Words of Wisdom | Dharma Wisdom

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If you become excessively fixated on dealing with worldly issues, regrets will await you and your karmic obstacles will increase in vexation. If you handle things appropriately with Dharma wisdom, your heart will be filled with Dharma joy. 如果你非常执着地 去处理人间发生的问题, 你一定会后悔, 而且在烦恼中增加业障; 如果你以佛法的智慧 把事情处理的非常恰当, 你的心会流露出法喜。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Unwholesome State Of Mind

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Having an unwholesome state of mind may easily result in the accumulation of negative karma. When you hate others and always look at the dark side of things, you will be caught up in karmic obstacles. 心态不好的人容易积存业障。 恨别人、想不通,业障马上就在身上了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Well-Versed In Dharma

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If a Buddhist practitioner is well-versed in Dharma but still behaves like an ordinary person when faced with worries and lets anger get the better of them when matters arise, then it indicates that they have not been cultivating well. 一个学佛人,如果佛法的道理都懂,但是碰到烦恼依然显现凡夫相,碰到麻烦瞋心马上出来,这就是没修好。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Cultivate Their Minds

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Those who cultivate their minds must learn the ways of the Bodhisattva and use them at all times. We need to handle change with ease. Act in accord with karmic conditions when misfortunes arise and be grateful when blessed with good fortunes. Let nature take its course. 修心人要学菩萨的道理,运用在平时,要应变自如 恶来了随缘,善来了感恩,一切自然来自然去。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Praise Your Compassion

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Do not let the mind engage in mischief and conceive of calculating thoughts. Refrain from doing evil. Instead, think good thoughts and help others often. Think always of being a Bodhisattva and your mind will become like that of a Bodhisattva. Constantly think of and learn from the Bodhisattva’s noble qualities. Future generations will praise […]

Words of Wisdom | Exert Effort On The Cause

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According to the law of cause and effect, karmic retribution is certain when it ripens. How then do we extricate ourselves from this karmic cycle? The best solution is to exert effort on the ’cause’. 按照因果法则,因缘成熟是一定的。 怎样能够让自己在这个 因缘果报当中不受牵连? 最好就是在 因 上多下功夫。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | The Dharma

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The Dharma is capable of solving the problems of modern life. The Dharma is not history, but the key to solving life’s issues and worries. 佛法能解决现代人生的困难,佛法不是过去的历史,而是解决我们现在人生烦恼的金钥匙。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5  

Words of Wisdom | Kindness And Compassion

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As Buddhist practitioners, we should care for and repay the kindness of our parents without complaint. Practise kindness and compassion in accordance with karmic conditions. If we have compassion, our lives will certainly be transformed for the better. 学佛做人,孝养父母,不去埋怨,随心随缘,慈悲行善。只要有慈悲心的人,注定一生会改变。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Result Of Karma

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Everything is a result of karma. In this world, love and hate do not arise without reason. Having learnt Buddhism, we learn to give and to be compassionate to all. 一切都是因果,这个世界没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。 学佛之后才会付出,学佛 之后才会无缘大慈。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Liberate Yourself

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Many people’s hearts are forever closed, like rooms with locked doors. Unwilling to engage with others, they become withdrawn. When you know the door to your heart is closed, learn to open it and liberate yourself. 很多人的心永远自闭,它像一扇门,经常把自己的心门关上,不愿意跟人交谈,不愿意和别人接触,就会自闭。当知道心门关上的时候,要学会打开;当自闭的时候,要学会解脱。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5  

Words of Wisdom | Be Free Of Negative Karma

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Along the path of practising Buddhism and cultivating our minds, the most difficult job is to eliminate negative karma. Only when we are clean and pure can we practise Buddhism well and be free of negative karma. 学佛修心消业最难, 只有干净,才能学好佛、消业净。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Helping Others Is To Help Ourselves

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We must learn to help others achieve their goals. Helping others to receive blessings is to help ourselves accrue merits. Helping others to acquire merits is to help ourselves accrue blessings. 一定要学会成全别人, 成全别人的福分,就是成全自己的功德; 成全别人的功德,就是成全自己的福德。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | A Man Of Integrity

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A man of integrity would not yield to the temptations of money or lust. To forge iron, one must be strong; it takes a tough person to be moulded into someone morally upright in character. 有骨气的人, 在钱财、男女之色面前不动心, 就是打铁还靠自身硬。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Do Not Slacken

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Even if you are unhappy, do not disrupt the happiness of others. Even if you experience failure, do not slacken. Everything in the world is impermanent and even though you have failed, things would change if you are persistent and make relentless effort. 即使自己不快乐,也不要打扰别人的幸福;即使自己再失败,也不要懈怠。 世事无常,懂得坚持,即使失败了,相信经过努力,也会改变。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5 […]

Words of Wisdom | Let Bygones Be Bygones

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Do not attempt to predict or make assumptions about the future; it is most important to look at the present. The Diamond Sutra states that ‘The past is unattainable, the present is unattainable, the future is unattainable’. Let bygones be bygones. The future is still in the process of cultivation. Take good hold of the […]

Words of Wisdom | One Has Compassion

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One who has a sincere heart will have friends; one who has a kind heart will have compassion. When one has compassion, one has the Buddha nature. 拥有一颗赤诚的心,就拥有了朋友; 拥有一颗善良的心,就拥有了慈悲; 拥有慈悲的时候,就拥有了佛性。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Be Passionate About Life

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We must value time and cherish life. Be passionate about life, live life to the fullest, cherish it and value it. To survive is to succeed, to earn money is only a game, to be healthy is our aim, and to be liberated is the truth. 在人间要珍惜时间、珍惜生命,要热爱生活,过好它、热爱它、珍惜它。 活着就是成功,挣钱只是游戏,健康才是目的,解脱才是真谛! – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | Pure Land In Your Heart

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Practising Buddhism teaches you how to conduct yourself. The Dharma helps you understand the law of cause and effect. Learn to make room for a pure land in your heart. Having a pure land in your heart will leave you with a mind that is well-adjusted to sentient beings. 学佛能够让你学会做人, 佛法能够让你懂因果。 学会给自己的内心留一块净土, 心中有净土, 就会给众生留一个陶冶的心灵。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | Unspoken Compassion

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Buddhist practitioners must always remember that what truly lies in the depths of our heart is unconditional love and unreserved, unspoken compassion. 学佛之人永远要知道,真正藏于内心深处的是一种无缘的爱和无声的慈悲。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5