Testimony Sharing

The Miraculous Power of The Little House Saves a Buddhist Practitioner’s Child and Helps Her Overcome Obstacles in Life

14/07/2024 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors!

Deepest gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu! 

Standing before all of you today, I would like to share how the course of my entire family’s destiny was transformed after practising Guan Yin Citta. 

Before I start, I would like to seek forgiveness from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Dharma Protectors if my sharing today is improper in any way.     

It has been more than 10 years since I emigrated to Singapore and it is from here that my husband and I built our family from scratch. I literally owe everything that I have now – a career, a house and a child – to the blessings of Bodhisattva and Master Lu. 

In 2017, I participated in the grand dharma convention in Singapore. At that time, my husband and I were living a ‘nomadic’ life. As we did not even have a permanent place that we could call home, when I found myself pregnant, I did not have the courage to bring another life into this world.

During the 2017 convention, Master divulged that countless Bodhisattvas were at the convention and hence, all prayers would be answered. Upon hearing this, I prayed to Bodhisattva to give me a child. Master Lu also said, “Singapore is a blessed land”. It was with these words that there and then, I decided to settle down in Singapore.    

Shortly after the dharma convention, I made the vow to become a full vegetarian. I used the merits from my vow to implore Bodhisattva to bless my whole family so that we could stay rooted in Singapore. My husband used to be a Work Permit holder (working permit issued by the Singapore government for those unskilled foreign workers) before becoming a Skill-Pass holder (issued to foreign workers with mid-level skills). Over the years, he had made various attempts to become a Permanent Resident (PR) of Singapore but his applications were rejected. Guess what, just one month after I became a full vegetarian, his application for PR was approved! I came to an amazing realisation that by choosing to be a vegetarian, it has helped me garner good fortune and virtue, paving the way for all things to go smoothly. 

Sometime in 2019, I dreamt of a elderly lady giving me a child and soon after the dream, I found out that I was pregnant. However, 11 weeks into my pregnancy, the doctor found out that my baby had gastroschisis, a birth defect where there is a hole in the abdominal wall, causing the intestines and colon to spill out and float in the amniotic fluid. The doctor asked whether I wanted to keep the baby. Through a totem reading, Master told  me that I needed to make big vows in order to save the baby. 

Please refer below for to the excerpt of the audio recording:



Caller: Hi Master, how are you? Just two weeks ago, the doctor performed an ultrasound on my foetus. I was then 12 weeks into my pregnancy, and it looked like my baby, who is a vegetarian from day one, was not developing well. Through the ultrasound, the doctor surmised that there is a risk that my baby is suffering from a condition called gastroschisis where there is a hole in the abdominal wall Hence, the intestines along with the other internal organs fail to…..   

Master Jun Hong Lu: Probably some organs are not completely inside the belly. It looks like an abnormality.  

Caller: That’s right. I had earlier dreamed of an elderly lady giving me a child. Right now, this is the situation with my baby. I’m ready to make big vows and perform more virtuous deeds. Is there a chance that this baby will…..

Master Jun Hong Lu: How many months pregnant are you? 

Caller: At present, I’m 13-week pregnant. A bit more than three months. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: You may need to make great vows in order to save the baby. As you were talking just now, I took a brief look and I can tell you that there is definitely a problem with the baby. 

Caller: I’ve made the vow to share my testimony after the birth of my baby, and get more involved in volunteering work. And then…. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Have you become a vegetarian? 

Caller: It’s been more than two years since I became a vegetarian. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: It goes without saying that you must make vows. I can tell that this baby is here to claim karmic dues. 

Caller: Master, after making grand vows, is there a chance for the baby to survive? 

Master Jun Hong Lu: It depends on how you take care of the baby and how well it develops over time. There is indeed a problem with the belly and I can see that it is shrouded by dark (negative) energy.    

Caller: Master, is it alright for me to transfer the merits from the vow I made to the child? 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, you can. But, I hope you do not transfer too much of your merit because it may spell trouble when you deliver the baby. Do you perform any virtuous deeds or help others? 

Caller: I do. I was volunteering at the Practice Centre prior to my pregnancy. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: If that’s the case, you may transfer some merits to the baby. That should help the baby grow well. Transferring merit is the quickest way. However, you must state specifically the percentage of merits that you would like to transfer. Please don’t make a general statement.  

Caller: Alright, I will transfer my merits. Master, please shower blessings on my baby because we have been planning this pregnancy for a long time. Furthermore, this baby is a vegetarian from the day of conception. I’ll definitely teach him to be a vegetarian and perform recitation of Buddhist scriptures. 

Please also bless me, Master, and help me alleviate my morning sickness so that I can visit the Practice Centre more often to perform virtuous deeds. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Clearly, your baby is already creating trouble for you even before birth. I’ve just told you that your baby is here to claim karmic dues, do you understand? 

Caller: Yes, I do. I’ll be more diligent in performing meritorious deeds and recitation of Buddhist scriptures to repay my karmic debts.  

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s good. 

Source: Wenda20190714 07:00, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program 


After the call with Master, my morning sickness improved significantly which allowed me to return to my volunteering duty at the Practice Centre. I also made the following vows:

  1. To share my testimony after the birth of my child;
  2. To transfer 30% of my merits to my child;
  3. To liberate 2,000 fish;
  4. To offer 108 Little Houses to my karmic creditors; and
  5. To recite 27 times of the Great Compassion Mantra, 21 times of the Heart Sutra, 3 times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance on a daily basis for my child as per Master Lu’s recommendation.

With these, I implored Bodhisattva for a smooth delivery. In the ensuing periods, I also made various transferences of merit to my child. 

Master had earlier advised me against transferring an excessive proportion of my merit to my child in order to avoid a problematic delivery. A bit more than 35 weeks into my pregnancy, the doctor detected uncharacteristically slow fetal movement and immediately arranged a ceasarian operation. To put things into perspective, one month before this, I had a dream where Master was showering blessings on my daugther. True enough, on the day of my caesarian, it merely took an hour from the time the decision to operate was made to the end of the actual caesarean procedure. 

As soon as the baby was delivered, the pediatrician immediately stitched up the opening on her belly. During the examination, the specialist discovered a tiny hole in her heart but fortunately, no operation was required. As soon as I was wheeled out from the operating theater, I made the vow to offer 1,000 Little Houses to the karmic creditors of my child within a year, and to liberate 5,000 fish on her behalf. My daughter’s abdominal operation went exceptionally well and it only took one single attempt to wrap it up without any hiccup whatsoever. Given the urgency and complexity of the situation, even the surgeon was marvelled at how smooth the operation went. Deep down, I knew that it was nothing but the work and blessings of Bodhisattva. 

Weighing at less than 2 kilograms at birth, my daughter was frail. However, throughout the 3-year Covid-19 pandemic period, because of my recitation of the Buddhist scriptures and the blessings of Bodhisattva, my daughter had never been admitted to hospital. She might have come to this world, bringing along with the karmic obstacles from her past lives, but she is nonetheless fortunate for having a mother, who has already started performing recitation and practising Buddhism. Clearly, her mother’s virtuous deeds have protected her! Deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Deepest gratitude to Master Lu.  

Master Lu once said, “Children who came to this world to claim their karmic debts from their parents will show signs like, being sickly – spending their parents’ money on medical care – mischievous, disobedient or are constantly making their parents worrisome”.  Sometime in December 2023, my daughter started to show symptoms of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Emotionally, she became extremely unstable and was highly reactive to even the most inconsequential word which could trigger her to burst out crying. During such episodic outbursts, she would turn brutal in either hitting herself, my mother or myself. On top of this, she resisted studying, totally unable to stay focused when others spoke to her, and it was next to impossible for her to take instructions. She would lie down on the chair to eat her food, while shaking her legs nonstop. Sleeping became an issue for the rest of us because in the middle of the night, for unbeknown reason, she would burst out crying at the top of her lungs. Not exaggerating, the whole block of residents could literally hear her cries. As this happened one too many times, taking care of her completely drained my mother and I out.     

Through my Buddhist practice, I understand that the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism are related to the presence of foreign spirits and karmic obstacles. To address my daughter’s problem, I pored over the solutions offered by hospitals in Singapore which primarily focus on guiding and training children to control their emotions. Fundamentally, the recommendations do not solve the root of the problem since my daughter is still young. Therefore, I decided to first apply Master’s Three Golden Buddhist Practices to help my child eliminate her karmic obstacles, while assessing the progress and seeking medical help accordingly. 

During this year’s Lunar New Year period, I made the vow to recite 108 times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance on behalf of my daughter. Prior to this, that is, when offering First Incense on the eve of Lunar New Year, I made the vow to transfer merits, liberate fish and offer the Little Houses. To fulfil my vow, every day, I offered seven Little Houses to the karmic creditors of my child. By the 30th day, my daughter sprang me with a surprise by saying, “Mum, I’ll be filial and obedient to you, and I will not shake my legs while having my meals”. By the 40th day of offering the Little Houses, my child’s problem was completely resolved! Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for giving me the second chance to have a well-behaved and sensible daughter! Had I not known how to perform recitation to repay my karmic debt, I would have ended up like other parents, physically and emotionally drained, tormented by unending worries and having to forked out large sums of money on medical treatment. 

Soon after the birth of my child, heeding the advice of my fellow Buddhist practitioners, my entire family applied for Singapore citizenship. With the blessings of Bodhisattva, it merely took seven months to obtain our new Singapore passports. 

Then, it came time for my family to purchase public housing. As it happened to be one year after the pandemic, it attracted an overwhelming number of applicants. Despite various rounds of balloting, we were not selected. As the pandemic worsened, house rentals continually spiked. We were asked to vacate the rental flat that we had lived in for eight solid years!  

Having diminished all our savings on hospital stay due to the premature birth of my child coupled with the spike in rentals, renting a whole flat became financially unviable. To get around the problem, we thought of renting just a room for the four of us but even then, there was none to be had. In light of this, I made the vow to recite 500 Little Houses to implore Bodhisattva to bless us so that we could succeed in securing a desirable flat. After making the vow, I dreamed of a home of our own within a tall building. 

Halfway through my recitation of the Little Houses, I dreamed of my mother, my daughter and I being in a spacious and brightly-lit home and in the dream, the three of us were overjoyed. A few days after my dream, a letter from the Housing & Department Board (HDB) arrived, congratulating us for the successful ballot!   

By June 2022, I had fulfilled my vow to offer the said number of Little Houses. This happened to be the time for us to choose our flat, and on the same day, we submitted our application for a housing grant. By right, it should only take two to three months for the grant to be approved but by August, it was still dead quiet. Taking cue from a dream that I had, I decided to make another vow to offer 52 Little Houses. As soon as I fulfilled my vow, the grant was approved. The Little Houses are simply miraculous! 

During the pandemic, my family shifted home a few times. Not wanting to get caught in a quagmire of an unending streak of rental increase and being forced to vacate, we decided to rent from HDB. Having learnt our lessons from the past, in my quest to secure a rental flat, I was targeted in my vow to offer 21 Little Houses each in 10 batches. Shortly after this, we managed to secure a three-room flat around the district that we were then staying. Guess what, the rental that we paid was lower than the market rate! In May 2023, we moved into the public rental flat while awaiting the construction of our new flat to be completed. At last, my whole family and I are able to settle down in Singapore! Deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Deepest gratitude to Master Lu.   

The Little House is a dharma gem. If you can master this practice, you should never fret over whatever life difficulties or karmic calamities that may come your way. After practising Buddhism, through performing recitation of Buddhist scriptures, I managed to help my aborted children ascend to a higher spiritual realm, I was healed from my gynaecological-related or other forms of health problems. In fact, these health problems just resolved by themselves. To top it off, the negative affinity that I have had at my workplace was resolved, and I end up with an endless stream of benefactors coming my way.  

Through the Little Houses, the migraine that my husband had long suffered is cured. Monetary-wise, he was fortunate to be awarded some work compensation and the unexpected financial losses have also become less frequent. Clearly, our family life has improved. It is so true that when one person in the family practises Buddhism, the whole family stands to benefit.  

On reflection, Guan Yin Citta has transformed the destiny of my entire family. Now that everything is settled, I pledge with my greatest sincerity, I will cherish and repay Bodhisattva for the blessings that She has showered on my family. Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu for bestowing upon the human realm such a wonderful dharma door. I will make it a point to spread the dharma, perform meritorious deeds and perform more recitations to eliminate my karmic obstacles. Last but not least, I will follow in the footsteps of Master Lu and my fellow practitioners to propagate Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Guan Yin Citta, so that more sentient beings are saved, and be able to abandon suffering and attain happiness.   

This concludes my testimony. Thank you all for listening in. 

Deepest gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors!

Deepest gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu!


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