Words of Wisdom | Avoid Attachment To Appearances

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The distinction between ‘doing’ and ‘non-doing’ lies in intention and purpose. The former is attached to appearances while the latter breaks through the attachments to four kinds of appearances. Doing something without expecting any reward shows the ability to avoid attachment to appearances. 有为和无为就是重视与目的。 有为就是会着相; 无为就是破四相, 不求回报的行为能离相。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | To Be Discreet In Speech

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Slow-flowing water runs deep ; one who is cautious in words is noble. We need two years to learn to speak but ten years to learn to be discreet in what we say. To learn to be discreet in speech is the beginning of spiritual practice. 水深则流缓,语迟则人贵。 花两年时间学说话, 花十年功夫才能学会谨言。 学会谨言就是修心的开始。   – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | Importance Of Spiritual Cultivation

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Understanding your mind and realising your true nature is about seeing through the nature of birth and death. Once you know that the human soul will not become extinct, you will realise the importance of spiritual cultivation. 要明心见性,就是要看破生死。当你知道人的灵魂不灭,你才能了悟修行的重要性。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Minds Should Not Become Entangled

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Our minds should not become entangled in the concept of right and wrong. If our minds do not make judgments of right and wrong, there will also be no conflicts and contradictions. 要心中无事无非无心,心中没有什么事情是对的、错的,那么就会产生出无心无非。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Emptiness Of The Dharma

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must understand that if we are unable to practise altruism and help sentient beings, we will never attain the state of ’emptiness of the self’. If we cannot empty our thoughts, we will not realise the state of ’emptiness of the Dharma’.  学佛人要懂得,如果一个学佛人不能利他、帮助众生,就永远不会 “我空”。如果思维不能空,也就无法达到 “法空”。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Transformation Of Karmic Conditions

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We are all caught up in the arising and ceasing of karmic conditions, both large and small, that change constantly and unceasingly. Our lives start from the transformation of karmic conditions until their end, resulting in extinction. 在大大小小的缘生缘灭中,缘分在人间相互转变、延续不断,所以一个人的一生就是从缘分的相互转变,到缘分的尽头,产生灭度。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Act Of Cherishing

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The act of cherishing is a virtue. By cherishing your relationships with others, you will be rewarded with sincerity. By cherishing friendship, you will be rewarded with affection. Cherishing every tree and blade of grass shows you are a compassionate and kind-hearted person. Cherishing the Dharma shows you are a person of great wisdom.   […]

Words of Wisdom | Buddhists Must Not Harm Themselves

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Buddhists must not harm themselves by harbouring the slightest negative thought. It may be fine if you bear a grudge against others for a month. However, if you bear it for a year, two years or even three years, it will only cause you serious harm.   学佛人不能把任何一点一滴不好的心态放在心中,去伤害自己。你把对别人的恨放在心中一个月没关系,放一年、两年、三年之后,你就会严重伤害到自己 。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Enlightenment Should Be The Objective

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Enlightenment should be the objective of practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind. We must practise kindness and remove evil thoughts from our minds, replace negative relationships with positive ones, and use wholesome thoughts to let go of all karmic affinities. 学佛修心,要以开悟为宗旨, 用善心消除内心的恶念, 用善缘消除自己的恶缘, 用善念让自己放下万缘。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Concept Of Discipline

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Observing the precepts is like stopping when the traffic light turns red and proceeding when the light turns green. Abiding by the precepts means that one must see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil. Observing the precepts is the concept of discipline. 守戒就是看见红灯要停, 看见绿灯要行; 持戒就是不该看的不看, 不该说的不说, 不该听的不听。 持戒是规范的理念。   – Master Jun […]

Words of Wisdom | Success Lies in Faith and Commitment

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Our success lies in faith and commitment. According to Buddhism, we should devote ourselves to one Buddhist practice. It is of vital importance to have faith in an enlightened Master, without the slightest doubt. 人的成功在“信”字,要有愿力,佛法讲,一门精进,相信明白的师父很重要,不能有丝毫怀疑。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2

Words of Wisdom | Bodhi

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The more magnanimous you are, the stronger your intuition becomes. Intuition will be transformed into your potential for awakening, which will be transformed into Bodhi. 心量越大的人,灵感越强, 灵感转化为悟性,悟性成就菩提。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4