Words of Wisdom | Harmonise With Sentient Beings

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must open our hearts to cultivating a higher level of spirituality. Only then are we able to harmonise with sentient beings. Attachment to deluded thoughts and prejudice only serves to build a barrier dividing ourselves from sentient beings. 学佛人要敞开心扉修到一个高境界,才能与众生和合;妄念的执着偏见为自己建造了脱离众生的城池。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | Elevate Our Level Of Spirituality

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Explore the innate nature from the wisdom of sentient beings and elevate our level of spirituality amidst simple life. Always thinking of others can lead us closer to the Buddha. By observing the precepts, we can perfect the illumination of our innate nature. 从众生的智慧中挖掘本性, 在平淡的生活中提升境界。 经常想着别人就能接近佛, 通过守戒才能圆满本性的光芒。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | Being Moved

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Being moved gives rise to positive energy. Only those who are frequently moved will have frequent appreciation and insight. Buddha nature is found in the potential for enlightenment, whereas energy is found in the sentiment. 感动是正能量, 只有常感动才会常感悟, 佛性在悟性中发现, 能量在感动中拥有。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | Realising The Truth

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Practising meditation itself is realising the truth; realising the truth itself is Prajna wisdom. When you realise emptiness, you will understand the truth about Zen. 禅修亦禅悟, 禅悟亦般若。 当你拥有了空性, 你才能理解禅的真谛。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | On Merit and Virtue

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On merit and virtue: Merit is a result of effort, whereas virtue exists in our true nature. Many people perform acts of merit superficially, but they will not be able to gain merit and virtue unless their actions are virtuous. It is not difficult to do good deeds. What is difficult is to do good […]

Words of Wisdom | Symbolism of Incense Sticks

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Offering one stick of incense symbolises wholeheartedness, faith and devotion to one Buddhist practice, while three sticks symbolise the respect to the Triple Gems – the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. 一支香代表一心一意,全心全意,一门精进。三支香代表供养佛、法、僧三宝。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Training Our Minds

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Training our minds is a self-motivated endeavour, we cannot count on others to do this for us. To succeed, we have to be strong and determined. 修心全靠自己,靠不了别人,要有坚强的心,坚定的心。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | The Path to Enlightenment

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The spiritual path to enlightenment is like climbing a pagoda; the higher it gets, the steeper it becomes. This is why fewer and fewer practitioners are able to transcend beyond the human realm. Once we reach the top of the pagoda, however, we will have succeeded. 修得上去的人越来越少,就像宝塔一样,越高越难,修到塔顶就成功了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]