perpetually Do Good Are Virtuous

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Those who perpetually do good are virtuous; those who do not care much about wealth will have people rally around them; those who are disciplined will convince people; those who are tolerant will win over the hearts of many; those who take initiatives will become leaders. 长善成德, 轻财者聚人,律己者服人, 量宽者得人,身先者率人。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

20201026 专题分享 | 快速消业的妙法

Posted Posted in 白话佛法共修分享

【快速消业的妙法】 20201026 专题分享【快速消业的妙法】    关于业障 业障存在于意识当中 弟子开示 (二)  1、灵魂与身体相辅相成 点击链接 实际上你们 100% 都有业障,因为业障是前世和今世的所为。你们前世没做过坏事吗?今世没做过坏事吗?你们脑筋想什么不是坏事吗?所有的这一切全部都记在你们的意识当中,留有印记。 今天有个听众跟台长说:“我小时候吃了那么多活的东西,难道它们不投胎吗?难道您还看到它们在我身上吗?” 是他吃的这些鱼的这个业障已经种在了他的八识田中,随时随地会有新的被杀死的鱼进入他的身体。就像是你开一间旅馆,你要么不开,你开了之后,就算上一批客人离开,犹如投胎了,下一批客人又住进来了。因为你有这个旅馆在你身上,等于你有这块业障在你身上,永远就会有业障进来。你自己已经把这个业扎在自己的意识当中,所以所有死掉的鱼都会填进来,明白了吗? 再举个例子,你年轻的时候偷东西被人家抓到过一次,虽然你现在没有偷,但是如果单位里丢了东西,你就是排名第一的嫌疑人。有人说他现在又不吃活海鲜,但是因为他过去吃过,所以现在所有死的都到他身上,连本带利还。   如何判断自己业障有多少 弟子开示(二) 5、弟子提问 师父开示 点击链接 提问:有没有方法知道自己业障有多少?业障消了多少? 台长:如果你最近做事情顺了,求事情灵了,那就说明你今世的业障在明显减少了,但是并不代表你前世的业障消了,因为前世的业障已经注入你的八识田中,所以它会在你的年龄遇到 3,6,9 岁时爆发。你突然之间求得灵了,说明你今世没有新业,不造新业了,而且把过去年轻时所造的旧业慢慢消了,你就会越来越顺。但是你到了比方说66 岁时,你照样生病。所以你们大家都要明白这个道理:如果你们觉得很顺,说明你们没有造新业;没有造新业,你们就会越来越顺。 业障很重的人有何特征 Wenda20180715A   35:54 点击链接 女听众:师父,有76%业障的人一般会有哪些表现?症状是什么? 台长答:烦躁、不安,然后还有头痛。业障76%的人整天混混叨叨的,整天想跟人家吵架,有一股气堵在胸口,动来动去,就想跟人家吵……动不动就想跟人家发脾气,动不动就要跟人家吵架,这种人业障一定很重的。   如何判断身上哪里有黑气和业障 Wenda20150130  06:30 点击链接 男听众:怎样判断身上哪里有黑气和业障?是不是这个部位经常痛而且酸,就是说这个部位业障黑气多一些? 台长答:如果你觉得你经常做噩梦的话,那这个上面一定是业障了。如果你不常做噩梦,但是这个地方有酸有痛,那说明你是腰肌劳损,或者你是身体不好,肉体病。如果你经常觉得害怕、发冷,然后晚上做梦,那就说明……因为所有的灵性上你身,他绝对是找你最薄弱的环节上去的。 稀里糊涂的人容易有业障 Wenda20171006  59:21  点击链接 男听众:台长,您讲我的业障升到30%,是什么问题呢? 台长答:像你这种没智慧的人,智慧会生的?业障会少的?整天稀里糊涂的人很容易有业障(这样也会升业障?)对啊,你没智慧。听你讲话就知道了,人家跟你讲话,人家就要把你当傻瓜了。讲话好好讲(明白。如果少讲话业障会不会少一点?)那当然了。祸从口出,很多业障都是讲出来的。   想不通会增加业障 Wenda20170519  44:39 点击链接 男听众:师父,5月16日看图腾节目,师父对一个业障比例涨到57%的同修开示,师父说因为他想不通,所以业障比例上涨了。请问师父,是不是一个人想不通,意念就造业了,而且很肯定地引至很大的口业和身业,所以业障比例就上涨呢? 台长答:完全正确。一个人想不通,不单单业障上涨,血压也上涨,胆固醇也上涨,血糖也上涨……想不通是全世界最傻的人,想不通到后来就是个神经病……你好好活着,有什么好想不通的?吃点苦是应该的,到人间来哪有不吃苦的?个个吃的苦都不一样,有的人吃的是医学方面的苦,比方动手术、开刀,不叫苦?有的人吃的是在家里穷一点的苦,有的人在单位里不大敢讲话,这也叫苦。什么不叫苦?你跑出去,下雨淋得你湿透了,也叫苦。   境界不够高一定会造业 Wenda20170813A   01:00:37  点击链接 女听众:师父,您在《白话佛法》里面讲,“见闻觉知越多,心造业就越多”。请问师父,我们如何在五欲六尘的人间把握这个度,让心不造业呢? 台长答:心不造业,首先就是要境界提高。如果你今天心造业,就是境界不够高。你今天有贪瞋痴慢疑,你的境界高吗?你当然会造业了。今天不贪的人会造业吗?今天不恨人家会造业吗?今天不做愚痴的事情会造业吗?你想想就知道了。怎么会造业的?贪啊!“我要跟人家比,要有面子”。昨天晚上我还说一件事情:一个男的要面子,为了在老婆面前显示他有钱,叫人家去做了两张假的存款单给老婆。结果跟他老婆吵架了,人家到银行里去转账,钱都拿不出来,全是假的。人这种“死要面子”要不得的。 修行人不可造新业 […]

Words of Wisdom | Avoid Attachment To Appearances

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The distinction between ‘doing’ and ‘non-doing’ lies in intention and purpose. The former is attached to appearances while the latter breaks through the attachments to four kinds of appearances. Doing something without expecting any reward shows the ability to avoid attachment to appearances. 有为和无为就是重视与目的。 有为就是会着相; 无为就是破四相, 不求回报的行为能离相。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | To Be Discreet In Speech

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Slow-flowing water runs deep ; one who is cautious in words is noble. We need two years to learn to speak but ten years to learn to be discreet in what we say. To learn to be discreet in speech is the beginning of spiritual practice. 水深则流缓,语迟则人贵。 花两年时间学说话, 花十年功夫才能学会谨言。 学会谨言就是修心的开始。   – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | Importance Of Spiritual Cultivation

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Understanding your mind and realising your true nature is about seeing through the nature of birth and death. Once you know that the human soul will not become extinct, you will realise the importance of spiritual cultivation. 要明心见性,就是要看破生死。当你知道人的灵魂不灭,你才能了悟修行的重要性。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Minds Should Not Become Entangled

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Our minds should not become entangled in the concept of right and wrong. If our minds do not make judgments of right and wrong, there will also be no conflicts and contradictions. 要心中无事无非无心,心中没有什么事情是对的、错的,那么就会产生出无心无非。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Emptiness Of The Dharma

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must understand that if we are unable to practise altruism and help sentient beings, we will never attain the state of ’emptiness of the self’. If we cannot empty our thoughts, we will not realise the state of ’emptiness of the Dharma’.  学佛人要懂得,如果一个学佛人不能利他、帮助众生,就永远不会 “我空”。如果思维不能空,也就无法达到 “法空”。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Transformation Of Karmic Conditions

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We are all caught up in the arising and ceasing of karmic conditions, both large and small, that change constantly and unceasingly. Our lives start from the transformation of karmic conditions until their end, resulting in extinction. 在大大小小的缘生缘灭中,缘分在人间相互转变、延续不断,所以一个人的一生就是从缘分的相互转变,到缘分的尽头,产生灭度。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Act Of Cherishing

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The act of cherishing is a virtue. By cherishing your relationships with others, you will be rewarded with sincerity. By cherishing friendship, you will be rewarded with affection. Cherishing every tree and blade of grass shows you are a compassionate and kind-hearted person. Cherishing the Dharma shows you are a person of great wisdom.   […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddhists Must Not Harm Themselves

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Buddhists must not harm themselves by harbouring the slightest negative thought. It may be fine if you bear a grudge against others for a month. However, if you bear it for a year, two years or even three years, it will only cause you serious harm.   学佛人不能把任何一点一滴不好的心态放在心中,去伤害自己。你把对别人的恨放在心中一个月没关系,放一年、两年、三年之后,你就会严重伤害到自己 。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Enlightenment Should Be The Objective

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Enlightenment should be the objective of practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind. We must practise kindness and remove evil thoughts from our minds, replace negative relationships with positive ones, and use wholesome thoughts to let go of all karmic affinities. 学佛修心,要以开悟为宗旨, 用善心消除内心的恶念, 用善缘消除自己的恶缘, 用善念让自己放下万缘。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5