Words of Wisdom | Three stages of self discipline

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A sage should observe three stages of self-discipline. In youth, his physical capability is not fully settled and he should guard against lust. In his prime when his physical capability is solid, he should guard against contention. In old age his physical capability is declining, he should guard against greed. 圣人学会三戒: 少之时,血气初定,戒之在色; 壮年也,血气方刚,戒之在争; 其老也,血气渐衰,戒之在得。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | Six Consciousness

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Ignorance, perpetrated by the six consciousnesses, fulfils existence of conditions. With purity of the six sense organs, purity of the Five Aggregates naturally prevails. 六识无明,薰识为缘。 六根清净,五蕴自明。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Discipline, meditative concentration and wisdom

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With constant joy and pristine purity, one is able to attain concentration of the mind. When one is constantly awakened, one gains inherent wisdom. When one cultivates to perfection without attachment, one observes discipline by nature. When one attains perfection without contaminants, one gains discipline, meditative concentration and wisdom. 常乐我净自性定,常悟我得自性慧, 常圆无执自性戒,常满无漏戒定慧。 – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | The Buddha’s mind

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The Buddha’s mind can remain still at any time. It never departs from the profound subtlety of this state, whether walking, living, sitting or sleeping. 佛的心任何时候都能定下来, 行住坐卧中都不离甚深之微妙。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Truth of the human world

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The true meaning of Dharma is to understand the truth of this human world; to be awakened and liberated; to possess Buddha nature and consciousness. 佛法的法意: 认识人间真谛、 开悟解脱意义、 拥有佛性意识。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6  

Words of Wisdom | Cause and effect

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According to the cause and effect of the three periods of time (past, present and future), if you fail to cherish your blessings in this life, the remaining blessings at the time of your death determine the realm into which you will be reborn. 三世因果中讲: 今世不好好珍惜福报, 临终走时福报决定你去什么道。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Strengthen the root of our own Buddha nature

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Those who seek great wisdom must listen more to others’ views, accept the Buddha nature of sentient beings, and strengthen the root of their own Buddha nature. Additionally, they must remain humble, diligent, and guarded against arrogance and irascibility. 想拥有大智慧,就要多听别人的意见, 接受众生的佛性,增强自己的佛根; 还要谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Regulate Our Emotions

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True cultivators must regulate their emotions until their hearts reach a state of tranquility, neither irascible nor agitated. When all vexations and worries are eliminated, Dharma joy will naturally emerge. 真正学佛的人,要调和自己的心性, 要调到温养,心念不急不躁, 一切烦恼都会消掉,就会流露出法喜。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Buddha Dharma Is The Philosophy

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A wise man is willing to forgive others. The Buddha Dharma is the philosophy of the human realm. People who are muddleheaded can only be wise sometimes whereas people who think they are clever are muddleheaded at all times. 有智慧的人肯原谅别人, 人间的哲理就是佛法, 糊涂人聪明一时,聪明人糊涂一世。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | Avoid Creating Negative Karma

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To change oneself is no easy task. As Buddhists, we must avoid harbouring distracting thoughts, as they will grow and multiply. Any karmic obstacles will multiply. Therefore, avoid creating even the slightest bit of negative karma. 要改变自己多么难,学佛人不能有杂念,因为它会繁殖。任何业障都会繁殖,一点恶业都不能有。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Rely on the Dharma

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Change is the only way of perfecting yourself. Honesty and trustworthiness is the mother of morality. It is its foundation. Never follow a teacher who lacks virtue. It is the Dharma, not some individual, that we should rely on. 一个人在世界上,改变是唯一的方法,一个人的道德是诚信,像母亲一样,那是根本。如果一个师父没有道德,别跟他学,依法不依人。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2