About Marital and Relationship Issues


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Master Jun Hong Lu: This is a real-life story. There was once a wealthy lady, who reared a pet parrot at home. For a period of time, whenever she got home, the parrot would, without fail, regurgitate this phrase, “Be patient…hang on right there, be more patient…”

This evoked her suspicion towards her husband; she suspected that the parrot might have picked up this phrase after overhearing her husband’s phone conversation with his new flame.

Latching on this, this wealthy lady engaged in constant arguments with her husband and demanded for a divorce. When the court requested for more concrete evidence, unbelievably, she took the parrot to the court.

Think about it, this is how we let our personal issues take control of our lives. Do you know the outcome of this story?

Not wanting to let go, this lady continued to quarrel with her husband, only to see both of them eventually go their separate ways.

For that, I’d like to advise all of you not to be trapped in obsessive thoughts and never view others with suspicion. Being suspicious of others merely means that you lack self-confidence!

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Hong Kong, 22 June 2014

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