Journey to Heaven

Journey to Heaven and the Underworld: The Hell of Icy Coldness (The Hell of Snowy Mountains, the Hell of Icicles, and the Hell of Iron Mountains)



On 30 September 2018, after I finished paying respect to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva radiated a brilliant light. Not long after, the Bodhisattva sent a thought to me, “I will take you to observe the scenes of hell so that the sentient beings of the Human Realm will understand the law of karma and refrain from performing filthy acts. Sexual desires breed evil. Nowadays, men and women are gradually becoming depraved in their pursuit of lustful satisfaction, and in the future, they will descend into the Lower Realms. It will be too late for regrets.”

The Hell of Icy Coldness (The Hell of Snowy Mountains): Men and women who commit deeds of sexual misconduct, those who have affairs and those who are promiscuous will be punished here.

Snow danced in the sky while the air was extremely chilly- the temperature felt like it was in the minus degrees- and the icy-cold wind bellowed and howled. In this Hell, there were two or three massive snow-covered mountains. A very thick pile of snow had accumulated on the ground, and in the distance, I saw an enforcement officer who was holding a whip following a group of offenders. The men and women had their hands and feet cuffed with iron chains, and they were naked. At the front of the group, there was another enforcement officer who forcefully dragged them forward.

When a tired offender was unwilling to walk any further, the enforcement officer at the back used his whip to lash the offender. This Hell was very cold, cold enough to make your skin split. All the offenders were trembling profusely; their lips were cracked from the cold. The knee-deep snow on the ground made it difficult for them to trudge through the snow in the blistering cold. The snowy mountain was gigantic; the offenders had to walk a very long distance before they reached a bridge. There was a guard stationed at the entrance of the bridge. When their punishment is over, the offenders would be let out of this Hell from here.

If the term of the punishment wasn’t over for the offenders, they would be taken away by the enforcement officer, and forced to continue walking through the snow until their time was over. At the front of the bridge, the guard spoke telepathically to me, “The female offender in the front had affairs several times. That male offender was promiscuous before he married and had sexual relationships with a handful of people. Another female offender took advantage of her charms and acted promiscuously with many boyfriends, not showing concern for her body. When they died, they were all sent to this hell. The more severe cases of sexual misconduct were transferred to the other great hells (the Hell of Excrement, the Hell of Copper Pillars and the Hell of Iron Beds). The modern-day men and women no longer have a sense of shame. They think that promiscuity is trendy and is the value to strive for in the modern age. I can’t even imagine how many more souls would be sent here in the future. The people in the Human Realm are too reckless.”

The Hell of Icy Coldness (The Hell of Icicles): Women who committed deeds of sexual misconduct, those who have affairs and those who are promiscuous will be punished here.

The air here was also extremely chilly and piercing. Inside a large cavern, there were icicles forming upwards from the ground, each around 3-5cm long, and there were a countless number of them dispersed everywhere around the cavern. I saw many female offenders who were kneeling on the ground while their faces were twisted in pain and their hands tied behind their backs. An enforcement officer said to me, “This is the Hell of Icicles, it’s primarily used to punish beings who acted promiscuously in the Human Realm.” Then he ordered a female offender to stand up. When I saw her, I jumped in fright. The lower body of the female offender was completely covered in blood, and her knees were covered with many open wounds. I was shocked to find that it was an icicle that she had been kneeling on. So when she knelt as punishment, her entire lower body was pierced by the icicle. Her knees were pierced by other tiny jagged icicles too. No wonder she was in excruciating pain. All of the female offenders here had acted promiscuously, such as being fond of one-night stands or regularly going to nightclubs to get drunk and behave promiscuously. After they died, they were transferred here for punishment until they had served the full term of their sentence, when they will be released.

The Hell of Iron Mountains: Women who commit deeds of sexual misconduct and perform abortions, and men who act promiscuously or instigate women to perform abortions will be punished here.

The environment here was very dark; many enormous iron mountains stood in this Hell. I heard the cries of infants from afar, and when I got closer to the source, the sight made me jump. The sky was filled with a countless number of baby spirits floating around, all filled with resentment. You could tell that the practice of abortion is common in the Human Realm. The mountains were also covered with many iron trees, while many tiny iron spikes covered the ground. The iron trees also had many sharp spikes growing out of them. I saw an enforcement officer pursuing a group of offenders while continually lashing at them with the whip he was holding and forcing them up the iron mountain. The offenders were wailing as the bottoms of their feet were pierced by the sharp spikes and covered in blood. There were also some offenders who couldn’t stand anymore due to the pain and tried to hold on to a tree for support, only to be pierced by the spikes that grew out of the tree, so their hands became bloodied. Just like that, they were forced up the mountain a step at a time and then forced back down the mountain. It was unbearable to watch.

The enforcement officers showed no leniency towards the offenders. If they didn’t move, the enforcement officers would immediately lash them violently. As such, the offenders had to run up and down the iron mountain until they had served the full term of their sentence, and then they could leave this hell.

Why is the punishment for abortion so great, especially for those who had the intention to abort?  It’s because the spirit of the baby has no other choice but to occupy their mother’s body after they are aborted, which leads to the suffering of their parents, who would suffer gynaecological diseases, depression and shortening of their lifespan. When their mother dies, they will each go their separate ways according to their karmic conditions. Some parents are reborn in the Human Realm, the animal realm or the hell realm, while these baby spirits have no one to help them spiritually ascend to a better realm. Therefore, they are transferred to the Hell of Iron Mountains, where they are left to roam around and cry until the courts of the Underworld have finally arranged rebirth for them. That’s why the punishment towards those who commit sexual misconduct and abortions is so strict. If these offenders recited the Buddha’s name and sincerely repented while they were still alive, although the negative karma that they had created would not be completely eliminated, after they have completed the full term of their sentence, they would be reborn as humans. A majority of the offenders here would be reborn in the animal realm when they serve their time.

May I ask Master whether these scenes of hell are real?

Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

They are all real. When I see people nowadays, both men and women, behaving like animals, I feel very sad. You really must inform them. In the past, there was a movie called ‘Mistress Xiang Lin’ (Note: it was about a woman who married three times. In the end, she suffered a great tragedy and died). She had to go to the Underworld and donate a doorsill to eliminate her sin of marrying three times. That’s all true; sexual misconduct is like playing with fire. Sexual misconduct is the worst of all unwholesome deeds. When you’re being chased in your dream, don’t you feel scared? When you’re being tortured in your dream, does it hurt? After you die, it will be just like in the dream and it will be very painful. If you’re still not willing to reform your ways after learning Buddhism, you’re really asking for it.