Words of Wisdom | Morality

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Morality can be used to make up for the inadequacy of our wisdom, but wisdom cannot be used to make up for the inadequacy of our morality. 道德可以填补智慧的缺陷,但智慧不可以填补道德的缺陷。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Gained Wisdom

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Those who have no wisdom will have worries. Those who have gained wisdom will be able to let go and have no worries. 没有智慧的人,才有罣礙。 拥有智慧了,放下了,就是没有罣礙。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Path To Buddhahood

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The path to Buddhahood is formidable. It takes constant diligence and relentless self-restraint to forge ahead step by step. 成佛的路很难, 只有靠自己精进的努力 和顽强的克制中一步步前进。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | To Be Compassionate

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While in the human realm, train your heart to be compassionate so that you can return to heaven. If you still harbour greed, hatred and delusion, you will not achieve any level of spirituality in this life. 在人间把心修成慈悲心,才能回到天上;如果有贪瞋痴,一生什么境界也没有。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Exercise Forbearance And Diligence

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When someone is down and out, we mustn’t rub salt into their wounds. We need to rejoice when seeing others in good times. When someone says something bad about us, we must exercise forbearance and diligence. When someone speaks well of us, we must avoid becoming arrogant. 别人不好,我们不能落井下石;别人好 ,我们要随喜赞叹。 别人说你不好,我们要忍辱 精进;别人说你好,我们不能 贡高我慢。 – Master Jun […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Practitioners

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Buddhist practitioners must be serious. Do not conceive unwholesome thoughts with Bodhisattvas. Do not lie to Dharma Protectors. Do not joke with your own spiritual life. 学佛人要认真: 不要和菩萨动杂念,不要和护法神打妄语,不要和自己的慧命开玩笑。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Confessing Our Mistakes

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We must confess when we have done something wrong because trustworthiness is of great importance. Confessing our mistakes indicates our awakening. Concealing our mistakes will lead to more blunders. 做错事情一定讲,一个人的信用度非常重要,讲出来叫觉悟,隐瞒不说就会失误。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Noble In Character

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People who desire nothing are noble in character. People who have no desires will be respected, and their minds remain calm. 人到无求品自高。什么都不求的人,会受到别人的尊重。无求则心平静。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Noble-Minded

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One who has the courage to assume responsibility is noble-minded; one who always wants to evade responsibilities will see the beginning of foolishness. 敢于承担的人,是一个高尚的人;总想回避的人 ,就是愚痴的开始。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Will Prajna Wisdom Develop

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The process of learning is like sowing seeds; it all depends on the right timing, favourable conditions and interpersonal harmony for the seed of enlightenment to grow. Only then will Prajna wisdom develop. We must first learn well if we wish to achieve success. 学习是种子,撒在地上,靠天时、地利、人和长出 悟性出来,般若智慧就有了,任何事情成功都是先要好好学习。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | To Correct Erroneous Thinking

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In practising Buddhism, what is most important is to correct erroneous thinking. If you think clearly, you can make headway in all matters. On the other hand, if you can’t think clearly, everything will stand in your way. 学佛,最重要的是解决思维问题。 思维想通,一切皆通; 思维想不通,一切皆不通。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5