Posted Posted in About Festival and Special Days

WEI TUO BODHISATTVA’S WORDS OF ADVICE FOR VOLUNTEERS AT DHARMA CONVENTIONS AND OTHER RELATED QUESTIONS Caller: Greetings to Master! The Singapore Dharma Convention is just around the corner and Wei Tuo Bodhisattva has a word or two of advice for those volunteers at dharma conventions. Let me share it with you, Master. Wei Tuo Bodhisattva […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

HOW BIG CAN THE HEART OF A MAN BE? Master Jun Hong Lu: In the mountains, there was a small temple, inhabited only by a Zen master and his young novice monk. One day, the novice monk asked the Zen master, “Master, you always say that circumstances arise from the mind and that everything is […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

HOW SHOULD WE MAINTAIN PROPER DISTANCE WITH BUDDHIST FRIENDS WHOM WE INTRODUCE BUDDHISM TO? Question: A Buddhist friend has been practising Guan Yin Citta for many years and has propagated the dharma to a few others. To strengthen the faith of new practitioners, this Buddhist friend has always closely followed up with them. However, after […]


Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

GREED: THE ROOT OF UNHAPPINESS Master Jun Hong Lu: In truth, all the happiness in this world stems from worldly desires. The pleasure of eating stems from our desire to consume food, the pleasure of wealth and fame stems from our greed, our quest for physical intimacy stems from our sexual desire, the pleasure derived […]


Posted Posted in About Spiritual Cultivation

COMPASSION CAN SHIELD ONE FROM HARM Master Jun Hong Lu: Let me tell you that in the 21st century, you can bank on compassion to help you ward off calamities, dispel troubles, eliminate vexations, and defuse conflicts. With a heart of compassion, no major calamities whatsoever will befall you. Conversely, if you lack a compassionate […]


Posted Posted in About Spiritual Cultivation

SPEAK AT A MEASURED PACE Master Jun Hong Lu: The way a person speaks represents his level of cultivation. It is important to speak at a measured pace. What’s the point of speaking at length if others cannot understand what you are saying? Speak slowly and let your words reach the listeners’ ears so that […]


Posted Posted in About Spiritual Cultivation

THE KARMA OF FALSE SPEECH Master Jun Hong Lu: People who habitually tell lies and commit false speech would suffer from another form of retribution apart from being loathed by others – a kind of retribution that affects their body. Bodhisattva said that this retribution comes in the form of bad breath; it is a […]

Never A Challenge Too Big For This Young Buddhist Friend With His Unwavering Faith In Guan Yin Bodhisattva 

Posted Posted in Testimony Sharing

Deepest Gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha! Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors! Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu! Thank you to all Buddhist friends.  I’m grateful to be given this opportunity to share my spiritual cultivation journey in Guan […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 3 Chapter 1 | With Equanimity, Cultivate the Field of Merits and Sow Seeds for Karmic Results

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

On the topic of the world’s end: The apocalypse represents a major catastrophe, inevitably destined to occur. When will it happen? We don’t know, as the energy leading to such a catastrophe hasn’t fully developed yet. This suggests that many people are still acting virtuously, engaging in good deeds, cultivating their minds, reciting scriptures, and […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 35 | Elevating Our Spiritual States, Cultivating the Light of Bodhisattvas

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, let me discuss how humans can enter the Form Realm, an important concept in Buddhism. In reality, these are the material changes that occur after reaching a certain level of spiritual cultivation, akin to physical changes in modern terms. Many understand that cultivation involves the use of an energy field, such as in meditation […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 46 | Employing the Power of Wisdom to Recognise False Self-Awareness

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Wisdom and direct realisation: Wisdom represents a person’s intelligence and energy, and direct realisation lies in how your wisdom and virtuous capabilities confirm the energy of your Buddhist practice. The greater a person’s wisdom, the closer they are to the Bodhisattva. Those who can find solutions and maintain a positive mindset, achieving their goals successfully, […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 45 | No-Thought Signifies Existence of Thought; No Virtue Signifies Existence of Virtue

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

It’s important to understand that thinking “I have merit and virtue” actually means you don’t. When you perform good deeds, in reality, you may not have any merit and virtue. It’s when you believe you lack merit and virtue, that’s when you truly possess it. Being a good person is about not intending to harm […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 44 | Our Mind is Like Water; Our Nature, a Mirror

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I want to discuss with everyone how to eliminate afflictions. People often have a tendency to desire everything and to take in everything, be it food they crave or objects they wish to possess. This inclination leads to the acceptance of various kinds of afflictions. The habit of taking everything as it comes is […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 43 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s Words of Wisdom

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Recognise that birth is the beginning of responsibility, and death marks the conclusion of our duties. When we enter this world and eventually depart, we leave with nothing, having fulfilled our tasks. But the crucial question is, have you accomplished these tasks effectively? Have you cultivated yourself well? Wisdom, albeit intangible, can enrich your life. […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 42 | Applying Wisdom and Virtuous Capability to Attain Harmony, Gentleness, and Tranquillity

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

If one fails to cherish life, they are essentially wasting it. The concept is straightforward: failing to appreciate merit and virtue leads to its waste. When you find yourself in need of merit and virtue, it may not be available, similar to how many people lack funds as they do not save over time. Let’s […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 41 | Learn the State of Buddhahood, Appreciate Law of Karma, Attain Emptiness through Letting Go

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Without fundamental perseverance, a person cannot excel in their Buddhist practice. Wisdom is crucial for discerning the right path and understanding the effectiveness of a Dharma Door. Without wisdom, flitting from one teaching to another, how can one aspire to be a Bodhisattva or even be a good ordinary person? One must adhere to pure […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 40 | Bring Forth the Bodhi Mind and Threefold Mind

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

How does one bring forth the Bodhi mind (Bodhicitta), the mind of enlightenment? Many people know that they should bring forth the Bodhi mind, but how should it be done? Firstly, learn to care for all sentient beings. One should learn to care for every individual. Embrace the concept of “when others drown, I drown,” which means […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 39 | Mastering No-Self, Empowering Self-Confidence

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will discuss the importance of reciting Buddhist scriptures with a devoted heart, true faith, and a sincere aspiration. This practice also requires a connection, or an affinity with the Buddha. When reciting scriptures, it’s your own heart that you are engaging. Reciting the Buddha’s name is an act of self-power, serving as a […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 38 | Learn to Cultivate Awareness First: The Key to Appreciating Awakening

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

When a soul enters the human body, the initial awareness it experiences is called the “initial determination”. This is when the Buddha-nature begins to operate. Following this initial awakening – Actualised Enlightenment – there emerges a sequence of external, internal, and intuitive awareness. External awareness refers to one’s perception of the external world; internal awareness […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 37 | Letting Go of Troublesome Thoughts, Finding Perfect Enlightenment

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

“As the sky is subject to unforeseen winds and clouds, so too are people’s fortunes and misfortunes prone to swift and unexpected changes.” In this world, hardships are ever-present in our lives. Yet, those who truly propagate the Buddha-dharma and awaken sentient beings do not merely dress themselves as Bodhisattvas but are real beings of […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 36 | Merging a Heart of Pure Goodness with the Bodhisattva’s Mind

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Continuing our discussion, when you enter the state of emptiness, I liken it to a white cloud. In its purest form, this cloud symbolises the state of emptiness. Can you feel what it comprises when you touch it? You cannot, but you can see it, just as when we stand atop Mount Lu and a […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 34 | Learning the Bodhisattva Path, Practising the Ten Wholesome Kinds of Actions to Attain Virtuous Outcomes

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

The Second Ground Bodhisattva must steadfastly pursue Buddhahood.  They should take the Buddha’s path as their guiding principle, bringing forth the compassionate vow to awaken and liberate all beings. Essentially, seek Buddhahood above while guiding and awakening living beings below, continuing to benefit both themselves and others through the ten wholesome kinds of actions. I urge you […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 33 | Be Free of Desire and Practise Holy Lifeway, Attain Buddha-Nature

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will continue to discuss the Bodhisattva of the Second Ground. Let me first describe the state of the Second Ground Bodhisattva. The Second Ground is also referred to as the Ground of Freedom from Defilement. “It is named the Ground of Freedom from Defilement due to their marvellous cultivation of the Middle Way and […]