Time : Saturday 2pm-4pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting
Wealth and glory are nothing but vanity; worldly pleasures and romance are nothing but suffering. The hard work of our lives will be all in vain, like trying to capture the moon in the water. When we leave this human world, we take with us nothing but our karma.
On 16 October 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held an online English sharing session on the immutable law of KARMA, in continuation of last week’s session.
Heaven sees every act of men. In the opening video, Master Lu reminded the participants about the importance of watching over our every deed because once the seed of ‘cause’ is sown, there will surely be a karmic retribution.
“When thought ceases, so thus karma” – this is only the foundation of a theory. In essence, it is about being down to earth and going with the flow in one’s daily encounters.
Even Bodhisattvas are unable to intervene with the Law of Karma. However, we can pray to Them for protection from severe karmic obstacles such that we can have more time to repay our karmic debts.
The facilitator reiterated the perils of sowing ”Double Karma”. To avoid committing this, we must learn to accept the shorter end of the stick, because the best gain is to lose.
Lastly, the facilitator explained ways to ascertain our percentage of karmic obstacles and reminded the participants to err on the side of caution to ensure the outcome of what they do is positive.
In the upcoming session on 23 Oct, join us to learn about The Keys to Boundless Meritorious Blessings.
? Let us now look at some comments from participants:
Today’s session is very beneficial to me and my two teenage children. Some of the questions posed in the session, e.g.”How do I know how much karmic obstacle I have?”, although it might sound very basic, made me realise that I have never reflected on myself in this aspect despite having practised Buddhism for a few years.
Hence, no matter how basic a topic may sound, when you look at it from a different angle, you may be pleasantly surprised to find a basket of gold!
?Join us in our next session
Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information
⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 23 Oct 2021 (2pm – 4pm)
Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:
Summary Slides_Everything you need to know about KARMA – II
- How reliable is the system that records our good and evil deeds?
- Can Bodhisattva transform our karma? If so, why the saying, ‘Even Bodhisattva cannot intervene with the Law of Karma’?
- Do you know that you can actually gauge your own percentage of karmic obstacles?
- Karmic obstacles are like explosives. What power do they have over us? And what can we do to prevent them from erupting?
Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sabah, Malaysia, 19 Jan 2015
Man proposes, heaven disposes. Heaven sees every act of man (人算不如天算,人在做天在看).
As long as you sow a cause, there will surely be a karmic retribution as it will be stored in your eighth consciousness which becomes impossible to remove.
Wenda20130726 33:33
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program) An Excerpt
You can’t eliminate the karmic obstacles in your eighth consciousness. Only when your external karmic obstacles become lesser and lesser with the condition that no new karma is committed, then those in your eighth consciousness can slowly be eradicated.
< How reliable is the system that records our good and evil deeds? >
Wenda20141024 01:04:19 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Master once shared that regardless of what we do in the human realm, Heaven and the Underworld will know about it. All these deeds will also be recorded by the Dharma Protectors. Just out of curiosity, there are six billion people on earth, does it mean that these Dharma Protectors are looking at every single one of us from above every day?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Let me ask you this: It is said that everyone has a Dharma Protector with them. What do you think this means? It’s a bright dot, like a microchip of a computer embedded in your body. This microchip will record every single kind and evil deed that you do.
Then, Bodhisattva retrieves this chip with all the information stored up. It’s not about Dharma Protectors eyeing on you every single day. Just like how it is sufficient for one teacher to watch over as many as 30 students. The teacher is able to gauge how you are doing based on the quality of the school assignments you produce. Do you understand now?
Caller: Yes, Master.
Reply from 2OR Secretariat to a written enquiry (Question 274) | 22 Dec 2018
Question: When a person ceases to have any thoughts (念头停止), karma shall cease too (就不会有因果). Is this true?
Answer: Can it even be stopped? This is the foundation of a theory. What does it mean to cease one’s thought? It is about being down to earth and going with the flow (随缘) in all that you do. When you stop fighting others, this is what it means by ‘ceasing your thoughts’ (停止自己的思维).
Instead, if you are jealous of others, you fight with them and you wish to control them and you hate them. This is when your troubles begin, and karmic retribution will thus be served (果报就到了).
Buddhism In Plain Terms | Volume 4 Chapter 12
I am being very honest with you here. Do no evil because even if you are unable to make it to heaven when you die, at the least you can reincarnate into the human realm.
In this world, it doesn’t mean: “The more you do, the more mistakes you make; the less you do, the less mistakes you make or not doing anything at all is the safest, as no mistakes will be made”. This is a misconception.
When you think, “I just have to take care of my own welfare”, this is a grave mistake. Our time in the human realm is very short. We have to step out of our comfort zone and do more good deeds to the best of our ability. Only when we start giving, will we start receiving.
Therefore, you should think, “I must do more. If I err in the process, I can recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance. As for the good that I do, I can be sure that they are meritorious, though the mistakes I make will still be inevitably recorded. I shall try my best not to err along the way but if I still run into problems, I will recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance to eradicate the negative karma.”
It is in this way, your merits would be perfected (功德就圆满了). Conversely, a person who refuses to do anything will have no merits at all.
Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms – Episode 7 (An Excerpt)
Kind and Evil are a form of Karma. From the perspective of cause and effect, a good intention does not necessarily result in one’s deed being considered kind. This explains why at times a so-called good deed may not result in a favourable outcome.
Master Jun Hong Lu says,
“As long as you are diligent, you will definitely have good karma come your way.”
Shuohua20130621 13:16 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Everything in the human realm changes accordingly when we practise Buddhism. As long as we are diligent in our practice, we will definitely have good karma come our way. For instance, we may not be fated to get married in our life, however, if we are diligent in our practice, does it mean that positive affinities will come to us?
Master Jun Hong Lu: If you are not fated (没有缘分), no matter how hard you pray, it will not be of any use. If your affinity is not deep (缘分不深), but you go all out to perform recitation, life liberation and make great vows to deepen this affinity (加深这个善缘), chances are the relationship you wished for may come to you.
This explains, having the ‘root’ is key (一定要有一个根). Just like a sapling (树苗) , even though it has its roots in the ground, if you do not tend to its needs, with no water, fertiliser or sun exposure, it will not grow. However, the fact that the root is there, when you water and expose it to the sun diligently, it will keep growing and may even grow into a gigantic tree.
Another example would be a person who is destined to have some riches in his life (命中有一点财运). If he continues to pray and perform good deeds, he may become wealthy eventually. Conversely, if you are not fated to have wealth in your life, because you had committed too many evil deeds in previous lives, it’s impossible for you to be wealthy, no matter how hard you pray. Your practise of giving (布施) in this life may bring you some riches in your next life. This is because there is no ‘root’ or rather ‘seed’, which makes germination impossible (不能发芽).
Wenda20141212 01:25:02 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: I heard of a saying, ‘Even Bodhisattvas do not intervene with the law of cause and effect (菩萨也不能动人因果). I used to think that those who suffer from cancer or other terminal illnesses must have sowed the evil seeds which resulted in the fruition of their negative karma and hence, they are destined to die. However, Bodhisattvas may sometimes take mercy on these people. They may make use of Their power to protect them against these calamities and hence, alter the law of cause and effect. Is this considered ‘intervening with the law of karma’?
After giving it much thought, I have this theory, but I am not sure if I am right. It is as though we are down and out and laden with debt. Our karmic creditors are like people we owe money to, while Bodhisattvas are like the mediators (中间人), who are exceptionally merciful, and They arbitrate between our karmic creditors and us. At the same time, They teach us methods to extend the period of debt repayment, providing us with a buffer against the stress of urgent repayment. Technically, this is not considered ‘interfering with the law of karma’, is it?
Master Jun Hong Lu: You are right. ‘Even Bodhisattvas do not intervene with the law of cause and effect (菩萨也不能动人因果). In reality, this ‘karma’ still exists. What happens is, Bodhisattvas have the power to ‘tone down’ both the cause as well as the effect of one’s deed (把大因变成小因,把大果变成小果).
Caller: Apart from this, Bodhisattvas will grant us a buffer period to buy us more time to repay our karmic debts.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, that is correct.
Caller: However, if one day, we decide to take our debt lightly, and refuse to pay up, even Bodhisattvas are unable to protect and bless us. In that case, we will just go with what our karma dictates (跟着这个因果转). Is that right?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes.
Caller: So, ‘Even Bodhisattvas do not intervene with the law of cause and effect’. It all boils down to us putting in the effort, only then can Bodhisattvas lend us a helping hand.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, that is right. Bodhisattvas can never help those who are unwilling to change themselves for the better.
Caller: Yes, I understand. That’s it for my question. Thank you, Master.
Wenda20170623 01:00:07 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: We observed that there is an online social norm where people send out information to warn others against deceptive schemes, etc. For example, information cautions people against scam or child abduction. We do pass on such information to those around us, saying, “Scam Alert! Please be careful”. If the recipient of this information is destined to go through these calamities but he is more vigilant now, does it mean we have intervened with the workings of karma (动因果)?
Master Jun Hong Lu: No. You are upholding the principle of ‘Do all good deeds’ (众善奉行). You are a kind person. It is wrong to say that they are destined to be unlucky. Even if they are truly suffering from bad luck, you should still do your part to rescue them from their misery. You have made a conceptual mistake here.
Caller: So, even if we send them these alerts, if they are fated to meet with calamities, they will still encounter them?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, this is how you should think. You are performing a kind deed by forwarding to him these alerts. As for him, if he is fated to encounter the calamity, he will likely ignore what you send and still fall prey to the scam as it is meant to be.
Caller: Whatever it is, we should still do kind deeds.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course!
Wenda20160610 60:00 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Our karmic obstacles can either be eliminated through performing recitation or retributed naturally (自然的报应). As for those karmic obstacles that are minor, would Dharma Protectors make advance arrangements for us to effectuate the retribution?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, this may happen. A minor karmic obstacle (小业障) would be, for example, you have scolded your parents. If your parents shrug it off and do not bear any grudges, the resulting karmic obstacles would not be severe or perhaps, none at all.
Caller: Does this mean that the karmic obstacle has been effectuated (报掉了)?
Master Jun Hong Lu: That is right. How so? If your parents happen to bear grudges against you and they take the scolding to heart, this resentment will enter their eighth consciousness and you would hence become indebted to them. For that, Dharma Protectors will definitely serve you the retribution. In what way? It may manifest in the form of a scolding or beating you endure from your mother. This is often the case for all of us when we were little.
Caller: Speaking about predestined calamities (关劫) and the retributive effect of karmic obstacles (业障的报掉), in the case where there is an impending predestined calamity, if we happen to scrape our hand and it bleeds, does it mean that the retribution has effectuated (报掉)?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course. Such injuries are considered a severe form of retribution. They are referred to as ‘Blood disasters’ (血光), even if the bleeding is minimal. On the other hand, an example of a mild retribution is you are rude to your mother, and she retorts, “Are you brainless? You are such a…”, and she finds a reason to scold you. That’s it! In this way, retribution is considered to have effectuated (报掉了).
Wenda20111216 47:05 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Master, I have a question. Every relationship is fated (无缘不来). Everything can be traced back to predestined affinity and the law of karma governing it. May I ask what does it mean by ‘to sow double-karma (种双因)’? What’s the logic behind this concept?
Master Jun Hong Lu: For example, you were supposed to repay your karmic debts for scolding this person in your previous life by enduring this person’s scolding in this life. However, instead of putting up with his reprimand, you retaliate and scold him again. In this case, you have sown ‘double-karma’.
Take another example. We often say that many children are here in this life to demand their karmic dues from their parents. They are essentially the karmic creditors.
As parents, instead of treating them well and repaying your karmic debts to them, you continue to scold and beat them. By doing this, you are ‘sowing the seeds of double-karma’. As a result of your actions, when you reach your twilight years, your children will abandon and stop caring for you. Won’t you say this is ‘double-karma’?
This is why I often advise all of you, “The best gain is to lose (吃亏就是便宜)”. You must learn ‘to accept the short end of the stick’. Failing which, you will never make any gains. Another thing to note is, when a person undergoes suffering, essentially, he is eradicating his own karmic obstacles!
< Do Not Blame Others for Your Hardships in Life, Karma Makes No Mistakes >
We reap what we sow! In our past lives, because of her, I was heartbroken; in this life, I am the source of her worries! In our past lives, I prevented her from becoming a monk, rendering me having to pay a hefty price in this life! Isn’t this clear enough what karma looks like at work?
Every time I feel wronged in my spiritual cultivation journey, I will feel deeply remorseful whenever I recall the trials and tribulations that I put my mum through in her past life. Do I even have the right to feel victimised in this life?
Watch full video at this link.
Shuohua20190125 19:48 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Master, yesterday you commented that a fellow practitioner has a high percentage of karmic obstacles of 29%.
I’d like to ask, at what level karmic obstacles is considered high?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Didn’t I tell you before?
A person with a percentage of karmic obstacles that falls within 10% would be able to transcend the six realms of rebirth;
If it is not more than 20%, he should be able to make it to the celestial realm such as the realms of Form and Formlessness or the Desire realm;
If it is within 30%, basically he will gain rebirth in the human or animal realm.
Caller: Does it mean that anything above 30% is considered high?
Master Jun Hong Lu: If it is 40%, the person will surely end up in the ghost realm. He will definitely descend to the Underworld. As for 50%, basically, the person would be dragged away to be punished in hell.
Wenda20121021B 52:22 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: How do we determine our level of karmic obstacles?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Normally, if your prayers go unanswered, it is a sign that your karmic obstacle is hefty (业障很深). Also,
if you experience a lot of obstacles in life or have a run of bad luck, it goes to show that you have heavy karmic obstacles.
Caller: For someone, who had committed a lot of evil deeds in his previous life, but in this life, he recites three times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO) daily, how long would he need to recite LIFO, in order to eliminate a good amount of his karmic obstacles so that he can make progress in his spiritual cultivation?
Master Jun Hong Lu: This would largely depend on the karmic effect (业力) of each individual. I am not able to quote you an exact number. As long as the person feels that things start to run more smoothly, as he presses on with his practice, this is a sign that his karmic obstacles are slowly diminishing (业障就越来越少).
Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting (Q&A Session)
Sydney, Australia – 26 January 2019 (An Excerpt)
Question: What are the characteristics of a person with less than 20% of karmic obstacles? Kindly advise us, Master.
Answer: Their state-of-mind (境界). People with less than 20% of karmic obstacles have a high state-of-mind. They will not fight or quarrel with others. You can always find smiles on their faces. Take a look at those who always pull a long face, do you believe their karmic obstacles can be less than 20%? You can even tell from a person’s face.
Only people with less than 20% karmic obstacles have smiles on their faces. They are unlike those who are always grumpy, resenting others and complaining about everything around them. As for you, based on what I see from your face, it is below 10%. This is because in my heart, there is only goodness.
Hence, I see everyone through that positive lens of ‘below 10%’. If you place Buddha in your heart, you will see others as Buddha. On the contrary, if demon is in your heart, you will view everyone as ghosts and evils. A person who sees the good in others is someone with ‘goodness’ in their heart; they are the kindest. Do you understand?
Wenda20141121 01:20:42 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: A fellow Buddhist Practitioner rarely has nightmares. As a result, he rarely recites Little Houses for himself. Can Master explain to us, in such cases would his karmic obstacles still accumulate to a point and erupt (爆发出来) one day?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course! If it keeps accumulating and reaches a tipping point, it will certainly erupt. Bear in mind that an explosive will definitely detonate (那总归会爆炸). Your aim is to remove all of these ‘explosives’; they are just like our karmic obstacles. If you are able to eliminate all of your karmic obstacles, what’s there to erupt? Even if you light them with fire, they will not explode. Do you understand?
Caller: Yes, Master.
Wenda20131006B 04:58 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Hi Master, I’d like to ask whether it is true that karmic debts from previous lives are to be repaid in present life, that is, whatever karmic dues we accumulated in previous lives must be fully repaid in this life.
In a Totem enquiry, a fellow practitioner related how he met with calamities at the same time both in the past as well as his present life. Is it because the retribution has yet to be fully served (欠的债还没报完) in his previous life and is brought over to this life (继续报)?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, that’s right. If the karmic debts had already been fully repaid in previous life, naturally, nothing is left to be served in present life. If repayment has yet to be made in full in your previous life, and the karmic dues are stored in your eighth consciousness (八识田中), it means the karmic obstacles have taken shape (成为一个业障).
In this human realm, fortune tellers would describe this karmic obstacle as a ‘calamity’ (劫). For example, a person is fated to meet with a predestined calamity at the age 36 because the karma that he created at this same age in his previous life, has yet to be settled.
Many people ask me. “Master, why is it seemingly fixed at ages 33 and 36? Does it mean everyone will encounter calamities or commit evil deeds at these ages?
Conceptually, this is how it works: The evil deeds committed by a person over the years will reach a confluence of calamity at a certain age (归到一个劫点). For example, all evil deeds committed from the ages of 29 to 33 will reach a confluence of calamity at the age of 33; from the age of 33, all your unwholesome deeds will reach another confluence at the age of 66, when a major calamity is foreseen. This is how retribution is effectuated.
Caller: I see. It is like the settling of an account at a certain juncture.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, that is right. They are not tabulated daily. A person may commit evil deeds like stealing from a shop and manage to get away scot-free because his predestined calamity has yet to ensue.
However, the next time he steals, he is apprehended. When interrogated, “What else have you stolen before?”, and he replies, “I once stole from…..”, this is when the time is ripe for the ‘accounts to be settled’ all at one go (秋后算帐一起算).
Master Jun Hong Lu‘s Public Talk, Jakarta, Indonesia – 3 December 2018
Question: Generally, what is the percentage of karma of a person who falls seriously ill? Why is it that some people can still be healthy despite their percentages of karma being around 80%? On the contrary, there are others whose percentages are much lower but succumbed to serious illnesses.
Master Jun Hong Lu: It is simple. A person may have accumulated a large amount of negative karma, but he has yet to arrive at a point where there is predestined calamity (没有到劫). There are also others whose karmic obstacle is less weighty, but they have arrived at a time in their lives when there is predestined calamity (到劫了).
Just like a pile of gunpowder. Without lighting it with fire, it will not explode. Though so, the amount of gunpowder remains substantial (火药还是这么多) and they are black. As for others, they may have lesser amounts of ‘gunpowder’, but they blow up right away once lighted.
Wenda 20170106 22:05 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
The Buddha of Sandalwood Merit (旃檀功德佛) gave the following discourse:
“As one of the ancient Buddhas in the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO), I wish to advise all of you to adopt a serious attitude towards the recitation of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance and to repent often. This is because the effects from the recitation of this scripture are exceptional.
Repenting is of utmost importance in the practice of Buddhism and is a step that cannot be missed. A good example would be how we say “I’m sorry” when we make mistakes in the human realm. This phrase, though short, carries great depths and significance.
Do recite the Eighty Eight Buddhas Great Repentance with great respect. To ensure continuity, no matter how busy you are, recite at least once every day.
Many people are torn between performing prostrations (磕头) or not in reciting this scripture. They feel, “I need to prostrate with each recitation? How tiring is that?” and they are so wrong. Performing prostrations is a way to eliminate our karmic obstacles and it is also one of the best methods to repent. If it is not possible for you to perform prostration, you should at least recite the scripture because by doing so, you would still be better than those who do neither.
You must be sincere in repenting – just like how we should conduct ourselves as a human. If you have made a mistake but you do not admit it; and you choose to ‘meet force with force’ (硬碰硬), ultimately, you will be the one who suffers. The Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance is an exceptionally efficacious scripture to conquer strength with softness (以柔克刚). I hope each and everyone of you will persist in your recitation of this scripture.”
Zongshu20170606 15:03 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Hi Master, during last Saturday’s radio program, you told a male fellow practitioner that his percentage of karma was 67%. He was born in 1958, the Year of the Dog. He is terrified and has a question. What should he do in order to eliminate at least some of his karmic obstacles as quickly as possible? He is very worried that his karmic obstacles may erupt anytime soon and he will be met with calamities.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Many people are terrified when speaking about karmic obstacles. This is because nobody can control its eruption. As for him, firstly, please ask him to watch his mouth. Ask him not to speak recklessly.
Caller: Understood. That means he should refrain from committing negative karma of speech.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Secondly, ask him to watch his actions. These are no easy tasks.
Caller: Does he need to increase his homework for the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Five times will do.
24 Sept 2021
In this Age of Dharma Decline, everyone must recite a minimum of seven times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO) as part of their daily homework.
(Beginners may get started with a lower number and work their way up over time.)
- Karma is often misunderstood as a punishment. Today’s session makes me realise that in truth, it is the law of action and response to that action. Master Lu reminded us that it is the energy or a mechanism that works automatically; human consciousness is like a computer microchip that contains a record of every thought and action. That record determines one’s future.
Though it is true that ‘The more you do, the more mistakes you make and the less you do, the less you err’, we should not let this stifle our effort to help others or perform virtuous deeds, as long as the action is skilful, and the intention is wholesome. At the same time, we should also err on the side of caution to ensure the outcome of what we do is positive.
Today’s session makes me understand how karma directly influences whether my prayers will be answered or not. I now understand that if I do not get what I pray for in this life, it is because I didn’t cultivate the corresponding ‘root’ in my past life. This awakens me to the importance of sowing seeds of goodness in all aspects of my present life.
Through today’s session I understand how and why negative things happen – they are the results of my past actions, driven by ego, anger, ignorance, attachment and greed. With this understanding, I need to remind myself to learn ‘to accept the short end of the stick’ from now on to avoid committing ‘Double-Karma’. After all, like what our Master always says, ‘The best gain is to lose’.
Master Lu reminded us today, “If you place Buddha in your heart, you would see others as Buddha”. On the contrary, someone who is always grumpy, resenting others and complaining about everything around him is surely a sign of a low state-of-mind and a high percentage of karmic obstacles!
On the concept of ‘Eruption of Karmic Obstacles’, today I learn that karma operates on the principle of choice, consequence and responsibility, Like the example quoted by Master Lu, even if I get away with stealing today, it is only because my predestined calamity has yet to ensue.
One thing is for sure, I will suffer the consequences ultimately.
< Bodhisattva DOES NOT WISH for us to suffer but for us to come to repentance >
Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms Episode 9 (An Excerpt)
Bodhisattva does not want sentient beings to suffer from their retributions.
While She wants to save us and hopes that we do not have to suffer from our karma, Bodhisattva cannot stop retribution from being served.
It is only when we acknowledge our mistakes and repent that we can prevent our karma from ripening.
Master Jun Hong Lu Words of Wisdom Vol. 7
To understand what one has done wrong is progress;
To know that one is wrong and being willing to correct oneself is realisation;
To know and accept that one is wrong and to show willingness to change oneself without reservation is spiritual awakening.