Words of Wisdom | Excuses

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Looking for excuses to cover up your mistakes is an indication that you do not want to change. The process of looking for excuses is detrimental to your true nature. It harms you and leaves your conscience with no place to stay. 任何一个人找理由,就是不想改,找理由就是在破坏自己的本性,伤害自己,让良心找不到地方。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2 ,  

Words of Wisdom | Criticisms

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Do not get angry over other people’s criticisms. Think of the reason behind them instead. Either the other party has a personal motive or you are at fault. 不要生气,人家讲你,总有道理,要么别人有私心,要么自己有毛病。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Aspire to be Bodhisattvas

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Though we are in the human realm, we do not have to settle for being ordinary. We must aspire to be Bodhisattvas; act consistently no matter if we are in public or in private. 我们在人道,不必刻意做人,一定要做菩萨,人前、人后一个样。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Karma of Speech

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You will be held responsible if others create karma of speech because of you. When you make others emotionally attached to you, it is also considered to be your fault. 你去让别人造口业,你说你有没有业?你让别人爱你了,你也有罪业。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Master Lu’s Love

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The Master regards himself as a father who can be strict but gentle. His love to all of us stems from the bottom of his heart. It is genuine and deep. 师父的爱就像父亲爱,大爱,既严格,又温和,真情流露,真爱,非常深。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Truth and Falsehoods

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What is true is forever true and what is false is forever false. We cultivate sincerely for the benefit of ourselves, not for others. Even the Bodhisattva is unable to save a person with a defiled heart. 真的永远是真的,假的永远是假的。真心修,不为别人而修。肮脏的心灵,菩萨也救不了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Purify Our Minds

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Guan Yin Bodhisattva tells us that compassion is the key to spiritually awakening sentient beings. We will live a better life and be immersed in the Buddha light of the Bodhisattva when we learn to forgive others and purify our minds. It is impossible to keep the Bodhisattva’s pure water clean if it is poured […]

Words of Wisdom | Our Heavenly Mother

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Guan Yin Bodhisattva will be touched by our sincerity and diligence. Guan Yin Bodhisattva always smiles at us like a mother, but deep in Her heart, She is worried about the ignorance of sentient beings. 诚实,真修,才会感动别人,感动观世音菩萨。菩萨母亲永远是在微笑,但菩萨心中很着急,急众生的不觉悟。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | People’s Mind

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People’s minds are their most important feature. They are the products of the external influences that we are exposed to. The nature of one’s mind is one’s own nature from within.  Only when the nature of one’s mind is wholesome will their fortunes be good.  Once they have eliminated their weaknesses, the mind and the […]

Words of Wisdom | Level of Spirituality

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We must remember wholesome things and forget all unwholesome things. However, once our level of spirituality has advanced, we should forget both wholesome and unwholesome things. 善的东西都记着,恶的东西都忘记; 境界提高后,要善恶都忘记。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom 7          

Words of Wisdom | Be Open Minded

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In whatever we do, we must refrain from being selfish; we must be open minded and desire nothing from others. Then we will have wisdom in dealing with things. 做任何事情要没有私心,心胸坦荡,对别人无所求,在人间做事就会有智慧。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8