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17/12/2022 | About Health    
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Caller: Some people have exceptionally good or photographic memory. May I know what could be the karma that they had sowed in their past lives to be endowed with such amazing memory prowess? And, what about those who are extremely forgetful?

Master Jun Hong Lu: There are multiple causes for those who forget easily. One of which is the consequence of neglecting their health in their present life. The other reason is the licentious acts that some youngsters are engrossed in. Masturbation is one example. What’s the key characteristic for such people? Their memories are in a total mess, and there will be a rapid decline of memory retention.

This is a common academic topic, including those universities in the West. Their first lesson on physiology is on this. Youngsters develop this bad habit as their parents fail to educate them about the consequences of such behaviour.

In reality, such an unwholesome act is highly damaging to one’s memory. Fundamentally, it will lead to Alzheimer as the brain goes into a recession.

Those who lead an extremely licentious lifestyle will become foolish. They have the lecherous and foolish look on them. This is the typical look of a person who lacks wisdom.

Caller: Is it equally bad to commit these unwholesome acts in our thoughts?

Master Jun Hong Lu: This goes without saying. This is because a sin has been committed in the mind. However, it is not as bad as letting it manifest in your behaviour. That said, having such a thought in itself is already sinful. This is very much like, upon seeing a bank, your mind starts to wander off about robbing it. Even though you don’t translate your thoughts into action, it is nonetheless bad.

Caller: Is there any remedy for sexual thoughts? Would the recitation of Qi Fo Mie Zui Zhen Yan help? Does it work if we instantly curb the unwholesome thought?

Master Jun Hong Lu: If such a thought is momentary and lasts for merely a few seconds, it will not be a big problem, the sin is negligible.

However, if it keeps cropping up and your mind wanders off every time you see an opposite sex, it means it has taken shape in your sixth and seventh consciousness. The moment it penetrates your eighth consciousness, you would have committed a grave sin. Therefore, stop thinking about it every day.

Source: Wenda20170407 01:15:16, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

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