Words of Wisdom | Grievances and Hardships

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

The grievances that you endure today serve to lessen the misery that you may suffer tomorrow. The hardship that you endure today serves to lessen the setbacks you may have to suffer tomorrow. 今天多受点委屈, 就是让你的明天少吃点苦; 今天多受点难, 就是让你的明天少受点罪。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Buddha

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

If you seek the Buddha outside of your mind, you won’t find the Buddha. When you know everything is illusory and are able to steer clear of it, you will find the Buddha. If you can’t see the nature of the mind and matter, you won’t find the Buddha. This very mind and the condition […]

Words of Wisdom | Three stages of self discipline

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

A sage should observe three stages of self-discipline. In youth, his physical capability is not fully settled and he should guard against lust. In his prime when his physical capability is solid, he should guard against contention. In old age his physical capability is declining, he should guard against greed. 圣人学会三戒: 少之时,血气初定,戒之在色; 壮年也,血气方刚,戒之在争; 其老也,血气渐衰,戒之在得。 – […]