About Spiritual Cultivation


23/08/2023 | About Spiritual Cultivation    
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Caller: Master, you’ve mentioned before that when a person did something inappropriate or against the moral principles, say, at a certain time in his previous life, his inner demon will surface and reside in his consciousness. This explains why the person will keep thinking about the said matter.

When this happens, karmic obstacles are formed and if the person is not able to remove this thought from his mind, it will gradually enter his eighth consciousness. This will lead to the creation of a major karmic obstacle. Master, may I know what kind of major karmic obstacles we are referring to here?

Master Jun Hong Lu: For example, you did something bad in your previous life that caused the death or injury to others. You were entangled in this matter in your past life and couldn’t find a way to make amends because you did not practise Buddhism, nor did you recite the Buddhist scriptures; this means you did nothing to help that person ascend to a higher spiritual realm. When you died in your previous life, this karmic obstacle remained in your eighth consciousness and carried forward to your present life.

Once the time when you harmed that person in your past life comes by (regardless if the cause of your harm was intentional or not), the influence of this occasion will vaguely and repeatedly arise in your eighth consciousness in the form of dreams, obstacles in life and ill-health.

At this time, as long as you give rise to such a thought, this karmic obstacle basically fixes and deepens in your eighth consciousness. Then, with your external environment changing correspondingly, you will experience the same matter. Similar things will start to appear in your life.

If you resolve them, the karma in your eighth consciousness will weaken. On the contrary, if you do not attempt to resolve them and on top of that, you repeat your misdeed, the karmic obstacles will grow bigger; this is when the karmic obstacles are activated.

Source: Wenda20181019 22:10, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

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