Words of Wisdom | Let Go of the False Self

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To help us get rid of our false sense of pride, ego and arrogance, the Master will keep pointing out our shortcomings until we eventually let go of our inflated egos, pretentious self-esteem and the ‘self’ that we have been clinging to. Many people have lost their physical lives, along with their spiritual lives, for […]

Words of Wisdom | We Make Our Own Troubles

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Convince others with virtues, not reason. Do not ask for troubles as, more often than not, we make our own trouble. 懂得一个道理,要以德服人,不是以理服人。不要给自己找麻烦,因为自己就是烦恼的制造者。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Educate Children with Affection and Reason

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When it comes to educating children, it is important to enlighten them with affection and motivate them with reason. Punish them when they make mistakes while also helping them restore a balanced state of mind. 教育孩子,做错了既要惩罚, 又要助他们弥补心灵, 能够动之以情,晓之以理。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Understand Others

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Learn to understand others. Most people do not want to understand others, instead wanting others to understand them. This is egotism. We should try to think less of ourselves and more of others. Try to understand others better. 要学会理解别人。每一个人都不会想到去了解别人,都想让别人了解自己,这就是一切以“我”为出发点。活在世界上,少想自己,多想别人,多了解别人。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Relationships and Love

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True and profound love can often be found in the simplest of moments. Interpersonal relationships are all about heart to heart interactions. However, once separated, our hearts will become estranged. 人與人之間,平淡中見真情, 做人是心與心的交流, 人和人之間一旦離開,心就疏遠。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Good Deeds and Strength

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We should do good deeds that touch people’s hearts throughout our lives. Only by setting a good example for others will we become strong. 人的一生,多做一些让人感动的事,要以身作则,自己才会坚强。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Ups and Downs in Life

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Ups and downs are inevitable in life. The more favourable the situation, the humbler we need to be. Keep bitterness to ourselves and leave happiness to others. 人生的高高低低都是正常的, 越是好的時候,越要低頭, 好的時候要謙卑; 把苦留給自己,把快樂留給別人。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Monastics

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Buddhist monks and nuns have no wealth of their own. They cultivate gratitude towards sentient beings by accepting their offerings. 法師沒有自己的財, 通過眾生的供養, 培養自己感恩眾生的心。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Be Filial by taking Ownership for your Karma

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Learn to adjust your mentality and avoid worrying your parents by sharing your stress with them. Practise filial piety by easing their minds and taking responsibility for your own karma and your lives. 学会调节心态,孝敬父母,不能跟父母讲太多有压力的事,要让父母放心,自己业自己背,必须学会自己承担。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Original Aspiration

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We should never forget our original aspiration or our roots. If we lose our ability to become emotional or feel touched, we also lose our ability to be grateful. 人不忘初始心,不能忘本啊!没有激动之心,没有感动的心,就会没有感恩心。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2