Words of Wisdom | Emptiness

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Emptiness of the mind encompasses pure emptiness, tranquil emptiness and the empty space. When the mind encompasses all of space, we can hold anything in our hearts. 心空包括净空、静空、虚空;心包太虚,心中有宇宙,什么都装得下。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Attachment To The Self

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Attachment is the cause of illusion in the human realm. Take things easy and refrain from contention and quarrels with others, then you will break free from attachment to the self. 执着就是人间的迷惑。 把什么事看得淡一点, 不和别人争,不和别人吵, 就破除了我执。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Working Of Karma

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It is no use trying to justify what you have done, as everything is attributed to the working of karma. You will be liberated once you can think straight and free yourself from suffering. Desire is like a rope which ties you up and entangles your mind. You will be truly liberated when you can […]

Words of Wisdom | Repent Sincerely

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You must repent sincerely of whatever wrongdoing you have committed. It is like washing the clothes or cleaning the face. You are clean after you repent. 不管做错什么事,都要好好忏悔, 如同洗衣服、洗脸一样, 洗后就干净了,忏悔后就清净了。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Eradicate Attachment to Self

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Learning Buddhism is a way to eradicate your own negative energy and your attachment to self. If your ‘self’ looms large in your heart, there will be no place for others in your heart. 学佛就是去除自己的负能量,去掉我相。“我”在心里最大的,因为有“我”了,就没有别人了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | True Awakening

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In Buddhist terms, we need to have the potential for awakening within our hearts. If you attain awakening through the help of others, it is not a true awakening. True awakening has to be attained through our own effort. 佛法界讲,自己心中要有悟性,如果通过别人让你开悟,那是假悟;要自己悟出来,才是真悟。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Correct Our Mistakes

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To err is human, but we must refrain from doing wrong too often. We may inadvertently do wrong to other people, but we must not do it too often. What matters most is correcting our mistakes. 人可以犯错,但不可以经常犯错,人可以对不起别人,但不能经常对不起别人,做错事情最重要的是改正。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2