Words of Wisdom | Learning Buddhism

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Learning Buddhism is learning to push aside all worldly afflictions. All people and all things have aspects that pose obstacles for us. To return to the original state of our inherent virtuous nature, we must see through the truth of life and become completely enlightened. 学佛就是要学会将人间的烦恼事情拨开,人、事、物都是我们的障碍, 想穿想明、彻底开悟, 才能回归人类之本性的美德。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Truly Believe

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Only when we truly believe in Bodhisattva will we be trusted by others. Only when we truly believe that our pure hearts can help others will we truly get help from others in times of need. 只有真正相信菩萨存在, 才能让别人相信你; 只有真的相信自己这颗纯洁的心能够帮助别人,才能真正得到世人的帮助。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Selfishness

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Selfishness is like a time bomb it will certainly explode one day, just like a selfish person will certainly hurt himself. 人的自私心犹如一颗定时炸弹, 放在你的身边,终有一天会爆炸, 会伤害你自己。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | Hurting Others

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One who conceals his own weaknesses by hurting others is someone who not only suffers from mental instability, but also is hurt by demons of the mind. 用伤害别人来掩饰自己缺点的人, 是心灵创伤的受害者, 也是心魔作怪的受伤者。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Wisdom Is The Key

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Wisdom is the key to sparing us from the many karmic obstacles brought upon by the impermanence of life. Live a life free from attachments, and let nature takes its course. Recognise that when we are born into this world, we start taking responsibility for our behaviour. Our lives are the place where we generate […]

Words of Wisdom | Pass Virtues Onto Children

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We should cultivate blessings and virtues by doing good in this world. Leave to our children more virtues, so that they can pass these virtues onto their children and protect them. 要修福修德,多给孩子留一些德, 才能让德性传给子孙后代,庇荫他们。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Cherish

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We should cherish the Buddhist friends we encounter in this life. Such good affinities were formed from countless past lifetimes of cultivating minds and going through trials and tribulations together. We should not be envious of the wealth and fame others possess in this life. Such blessings are the results of performing good deeds and […]

Words of Wisdom | Good Affinities

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When we help others, we sow the seeds of being able to receive help in times of need. When we form good affinities with others, we can come together like a family reunion. 当你帮助别人的时候,就种下了贵人缘;种下善缘,才会得到团圆。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Compassion Of Buddhist Practitioners

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A road cannot be driven on without the effort of its builders. A flower cannot blossom without the care of gardeners. Sentient beings cannot be liberated from suffering and attain happiness without the compassion of Buddhist practitioners. 没有修路的人,哪有金光大道?没有栽花的人,哪有鲜花灿烂?没有学佛人的慈悲, 哪有众生的离苦得乐?     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | Bias

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Bias happens when one fails to see things in their entirety.  No matter how good a watch is, it is biased if it is not accurate.  Life’s journey can be compared to buttoning a shirt.  If the first button is put wrong, then every button will be wrong.  If a person takes one wrong step, […]

Words of Wisdom | Kindness And Compassion

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must treat everyone and everything with kindness and compassion, and relieve ourselves of worries with wisdom. Be grateful to others for their hard work. Adopt the Buddhist philosophy of feeling others pain and suffering as our very own to protect ourselves from disasters and to understand the true meaning of life. […]

Words of Wisdom | Cure For Regret

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We never know the value of what we have until we lose it. There is no medicine for regret in this world. Everything is already gone when we begin to regret. However, for a Buddhist practitioner, there is a cure for regret reciting the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance. 人总是在失去的时候才猛然醒悟。世界上没有后悔药,当我们后悔的时候,一切已经离我们而去。学佛人学佛之后拥有了后悔药, 那就是《礼佛大忏悔文》。     – Master Jun […]

Words of Wisdom | Happiness

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Happiness has nothing to do with money.  Money cannot buy Dharma joy.  In fact, the more we have in this world, the more afflictions we may face. 人的快乐多少与拥有的财富是没有关系的,心中的法喜是财富买不到的, 拥有人间的财富越多,可能烦恼就越多。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Learn To Forgive

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A Buddhist practitioner should first learn to forgive. Forgiveness brings about miracles, helping save broken relationships. Forgiveness helps us understand others like a lamp that illuminates our hearts, enabling us to let go of resentment, vengeance, and jealousy. Forgiveness is the path to a healthy state of mind. 学佛人首先要学会原谅别人,原谅别人就会产生生奇迹,会挽回感情的损失; 原谅别人会谅解理解别人,像一盏灯照亮你的心,让你放下怨恨、报复心与嫉妒心,有原谅别人的心就会给你的心铺成一条健康之路。     – Master Jun […]

Words of Wisdom | Wise People

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There are three unique characteristics of wise people: 1. They are highly tolerant and impartial; 2. They practise the giving of kind and truthful words, and never lie; 3. They think of nothing but the well-being of sentient beings. 智慧有三个殊胜点: 首先,学智慧的人要懂得, 做事情气量要大,行为要公正; 第二,语言布施,善言真语,不说妄语;第三,思无所得,想众生想。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1 […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Practitioner

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A Buddhist practitioner should hold themselves to high standards of spiritual cultivation, complete with merits and virtues. It is necessary to have both merits and virtues. Never belittle or diminish the Buddha-nature, or we will lose merits and virtues. 学佛的人要有境界,功德要齐备, 一个人“功”和“德”均不可少。千万不要轻视、藐视佛性, 才不会损失功德。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1   […]

Words of Wisdom | The Minds Of Bodhisattvas

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We must understand that Bodhisattvas have no mind; Bodhisattvas take the minds of sentient beings as their own. The minds of sentient beings are my mind. The forms of sentient beings are my form. The afflictions of sentient beings are my afflictions. In essence, the minds of Bodhisattvas are the same as the minds of […]

Words of Wisdom | Compassion

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Compassion is the foundation for changing our destiny. Spare more thought for others, and less for ourselves. In this way, we can reduce our desires and our heart will be pure and calm, unperturbed by any circumstances. We can then gain control over ourselves and be the master of own destiny. 改变命运的基础是要有慈悲心。多想别人,少想自己,就能减少欲望, 心灵清净; 心不随境转,就能控制自己,主宰自己, 做自己命运的主人。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddha-Dharma

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“Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door” provides solutions for our spiritual needs. How can we be happy with a troubled mind? Practising Buddhism is about changing our personality and destiny. Because Buddha-Dharma provides solutions to our everyday issues, it is the world’s Buddha-Dharma. “心灵法门”解决人的心灵问题, 心病不除,如何开心?学佛改变性格,改变命运, 佛法用在人间,故为人间佛法。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | State Of Mind

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Our state of mind is most important. If we cannot think clearly, we will not accomplish anything. If we think clearly, we can achieve everything. 人最要紧的是精神。精神想不通,万事都是空; 精神想得通,万事都能通。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | Kind Vs. Evil

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A kind person may not have received their blessings, yet calamity is already far away. An evil person may not have been stricken by calamity, yet blessings are already out of range. 人行善,福还未至,祸已远离; 人行恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | An Enlightened Person

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An enlightened person will not be worried in times of hardship. Whatever circumstances they encounter, they act in accordance with conditions; they are not bothered by gains or losses. Their mind remains steady, neither increasing nor decreasing. They turn themselves from an ordinary person into a sage. The mind is free from obstructions. This very […]

Words of Wisdom | Positive Connections

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If we want to have favourable causes and conditions in this life, if we want to have blessings and receive help in times of need, we should always form positive connections with all beings. 如果想在人间有因缘、有福分、 有贵人的话,就要广结善缘。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Everything Is Temporary

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In this world, with rise there is decline, with birth there is death, with coming together there is separation. Everything by nature is temporary. What we possess today may not last forever, and what we gain today may not always be ours. However, what we lose today may be ours again tomorrow. Indeed, Our minds […]