Words of Wisdom | Beget Karmic Obstacles

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If you cause others to conceive of evil or wrongful thoughts, you will beget karmic obstacles. If you cause others to conceive thoughts about you, you have to bear the burden of their negative karma. 因自己的缘故,让别人有邪思邪见,自己就会有业障;让别人对你有想法,你自己就会替人背业。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Best Arrangement

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Have faith in Bodhisattvas that everything will be arranged for the best. Bear in mind that this is not the final arrangement but the best arrangement. 相信菩萨,一切都是最好的安排。 要记住,这个不是最终的安排, 而是最好的安排。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Seeds Of Success

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Hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off immediately. When you fail, that doesn’t mean you will never succeed. It is just that you are still sowing the seeds of success. 每个人的努力不一定马上成功,不成功并不是不会成功,而是正在种植成功的种子。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Be Persistent

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Do not indulge in pleasures when you are young. Do not wait till you experience its efficacy before practising Buddhism. You must be persistent. Only then will your prayers be answered. 享受,不要让它在年轻时接受; 学佛,不要在灵验后才去学, 坚持修心后才会灵验。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Dharma Wisdom

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If you become excessively fixated on dealing with worldly issues, regrets will await you and your karmic obstacles will increase in vexation. If you handle things appropriately with Dharma wisdom, your heart will be filled with Dharma joy. 如果你非常执着地 去处理人间发生的问题, 你一定会后悔, 而且在烦恼中增加业障; 如果你以佛法的智慧 把事情处理的非常恰当, 你的心会流露出法喜。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Unwholesome State Of Mind

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Having an unwholesome state of mind may easily result in the accumulation of negative karma. When you hate others and always look at the dark side of things, you will be caught up in karmic obstacles. 心态不好的人容易积存业障。 恨别人、想不通,业障马上就在身上了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Well-Versed In Dharma

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If a Buddhist practitioner is well-versed in Dharma but still behaves like an ordinary person when faced with worries and lets anger get the better of them when matters arise, then it indicates that they have not been cultivating well. 一个学佛人,如果佛法的道理都懂,但是碰到烦恼依然显现凡夫相,碰到麻烦瞋心马上出来,这就是没修好。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Cultivate Their Minds

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Those who cultivate their minds must learn the ways of the Bodhisattva and use them at all times. We need to handle change with ease. Act in accord with karmic conditions when misfortunes arise and be grateful when blessed with good fortunes. Let nature take its course. 修心人要学菩萨的道理,运用在平时,要应变自如 恶来了随缘,善来了感恩,一切自然来自然去。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Praise Your Compassion

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Do not let the mind engage in mischief and conceive of calculating thoughts. Refrain from doing evil. Instead, think good thoughts and help others often. Think always of being a Bodhisattva and your mind will become like that of a Bodhisattva. Constantly think of and learn from the Bodhisattva’s noble qualities. Future generations will praise […]

Words of Wisdom | Exert Effort On The Cause

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According to the law of cause and effect, karmic retribution is certain when it ripens. How then do we extricate ourselves from this karmic cycle? The best solution is to exert effort on the ’cause’. 按照因果法则,因缘成熟是一定的。 怎样能够让自己在这个 因缘果报当中不受牵连? 最好就是在 因 上多下功夫。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Dharma

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The Dharma is capable of solving the problems of modern life. The Dharma is not history, but the key to solving life’s issues and worries. 佛法能解决现代人生的困难,佛法不是过去的历史,而是解决我们现在人生烦恼的金钥匙。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5