English Sharing Session

English Sharing Session – 29 Sep 2019

25/02/2020 | English Sharing Session    
< English Sharing Session    

Time : Sunday 2.00pm-3.30pm (fortnightly)
Venue : Singapore Oriental Radio Practice Centre

1. Video clip on Master Lu’s discourse: The Root of Sufferings
2. Video clip on Master Lu’s story: Gratitude can be so simple
3. The Powerful Practice of reciting the sacred name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva
4. Testimony sharing: Two years of Buddhist practice cured an asthma condition of fifty years!
5. Leading a Vegetarian lifestyle – the rationale and merits
6. Totem enquiry: Heart and lower back problems identified
7. Questions and Answers


On 29 September 2019, Guan Yin Citta (Singapore) held yet another fortnightly English Sharing Session at the practice centre featuring many inspiring and enriching items on the lineup.

The sharing featured a segment on how one gains the benefit of merit and virtue that is immeasurable when they recite the sacred name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The sharing shed light on this practice which is said to have wonderful properties and is able to rescue people from seven types of calamities and dissolve the three poisons if chanted single-mindedly.

An informative segment of the sharing allowed the audience to learn the reasons to change over to a vegetarian diet, and start eating less meat today—or none at all! With the light-hearted presentation, audience are left to chew on some of the reasons which includes, helping them to ward of diseases, shield against disaster and eliminate the cause for new karmic obstacles when they stop consuming meat.

Finally, a Buddhist friend shared on how a mere two years practice of Guan Yin Citta had managed to cure her asthma condition of 50 years! The audience were intrigued as this Buddhist friend enlightened them on how the transformation that she experienced in her health was like a revolutionary breakthrough for her as a medical personnel.


If you wish to understand more about Master Lu’s latest discourses, learn to apply Buddhist teachings into our everyday lives, imbibe yourself with more positive energy and blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we welcome you! Join us in the next English Sharing Session to embark on a wondrous expedition of wisdom and positivity!


< English Sharing Session