Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | X. When you need to recite Little Houses and how many (1)

05/12/2021 |    

1. What Circumstances Require Little Houses


  • For beginners: start with at least 7 Little Houses addressed to your own karmic creditors. Persist with subsequent recitations according to your circumstances.
  • If you dream about being paralysed due to a spiritual attack, someone chasing after you, giving or asking for money or gifts, treating you to a meal, or if you experience sudden illnesses or misfortune, lose your temper for no reason, etc., recite 7 to 21 Little Houses addressed to the “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>”.
  • If you dream about the deceased, you will need to recite at least 7 Little Houses for each of the deceased you dream about. Generally, you should offer 21 Little Houses instead of 7 if the deceased is a relative. If the full name of the deceased is unknown, you may specify the relationship between the deceased and the living person, e.g. “Grandfather of YYY”, “Father of YYY”, YYY being the full name of the living person.
  • If you previously had an abortion, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, IVF, etc., you need to recite at least 7 to 21 Little Houses for each child. You can address them to “Child of <mother’s full name>”.

    It is also possible that you may be unaware of your miscarriage, especially if you have taken contraceptive pills or used other birth control methods. As long as you have a dream about a baby or child, you should recite the Little House as mentioned above.

    Note: Do not use phrases such as “Aborted child of <full name>”, or “Nth child of <full name>”, etc. Even if there are several children, you should only address the Little House to “Child of XXX”. The burnt Little Houses will be allocated according to the corresponding rules in the spirit world.

  • If you have karmic creditors in the house (e.g. you feel that your house is gloomy and depressing, you dream about stranger(s) in the house, or hear strange noises or experience sudden and unexplainable breakdowns of electronic devices and furniture), you should recite 4 to 7 Little Houses addressed to the “Karmic Creditor of the House of <full name of occupant>”.
  • If you have karmic conflicts with others, you may recite Little Houses addressed to “<Your full name> resolves karmic conflicts”to resolve disputes and conflicts with them.
  • If life is smooth-sailing, persist with your daily recitation. Offer about 3 Little Houses each week addressed to the “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>” for protection.
  • If you are reserving Little Houses for future use, leave the “Offer To:” field blank. It can be filled in right before burning the Little Houses.