About Spiritual Cultivation


20/08/2023 | About Spiritual Cultivation    
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Caller: Master, you mentioned that we may confide anything to Guan Yin Bodhisattva; however, you also reminded us “not to pray to Bodhisattva for trivial matters, otherwise our prayers for matters of grave concern will be rendered ineffective”.

The reason I ask is because there is a Buddhist practitioner who will pray to Bodhisattva even for trivial matters like catching a cold so that he can be blessed with a speedy recovery. Will doing so expend his merits? How do we determine whether or not we should implore the blessings of Bodhisattva for a specific matter? Kindly enlighten us, Master.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s simple. For those who cultivate well, they will be able to resolve their problems by merely reciting a few times of the Buddhist scriptures. Conversely, for those who are subpar in their spiritual cultivation and yet if they pray to Bodhisattva even for the most minute of matters, Bodhisattva, being the saviour of all sufferings and calamities, will not be annoyed by their requests.

However, the problem is have they ever thought about whether or not they have sufficient merits to go with it because without which nothing will work regardless of how fervent they pray.

As a matter of fact, those who lack merits may create ‘reverse contributive factors’ for themselves. The word ‘reverse’ here means ‘in contrary to something’.

To illustrate, when your prayer goes unanswered, you may conjure up disrespectful thoughts towards Bodhisattva.

Caller: And lose faith in Bodhisattva.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Precisely! That’s why I’m asking you to make fewer prayer requests. Despite fervent prayers, many people’s wishes are unfulfilled simply because they lack sufficient meritorious blessings. In the end, they go, “Alas, Bodhisattva, why didn’t You bless me? I am not going to trust You anymore.” That’s the end of it!

Just take a look at me, how would it even be possible for me to backslide in my cultivation when every single of my prayers gets answered?

Caller: That’s right.

Master Jun Hong Lu: What matters is the amount of merits that one has.

Caller: Yes. When speaking to other Buddhist practitioners, sometimes, I will go, “Never point the finger at anything. We have only ourselves to blame for being so lacking in meritorious blessings. When our Master helps us pray for a specific matter, his prayer will immediately get answered, simply because of the immense amount of meritorious blessings Master has amassed!”

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, you are right! Let me give you a simple example. Why do things go smoothly for some people while we, on the other hand, have to contend with various obstacles?

Caller: True! It’s none other than our shallow meritorious blessings, and hefty karmic obstacles.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Why do some people have the opportunity to lead? This is because they have been conscientious in working all the way up to the top. What about you? Have you been conscientious in your undertakings? This is the reason and that’s how it works.

Caller: Yes. Thank you Master for your explanation.

Source: Wenda20150724 08:40, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

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