Words of Wisdom | Strength And Gentleness

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Zen is about gentleness within strength, and strength within gentleness. Strength and gentleness complement each other. We should be strong when the situation warrants it and be gentle when the need arises. If ‘strength’ is stretched to its limit, it will break. On the other hand, we cannot get things done if we are too […]

Words of Wisdom | Want Them To Be Good

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Once you have criticised someone, you should treat them better. The more you want them to be good, the more you must point out their shortcomings. 批评一个人后,要对他更好。越想对他好,就越要指出他的缺点。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Prajna Wisdom

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Deluded people are attached to materialism, holding onto their own interests and acting only for their own benefit. Enlightened people have Prajna wisdom; they apply their wisdom to solve problems that they encounter in everyday life. 迷人执物,守我为己; 悟人般若,应用现前。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Transcend The ‘Self’

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In cherishing, we possess. It’s because we fail to cherish something that we lose it. Everyone must know that, in this world, we must learn to transcend the ‘self’. 珍惜才会拥有,失去是因为你没有珍惜,每个人要懂得在这个世界上都要学会跨越自我。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Good thoughts

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Our thoughts can shape our lives. Good thoughts will make us cheerful and bring us happiness. Erroneous thoughts will lead us astray and even cost us our lives! 意念就是生命,好意念会让自己幸福,拥有幸福,错误的意念会让自己走错路,甚至送命! – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Great Acts Of Kindness

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Great acts of kindness may seem to be merciless whereas minor acts of kindness may seem to be great evil. When doing good, one needs to take the effect into consideration. 大善似无情,小善如大恶。行善要看果的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5

Words of Wisdom | Universal Love

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Universal love can sometimes appear selfish because those who pursue it leave their families. But this love is, in fact, truly universal because it achieves a greater good. 有时大爱看似比较 “自私” 放下了小家,实际上才是真正的大爱,成全了大家。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5