Words of Wisdom | Overcome Evil

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The Master’s mission in this human realm is to act as a Dharma Protector at times and to fight evil. We cannot attain Buddhahood without overcoming evil. This is why the Master never hesitates to point out our shortcomings and to purify the contamination in our minds and bodies, not a single shred of which […]

Words of Wisdom | Be a Spiritual Pillar of Strength

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

We should be like a pillar while our Buddhist friends are like the concrete which relies on the pillar to stay firm and strong. The Master wants us to possess the spiritual willpower of steel. 我们应该像根柱子,佛友是水泥,水泥需要柱子才能坚强挺拔,师父需要你们拥有的是心灵的钢筋。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Distractions and Quality of Little Houses

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

The quality of Little Houses (a combination of Buddhist Scriptures) is a manifestation of the reciter’s level of spiritual development. When the mind is distracted, the quality of Little Houses is compromised. 小房子(经典经文组合)代表一个人的修心境界,心很乱时,念不出来的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Adjust Your Mindset

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Never look down upon anyone; each individual has their own strengths. Put your heart into everything that you do. Adjust your mindset and direction to make sure you are on the right track. 不要轻视任何人,每个人有每个人的能力,用心做每一件事,经常校正自己的思维,调整自己方向。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Embody the Buddha’s Spirit

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Precepts are the ‘laws’ of Buddhism and Buddhist monks are like lawyers. Being propagators of the Buddha’s teachings, you know deep down that you should set a good example. It’s the heart that matters. Let people see the existence of Bodhisattvas through you. Someone who is well-versed in laws will not violate them. The Sangha […]

Words of Wisdom | Shortcomings

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

A shortcoming is like putrid food; it must be thrown away. It requires perseverance and determination to be successful in practising Buddhism. 人的缺点就像腐烂的菜,要倒掉;学佛要有恒心、决心、才会成功。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2