Words of Wisdom | Control Our State of Mind

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Karma is created the moment we comment on someone. We must understand the workings of karma and be untiring in our efforts towards Buddhahood every day. While practising Buddhism, one is likely to slacken when one is not alert. It is important that we have control over our state of mind in order to examine […]

Words of Wisdom | Free From Suffering

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No matter what happened in your previous lives is already in the past. Only by being grounded in the present can you be free from suffering. 过去生中的一切都已过去, 只有当下务实,借假修真, 才能脱离苦海。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Heaven is Watching

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Combat the thought of selfishness the very moment it crosses your mind. Be wholehearted in whatever you do. Heaven is watching, and the Bodhisattva knows what we are doing. Proactively own up to your mistakes and you will earn the respect of others. 狠斗私心一闪念,做什么事要全心全意, 人在做,天在看,菩萨知道。 要主动承认错误,才会得到别人的尊重。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Fill Our Lives With Gratitude

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Be grateful to the Bodhisattva. When one’s heart is filled with gratitude, there is no room for hatred. When we live our lives with feelings of gratitude, we will be blessed with happiness and joy. 感恩菩萨,一切都感恩当中,心中就不会有恨;一切活在感恩中,会特别幸福。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Prerequisites for Buddhahood

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The prerequisites for attaining Buddhahood are diligence, awakening and forbearance. Adopt a positive attitude no matter what you do. The frame of mind is different because the level of spiritual development differs. 成佛之道在于精进,在于开悟,在于忍辱。开开心心,同样做一件事情,境界不一样,心态就会不一样。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Quietness of the Mind

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When you keep a clean mind and look at a statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva mindfully, there will be no distracting thoughts in your mind. If your mind is full of distracting thoughts, there is no way for Guan Yin Bodhisattva to enter your heart. The moment you look at the statue of the Bodhisattva, […]

Words of Wisdom | Treat Subordinates Well

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This is the advice of Guo Ziyi (one of the most powerful generals in China’s Tang Dynasty): Treat your subordinates well. Respect virtuous and knowledgeable people even if they hold lower positions. As long as you are morally upright, the Bodhisattva will take care of you no matter what happens. 郭子仪的故事:对自己的下属好, 礼贤下士,只要心术正, 不管发生什么,菩萨都会来管。   – […]

Words of Wisdom | Key Points for Aspiring Bodhisattvas

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Those who aspire to be a Bodhisattva must bear the following key points in mind: 1. Bodhisattvas are oblivious to the flaws and faults of others. 2. Remain steadfast in cultivating without expecting anything in return. 3. Have no mind. That is, have no anger, no afflictions and no obstructions. It is not that Bodhisattvas […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Fraternity

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You are inviting trouble when you conceive of a deluded thought. In practising Buddhism and spiritual cultivation, what you must nurture is Buddhist fraternity, not personal relationships. 妄心一动就出事, 学佛修心要有佛情,不能有私情。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4