Little House | XI. FAQ (4)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

4. Can I pray for myself when reciting Little Houses?   The Little House is a means of offering the Buddhist scriptures to karmic creditors or the deceased. It is used to repay karmic debts, so you should not pray for yourself when reciting a Little House. If you have a strong intention to pray […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (3)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

3. What is the relation between the Little House and daily recitation?   Daily recitation is similar to your daily expenditures, while the Little House is like your loan repayments. Daily recitations cannot be counted towards a Little House. The prayers and the number of recitations that you perform for everyday use should be separate […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (2)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

2. Since the Little House is so valuable, will my recitation attract foreign spirits to demand it?   Karmic creditors come for a reason, be it related to karmic affinity or karmic debt. Just like the human world, there are laws and rules in the spirit world. It is also true in the underworld where […]

Little House | XI. FAQ (1)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

1. How does the Little House help spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm?   The Little House is an important Buddhist method that the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva bestows upon us in this Age of Dharma Decline. All four sutras and mantras contained in a Little House are from Buddhist […]

Little House | IV. Recitation of Little Houses (1)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

1. Prerequisites   • Perform daily recitation before reciting Little Houses It is compulsory to perform daily recitation before reciting Little Houses. Beginners should start off by reciting the Great Compassion Mantra, the Heart Sutra and the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance in order to establish a solid foundation. This will enhance the power and effectiveness […]