Words of Wisdom | Transcend the cycle of rebirth and attain enlightenment

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We must let go of fame and wealth of the material world, reign in our distracting thoughts, and cleanse our minds of impurities. Only then can we transcend the cycle of rebirth for good and attain enlightenment in one lifetime. 要舍去人间的名利,克服自身心中的杂念,洗涤意识当中的浊念,才能轮回永断,一世修成! – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6  

Words of Wisdom | The Moment

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The moment we pick up a book of Dharma and intend to help others, we start to sow the seeds of blessings and good karma. The moment we set our minds to being kind to others, we begin to plant a field of blessings. The moment we receive a Dharma book, we have sown the […]

Words of Wisdom | Our State of Mind Requires Cultivation

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Many people are caught up in the arising and ceasing of their own karmic conditions. Our emotions are controlled by our intelligence, and our intelligence is subject to our state of mind. Our state of mind requires cultivation to develop, just like flowers in a garden require our care to flourish. 多少人活在自己缘生缘灭中, 情绪受控于智商, 智商受控于境界。境界如花朵在花园中一样, 需要浇灌才能茁壮生长。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Accord with Conditions

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Everything ebbs and flows, such is the way of nature. Following the way of nature is according with conditions. Only when conditions arise can we act in accordance with them. 一切自然来,自然去,自然是什么?自然就是缘。有了缘,才能随缘。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Take refuge in our innate Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

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We should take refuge in the Triple Gem of our own nature the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. We take refuge in our innate Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha: to have the Buddha in our minds, to practise the Dharma in our daily life, and to emulate the Sangha by observing the precepts. 人应当自做皈依,皈依自性三宝, 自己皈依自己的佛、法、僧, […]

Words of Wisdom | Fulfillment

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What is meant by fulfillment? It means helping others. What is meant by cultivating the mind? It means changing yourself. What is meant by awakening? It means letting go of your ego.  什么叫充实?帮助别人。什么叫修心?改变自己。什么叫开悟?放下自己。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Sincerity

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We must be sincere when we pray to Bodhisattvas. When Bodhisattvas are moved by our sincerity, they are sure to help us. Selfish people will not receive the protection and blessings from Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors. 求菩萨要真诚让菩萨感动,菩萨一定帮你。自私的人不会受到菩萨和护法神保佑的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Think Clearly

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In modern society, we avoid torturing ourselves when we can think clearly. Not thinking clearly is to torture ourselves. 现代社会想开了就叫不折磨自己,想不开就是在折磨自己。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | A Wise Person

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Truly wise people can overcome themselves mentally, exercise self-control over their actions, and are kind with their words. 真正有智慧的人:精神上战胜自己,行为上控制自己,语言上慈悲自己。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | The Five Precepts

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must be morally upright, observe the five precepts, develop infinite wisdom, help sentient beings spiritually awaken and be filled with Dharma joy. Only then can we accrue immeasurable merits and virtues. 学佛人就是要刚正不阿、严守五戒,智慧充裕、救度众生、法喜充满、功德无量! – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Fame And Wealth

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All the fame and wealth in the world are subject to the cycle of formation, existence, decay and emptiness. We should  never rely on them.  在人间成住坏空的名闻利养,尽量不要留。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6 e

Words of Wisdom | Body, Speech and Mind

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The body, speech and mind are the three steps along the path of cultivation. The first step is to abstain from unwholesome bodily actions. The second is to refrain from creating karma of speech, and the third is to refrain from creating karma of the mind. 身口意是三个步骤。身体不造业是第一步, 口中不造业是第二步, 意念不造业是第三步。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]