Words of Wisdom | Ten feet away from heaven or hell

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Those who endure ten years of suffering in the human realm to eliminate their negative karma are only ten feet away from heaven. Those who indulge themselves in sensual pleasures for ten years are only ten feet away from hell. 在人间吃苦消业十年, 离天上就只有十尺之遥;  在人间享乐挥霍十年, 离地狱就只有十尺之遥。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Performing virtuous deeds

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No matter how much merits and virtues you have accumulated, you still need to continue performing virtuous deeds. It is like washing your face; you still have to wash it every day despite the fact that you washed it in the past. 过去做过再多的功德, 现在要继续做, 如同洗脸, 过去洗得再多, 现在还是要天天洗脸。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Be Open-Minded

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A sponge can only absorb more water when it is squeezed dry. Likewise, we as Buddhist practitioners should be open-minded in order to assimilate more Buddhism-related knowledge. 学佛人应像海绵吸水一样,必须先把海绵的水挤完了,才能容纳、吸纳更多的佛法知识。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Transfer Merits to Virtuous People

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If you are to transfer merits and virtues to someone else, choose someone who is a virtuous individual. Helping an evil person not only creates karmic obstacles, but also amounts to aiding and abetting their wrongdoings. 做功德也要给一个有功德的人,帮坏人,帮邪思邪念的人,就有业障,你会助长了他缺点的延续。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Possessed by Spirits

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Bodhisattvas will leave those who are possessed by spirits which are intent on ruining their spiritual lives. Once they have lost their spiritual lives, they are subject to punishment by Dharma Protectors. 灵性在你身上,菩萨会远离你而去,灵性会糟蹋你的慧命,失去慧命,护法神就会来惩罚你。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Make the Most of Your Life

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Cherish your life. Those who enjoy giving without reluctance and applying the Four Immeasurables Loving-kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity are those who make the most of their lives. 珍惜生命,勇于喜舍,懂得慈悲喜舍的人,就是在珍惜自己的生命啊! – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | True Merits And Virtues

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Where there is no regret in life, there is merit; where there is no disgruntlement in life, there is virtue. Where there is neither disgruntlement nor regret, there are true merits and virtues. 人生无悔就是功, 人生无怨便是德, 无怨无悔才是真功德。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | The Right Way Of Cultivation

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When the cause is exterminated, the effect becomes void. Emptiness refers to the principle that when one ceases to create the ‘cause’, the karmic seed will bear no fruit. This is the so-called celestial law expounded in the Buddha’s teaching; this is the right way of cultivation. 把因破除,果就空了, 空无就是不造因, 业种自然无果, 这就是佛法讲的天律, 这就是正道的修行。   – Master […]

Words of Wisdom | Good Fortune and Blessings

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Good fortune and blessings come from respecting others; holding the Master and the Bodhisattvas in high esteem; performing the Five Constant Virtues (Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Fidelity); and guarding against arrogance. One who upholds these values will see gradual improvement in themselves. 福报是怎么来的?尊重别人,思诚师父,思诚菩萨,懂得“仁义礼智信”,懂得不能生轻慢心,这个人就会慢慢地好。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Master Lu Loves Us

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The Master never gives up on anyone easily. He has always loved us with his heart and soul. The Master has been nurturing and protecting our spiritual lives. 师父是用全部的生命和心血在爱你们,师父从来不轻易放弃任何一个人。师父一直在呵护你们慧命。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Energy Becomes Purer

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When the heart becomes quieter, the energy becomes purer. Such energy is like tea leaves in a cup; when they are submerged in hot water, the fragrance of tea will permeate the air. 心越来越静,气越来越纯, 如杯中的茶叶一样, 只有用热水压住茶叶, 茶香自然溢出。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8