Words of Wisdom | Disallow Karmic Obstacles to Form

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There is no place for even the minutest amount of dirt in our hearts. Alexandre Dumas once said that it is difficult to understand others, but the most difficult thing is to understand yourself. Never allow yourself to fall into any trap. Never allow the least karmic obstacle to take form, nor harbour any unwholesome […]

Words of Wisdom | Elevate Your Spiritual Level

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Emulate the noble qualities of esteemed, knowledgeable and greatly virtuous Buddhist monastics or lay practitioners. Endeavour to elevate your level of spiritual development. When the Master is not around, draw up a timetable for yourself, maintain the right frame of mind and refrain from clinging to karmic conditions. If we fail to see what truly […]

Words of Wisdom | Time is Life

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Time is life. If we immerse ourselves in the Buddha’s light for every minute of our lives, then our lives will be prolonged. Time is like a sponge that can be squeezed. We must not harm ourselves, as unnecessary sacrifice is a mere waste of life. 时光就是生命,能让每一分钟沐浴在佛光中,那你的生命会延长。时间像海绵中的水,是挤出来的。无谓的牺牲只会浪费自己的生命,人不能常作自我伤害。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | Pause for Five Seconds

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If you pause and think for five seconds before you take an action, utter any word, or conceive any thought, you will have no regrets. 在你的一个行动要做出来之前,在你的一句话要出口之前,在你的一个思维要形成之前,多想五秒钟,你就不会后悔了。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | A Truly Enlightened Buddhist

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A truly enlightened Buddhist has attained an expanding state of spiritual development, a balanced state of mind and infinite wisdom. People who lack tolerance and immeasurable minds will be emotionally unstable. 真正成佛的人都是有宽广的境界,平衡的心态,宽容的智慧。没有无量心和包容心的人,情绪起伏就很大。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Hypocrisy is Pride

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Refrain from hypocrisy – that is our pride. People of different levels of spiritual development will have a different understanding of the Master. 脱离人间虚伪的东西——那就是面子。因境界不同,对师父理解不一样。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Zen and Transcendence

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Zen is a kind of transcendental knowledge. By creating a true understanding of the fundamental nature of the world by way of an empty and clear state of mind, we are able to achieve absolute transcendence and true insight. 禅:是一种超脱的学问,是以一种大空明的心境体会着世界的本真的心态,从而达到一种绝对的超脱和通透。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Human Beings Have Sentiments

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Human beings have sentiments; those who have sentiments would still remain a human being. Only when ordinary love is converted to universal love will lotuses blossom everywhere. 人在情中,情在人中, 把小爱变大爱,才能处处莲花开。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Emptiness

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Emptiness of the mind encompasses pure emptiness, tranquil emptiness and the empty space. When the mind encompasses all of space, we can hold anything in our hearts. 心空包括净空、静空、虚空;心包太虚,心中有宇宙,什么都装得下。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Attachment To The Self

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Attachment is the cause of illusion in the human realm. Take things easy and refrain from contention and quarrels with others, then you will break free from attachment to the self. 执着就是人间的迷惑。 把什么事看得淡一点, 不和别人争,不和别人吵, 就破除了我执。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4