Words of Wisdom | Inner Misery

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Inner misery is due to not having wisdom and sentient beings in your heart. Only when we truly understand ourselves can we trust others, understand sentient beings and possess wisdom. 内心的凄凉,就是没有众生和智慧。 人只有明白自己,才能信任别人, 理解众生,拥有智慧。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Have Sentient Beings In Your Heart

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Those who love only themselves and not other sentient beings will have an extremely lonely existence. Only when you have sentient beings in your heart will you know why you have not become lost. 只爱自己,不爱众生, 就会活得非常孤独, 只有把众生放在自己的心上, 才会知道为什么我没有迷茫。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Pinnacle Of Life

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Buddhist practitioners must be aware that arrogance represents disappointment whereas humility represents clarity. Lower your head and you will reach the pinnacle of life. 学佛人要懂得, 傲慢代表着失望,谦虚代表着清醒, 要让自己的头垂得低低的, 才能攀上 人生的高峰。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Life Is Impermanent

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Only through understanding that life is impermanent and perpetually changing will we cherish our limited lifetime. Let go of meaningless attachments, and face life’s afflictions and vexations with equanimity. 明白生命在转换,是无常的, 才会珍惜有限的生命, 才能放下无谓的执着, 才能坦然面对人生的痛苦烦恼。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Compassion As A Foundation

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Buddhist practitioners must place filial piety above everything else and regard compassion as a foundation. Thus, we should regard those who are older than us as our elders, those who are younger as our children, and those who are of the same age as our siblings. Then we can truly have boundless compassion. 在学佛人要以孝心为重,以慈悲心为本。 所以,看待比我们年长的,要把他们看成是自己的长辈;比我们小的,要看成是我们的孩子;跟我们一样年龄的,要看成是我们的兄弟姐妹,这样你才会拥有真正的无缘大慈。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Best To Change Yourself

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When you can’t change others, it is best to change yourself. Only by changing yourself can you gradually change others. Only by completely changing yourself can you eventually change your world. You can’t move a mountain towards you, but you can move towards the mountain. 当你改变不了别人的时候,最好的方法就是改变自己。 只有改变自己,慢慢地你才会改变别人;只有彻底改变自己,最终才可以改变你自己的世界。 山如果移不过来,那你就自己过去吧。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | Nothing is Perfect

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Everyone has, at one time or another, experienced trauma related to family, children or business. This, in fact, represents a kind of maturity. Every trauma that you have experienced reminds you that nothing in this world is perfect or permanent.  在人间,每个人都有过创伤, 家庭和孩子,或自 己生意上的, 其实这也代表着你的一种成熟。 每一种创伤就是让你知道, 在这个世界上, 没有一件事情是可以圆满和长久的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Awaken Spiritually

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As we live in the world, it is only by diligently taking action that we can gain real knowledge. When we practise Buddhism, it is only by making every effort to help sentient beings to awaken spiritually that the Buddha can stay in our hearts forever. 人活在世界上, 只有努力地去实践,才会得到真知; 要想学佛,只有努力地去度众生, 佛将永远长留在你的心中。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Exercise Strong Faith

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Once you know what to do, you should immediately follow through instead of finding excuses to hinder yourself. Success is achieved by those who act. Once you hear and have faith in Buddhism, exercise strong faith to put it into action. This is what Buddhists call ‘faith, commitment and action’. 人知道了,就应该马上去做, 而不是找理由来阻碍自己, 人的成功在于行 。 你听到了,相信了, […]

Words of Wisdom | Boundless Love

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When you conduct yourself with kindness, you will nurture boundless love. Kindness should permeate every aspect of your life and career. Hence, you will enjoy good health and smooth sailing in your career. 以善心处世为人,你会大爱无疆, 善会在你的生命和事业中蔓延, 所以,你的事业就会顺利, 你的身体才会健康。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | True Cultivation

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True cultivation is about cultivating ourselves without seeking shortcuts. True cultivation yields the result that corresponds to the Buddha nature. Once the corresponding result appears, all calamities can be eliminated. 实修就是实实在在地修, 一切修为在实修中一定会相应; 一旦相应之后,就会消除一切灾难。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Repent Our Negative Karma

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We need to repent our negative karma. Though we can eliminate many karmic obstacles by reciting Buddhist scriptures, we must not create new negative karma after repenting. Only then can our blessings and wisdom grow. 要忏悔自己的业障, 虽然念经可以去除很多的业障, 但是忏悔后不能再造新业, 福慧才能增长。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | As Buddhist Practitioners

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As Buddhist practitioners, we should do more deeds and say things which touch the hearts of others. You are a Bodhisattva if you can speak in a kind and pleasant manner. 学佛人要多做感动别人的事, 多说感动别人的话,口吐莲花就是菩萨。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Potential For Awakening

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must ask ourselves whether what we are doing is appropriate and whether what we are saying is of any help to others. This is what we call having ‘the potential for awakening’. 学佛人每做一件事,都要反问自己, 做的是否如理如法; 每一句话都要看能否帮助别人, 这就叫“悟性”。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Two Truths In Life

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There are two truths in life: When the money is gone, it doesn’t belong to you anymore. When something has happened, it just happened and cannot be undone. 人生两件事: 一是钱出去了就不是你自己的了, 没了就没了; 二是事情发生就发生了, 无法挽回了。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4