Buddhism Your Questions Answered (171 FAQ)

Q&A 69. Ability to see spirits

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Q: Dear Master Lu, why am I able to see the spirits around me? Is there any method to stop me from seeing them?


Generally, we are likely to see spirits under the following three conditions:

  1. People with a lot of Yin energyare likely to see spirits. These people tend to be chronically ill or lack Yang energy. If you have too much Yin energy, then you should complete more recitations of the Great Compassion Mantra and try to get more sunlight.
  2. People who go astray along the path of their spiritual practice are also likely to see spirits. Therefore, it is very important for us not to recite sutras and mantras, perform gestures, postures or rituals, or follow procedures that are not yet taught by Master Lu. For the practitioners of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, just focus on reciting the sutras and mantras included in the Guan Yin Citta, performing life liberation, and making vows. We must diligently cultivate our minds and change our behaviour.
  3. If foreign spirits are occupying someone’s body, then they are also likely to see spirits. For example, if you are driving a Toyota, then you are more likely to notice other Toyotas on the road.
    In such a case, they should recite Little Houses and offer them to their karmic creditor. To determine whether or not you need to recite Little Houses for your karmic creditor, you can refer to Q&A 4: How do we know if there are foreign spirits occupying our bodies? You can also make a judgement based on your current health condition and your dreams.
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