Buddhism in Plain Terms

The First of the Five Precepts: Abstain from Killing (Part 1)

< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享    

Time : Saturday 2pm-4.00pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting
Topic of Discussion : The First of the Five Precepts: Abstain from Killing (Part 1)


On 22 May 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore, held an online English sharing session that focused on the first of The Five Buddhist Precepts: Abstain from Killing (五戒 — 戒杀).

The facilitator laid the groundwork for the session by reinforcing the importance of observing the Buddhist precepts. Contrary to common beliefs, the observance of precepts helps one gain freedom of the mind as it is an effective way to plug the leakages to our meritorious blessings and it steers one away from calamities in life.

The participants were forewarned that Killing breaks the laws governing the human realm and the Underworld, and is a grave sin that is multi-generational. Echoing this is the saying, “Among all sins, the act of Killing is the most severe; Among all virtues, refrain from Killing is foremost”. This explains why Killing is capable of bringing forth dire karmic ramifications to the evil doers and their descendants.

The Three Poisons being the key reasons for one to kill were detailed in this session.

Unbeknown to many, once Killing has built up to a great extent, it is capable of shifting the collective karmic consequences of heaven and earth.

Those who often commit the act of Killing will have short lifespans and beset by ill health. It could also manifest in other ways such as suffer from financial loss and natural disasters.

This topic sparked vibrant participation from the audience who were eager to better understand specific issues such as euthanasia, consuming medicine containing animal ingredients, ways to deal with pests, etc.

The upcoming session will explore ways to eliminate the negative karma of Killing and abstain from committing it.


? Let us now look at some comments from participants:

The fundamental to killing arises from Greed; Lack of compassion. I benefited from group study as we dwell into the details of various modes of killings and how we can approach to eliminate these karmic actions on any accidental wrong deeds.


?Join us in our next session 

Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information


 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 29 May 2021 (2.00pm – 4.00pm)


Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:

 Summary Slides_Abstain from Killing (Part 1)




1.The Importance of Observing the Precepts
2.Why do we Commit the Act of Killing?
3.What are the Acts of Killing in Our Daily Lives & Their Karmic Retributions?


The Five Precepts

1.Abstain from killing (不杀生)
2.Abstain from stealing (不偷盗)
3.Avoid sexual misconduct (不邪淫)
4.Abstain from false speech (不妄语)
5.Abstain from taking intoxicants (不饮酒)


< How to Prevent the Outflow of Our Blessings? >

Key Messages:

•By observing the precepts, we prevent the outflow of our blessings (受戒就是把自己福德的漏洞堵住).
•Those, who commit the act of killing, are in reality breaking off the seeds of their great compassion (断了他的大悲种).
•Why would calamities get closer to us? It’s because we have not nurtured compassion, and we have committed the karma of killing in the past.
•When karmic conditions ripen, the fruit of karma will certainly take effect.



< The Importance of Observing the Precepts >


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 375)
11 April 2020 (An Excerpt)

The Lord Buddha: “As humans, you must never go against your conscience and morality. The precepts to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech and taking intoxicants, are the rules set by me based on my observations of how the universe works, using my divine eyes and supernatural powers. These are the rules that should be observed by all human beings.”




Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 8)


To observe the precepts is to find the freedom of the mind.


Shuohua20141128 08:23 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master, when we, as lay practitioners, make a vow to have the Bodhisattva and Dharma Protectors watch over us, what are the precepts that we should adhere to? Do we really have to adhere to the precepts like monks and nuns?
As lay practitioners of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, what are the precepts that we should observe?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s simple. Basically a lay practitioner is required to “Do no evil and practise only the good”.

Caller: Are there any particular areas that we should pay special attention to?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Firstly, avoid sexual misconduct, abstain from stealing, abstain from lying and killing as well as taking intoxicants. These are the basic Five Precepts that you should at least adhere to. It also includes abstaining from lying, as doing so will cause harm to oneself. Lying is the prelude to misconduct.  More often than not, a person who lies is more likely to be involved in a misconduct.

Abstain from stealing, as a lay practitioner, will you commit acts of stealing both at home and in public places? Abstain from killing and sexual misconduct. One should also refrain from false speech. Both men and women must refrain from taking liquor because one can lose his senses when the mind is intoxicated.

Look at the famous Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, who had been drinking all his life. Despite being such an exceptionally great poet, his later years were in misery. You can see for yourself, his life came to an unfortunate end due to his addiction to alcohol.


Buddhism in Plain Terms (Radio Program) Chapter 15 (An Excerpt)

A person, who is able to observe the Five Precepts and perform the Ten Kind Deeds, is one who is relatively more accomplished in his cultivation. He will even be able to ascend to Heaven. Moreover, if he can eradicate all his bad habits, he would have transcended the mortal mind and attained the state of a sage (超凡入圣).

Strict adherence to the Five precepts and the Ten Kind Deeds is also an ingenious way to help us achieve liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Before we speak about attaining the state-of-mind of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we need to understand that the adherence to the Five Precepts and the Ten Kind Deeds forms the basis of human integrity and spiritual cultivation.



< Why do we Commit the Act of Killing? >

Because of the Three Poisons in Us!!


Buddhism in Plain Terms (Radio Program) Chapter 42 (An Excerpt)

While living in this world, we must bear in mind that, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”  (己所不为,勿施于人). Why do we get others to do the things that we are not willing to get our hands dirty doing? What gives rise to scattered thoughts? It all boils down to our desires. 

Desires lead to the formation of thoughts, and thoughts generate actions. That’s also how it works for the evil nature of killing, stealing and lust. Be it killing animals to satisfy one’s taste buds, stealing for personal use and pleasure seeking, or harbouring lustful thoughts, they are all unwholesome.



Buddhism in Plain Terms Vol. 5 Chapter 34 (An Excerpt)

Killing is committed when one takes the life of another living being out of resentment or hatred (瞋恨心). In other words, resentment is the impetus that drives someone to kill.
For example, a person was afraid of slaughtering a chicken at first, but was forced to do so by his parents.

When he first caught hold of the live chicken, in the midst of the violent struggles, the chicken hurt him with its wings or used its beak to peck at his hand.

At that instant, he felt the pain and triggered the resentment in him, prompting him to kill the chicken. Hence, it is said, resentment is the catalyst for the thought of killing to arise in
a person.



Buddhism in Plain Terms (Radio Program) Chapter 42 (An Excerpt)

Everyone should be aware that, more than tens of thousands of tons of chicken, fish, shrimp, crab, lobster, and abalone are killed every day. These are the animals that we should love and protect, and they are here to share the planet earth with us.  We humans are of no difference – we are also animals. The karma of killing is capable of shifting the collective karmic consequences (共业) of heaven and earth.

Someone once said that these animals are born to be eaten. Think about it, what a foolish statement it is! How could a human being make such a statement? The reason given was, because these animals are born incapable of speech and hence it is only right to be eaten by us. Just imagine, if you had a younger brother or sister who was born mute, would you think it’s right to kill him? That’s an extremely foolish argument. I hope that everyone should cultivate more compassion.



We Reap What We Sow – Are We Sowing the Seed of Killing?

we reap what we sow





Our Gain & Loss From Observing the Precepts

What have we lost?
The chance to develop negative karmic affinities with others. (失去了跟别人结恶缘的机会)
What have we gained?
The merit and virtue from developing positive affinities. (得到了你结善缘的这个功德)


< What are the Acts of Killing in Our Daily Lives & Their Karmic Retributions? >


Buddhism in Plain Terms Vol. 5 Chapter 34 (An Excerpt)

There are two types of karmic retribution for the act of killing. Firstly, those who often commit the act of killing will have relatively short lifespans; and secondly, they will be prone to illnesses.

In other words, if one is always in poor health or has a short lifespan, it will definitely be due to the act of killing in his past lives. Think about it, when one is killing chickens, ducks, cockroaches, ants… aren’t they taking away lives? That explains why people who have committed the act of killing will have a short lifespan.


Wenda20200119 34:59 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: As you have mentioned before, there is a traditional Chinese saying that goes “Of all vices, lust is the worst”. It is true.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. Both women and money are “yin” in nature. Hence, when men have contact with women, a substantial amount of ‘yin’ energy will surely bring about financial misfortune to him.

Caller: Master, what are the actions that can lead to one to suffer the karmic retribution of financial misfortune?

Master Jun Hong Lu: The act of killing is the main cause for one to suffer the retribution of financial loss (破财). Secondly, lust. If a man is always flirting with women, he will be financially strapped.

Caller: What about those spendthrifts who are wasteful with money, do we consider them as suffering from financial misfortune too?

Master Jun Hong Lu: These people are suffering from a different kind of financial misfortune. They have difficulty in safe-keeping their wealth.

Caller: I understand now.



< Killing of Animals >

Buddhism in Plain Terms Vol. 1 Chapter 14 (An Excerpt)

When it comes to cultivating our minds, do you know precisely what we are cultivating? From a certain perspective, it’s about the observance of Buddhist precepts.

Refrain from doing the things you shouldn’t do, saying the things you shouldn’t say, and thinking about things you should not. You must practise self-restraint constantly in order to get rid of your bad habits.

One of the Five Precepts of Buddhism is to “refrain from stealing”. Should you violate this precept, don’t you think you’ll be caught by the police?

Similarly, the precept of “not killing” means that if you kill a person, you will have broken the law in the Human Realm (阳律). If you kill an animal, you will have broken the law of the Underworld (阴律).

Even if the punishment of killing animals isn’t served in the Human Realm, you will inescapably suffer due punishment in the Underworld. Therefore, everyone should follow these Five Precepts, which are not limited to the monastic community.


< Commit Suicide >

Wenda20180513A 33:59 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller:  A close relative of a fellow practitioner committed suicide, and needless to say, thedeceased must have descended to the City of Innocent Death (枉死城) now. Since he has started practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, the fellow practitioner would like to offer Little Houses to the deceased. He would like to know about the number of Little Houses he should offer in order to help the deceased to be reborn in the human realm or even ascend to a higher realm. Is it possible?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. Recite more Buddhist scriptures, and offer more Little Houses to the deceased. Keep reciting and see how it goes. 

Caller: Since the deceased died by suicide, generally speaking, how many Little Houses are required to free him from the City of Innocent Death?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It won’t be possible without at least 400 Little Houses.

Caller: Does it mean the number of Little Houses has to be doubled if we would like to help him ascend to a higher realm?

Master Jun Hong Lu: There’s no way he can ascend to a higher realm.

Caller: Do you mean the human realm is the highest realm he can ascend to?

Master Jun Hong Lu: At best, one who died by suicide can only be reborn as a human in his next life. It is impossible for him to become a Bodhisattva, do you get it? Because Bodhisattvas would never have committed suicide in their past lives.

Caller: I understand now.


< Hunting>

Buddhism Your Questions Answered (FAQ) Q&A 43.
Hunting and its impact on family members (An Excerpt)

If your ancestors were hunters, the tremendous negative karma accumulated from killing other beings would be passed on to future generations. This is very difficult to resolve, and generally affects the next three generations.

Q&A 43. Hunting and its impact on family members


<Fishing >

Wenda 20120626 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s radio call-in program)  – An Excerpt

Caller: Master Lu, I have been married for two years now but I still do not have any children. What should I do?

Master Jun Hong Lu: First of all, were you into fishing previously?

Caller: Yes, but not much.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Many of those who are into fishing, they would have had problem conceiving. The chance is as high as more than 70%.

Caller: This is my second marriage, I was a divorcee.

Master Jun Hong Lu: It doesn’t matter whether it is your first or second marriage. It is about what you have in your life. For example, your ex-wife was into fishing and that resulted in your problem having a child. Your present wife however is a good person. Logically, you should be able to have children with her. But now obviously the problem lies with you.



Journey to Heaven and the Underworld: The Sea Creatures Explains That All Sea-Related Disasters Stem from the Karma of Killing



< Killing of Insects >

Wenda20190707 58:43 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: For several months, a Buddhist practitioner has been experiencing peeling and cracked skin on his fingers. He has used a lot of medication but to no avail. Master Lu, may I know what could be the karma that leads to such a condition?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s caused by the act of killing.  More specifically, it’s due to eating too much of small creatures such as fish, prawns, crabs and so forth.

Caller: So he should recite more Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zhou)?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. This is generally attributable to eating too much prawn, and it’s especially so for his case where his skin tends to peel and crack.

Caller: In that case, he should also offer more Little Houses?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, the more the better.

Caller: Okay, thank you, Master Lu.


< Abortion & Miscarriage > 


wenda20160529B  15:14 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: We understand that it is not advisable for women, especially married women, to take contraceptive pills, as doing so may create the karma of killing. In that case, is it alright to use a contraceptive ring instead?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, it is much better than taking the pills. Oral contraceptives can kill embryos, and that constitutes an act of killing. Using a contraceptive device or tool is a much better alternative.


Wenda 20130517 42:01 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller:  How many Little Houses do I need to recite to allow me to get pregnant?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally speaking, problem conceiving has to do with your past abortions or miscarriages.

Caller: I have never had an abortion before.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally speaking, this is how it works. It doesn’t matter if you have never had or an abortion or miscarriage with your current husband. When an embryo is formed, spirits will go into it.

There are many people who take contraceptive measures after they get married, for example taking some drugs. If you do not help the deceased children to ascend to a higher spiritual realm, there is no way you will get pregnant.

You will have to continue to make great vows. For example, now you pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva,
“I wish to have a child, Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I promise that when the child grows up, I will have him propagate the Dharma,
I will help others, etc.”

This is what you should say. If you don’t state such prayers, it will not work.

Recite the Little Houses diligently. You should:

> Recite 21 times each of the Great Compassion Mantra and the Heart Sutra.

> Recite 5 times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance.

> You should also recite more of the Ruyi Bao Lun Wang Tuo Luo Ni (如意宝轮王陀罗尼).

Caller: Should I address the Little Houses to my child or to my karmic creditor?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Both are alright. Don’t worry. This will happen in different months for different people. Have you performed life liberation?

Caller: Yes, I have. Today I have released two catties (斤) of fish roe. How many fish should I liberate in total?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Well, release as much as you can. The more you release, and the more you chant, the more efficacious it will be.

(Another person):  Master Lu, please give her your blessings. Lately, she has not been feeling very well.

Master Jun Hong Lu: This shows that you have a lot of karmic obstacles and foreign spirits. With the latter causing you trouble, how are you able to conceive? You will have to continue chanting, until you feel better both physically and mentally and when all aspects of your life are going smoothly, this is when it will be easier for you to conceive.



< Consuming and Cooking of Non-Vegetarian Food >

Wenda20160415 01:25:25 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: A Buddhist friend’s child has had skin disorder since young and there are scratches all over her body. This Buddhist friend is interested to find out whether it is more important to offer the Little House or recite the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zhou), or do both?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You need to recite both the Little House and the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth MantraIn general, there is a correlation between skin problems and negative karma committed in one’s past lives such as killing and taking live seafood as well as excessive consumption of live seafood during pregnancies.

The traditional Chinese physicians have previously said that the consumption of seafood would activate the carbuncles and keloids (疙疙瘩瘩的痈、小结), causing them to gradually develop into full-blown skin disease. Therefore, pregnant mothers, who consume excessive amounts of live seafood, will have children with skin-related disorders.

Caller: This means this Buddhist friend must increase her recitation of the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra. It’s a must to offer Little Houses, correct? 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, indeed. 

Caller: Is her recitation of the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra considered part of her daily homework or the self-reserved form?

Master Jun Hong Lu: She’s better off to recite it as part of her daily homework.


Buddhism Your Questions Answered (FAQ)    
Q&A 136. Birthday celebrations (An Excerpt)

On your birthday, you must not perform any acts of killing (animals), as the resulting negative karma generated would be doubledon your birthday. If anyone consumes freshly-killed animals during your birthday celebration, then all the negative karma associated with it will be shouldered by you (所有罪业都算在过生日的人身上).

Q&A 136. Birthday celebrations



Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 24 December 2016

Question: With regards to our daily engagements with non-Buddhists, treating them to a meal or drinking sessions are all very common ways to socialise. For Buddhist practitioners, who practise full vegetarianism and do not smoke or drink, how should we handle these engagements with tact? What are the options available for Buddhists with regards to social activities? Master Lu, please enlighten us.

AnswerFirst and foremost, Buddhist practitioners should practise self-discipline. Let others know that you are a Buddhist practitioner and that you are someone who observes the Buddhist precepts.  It’s perfectly fine to do so. At the outset, some of them may ridicule you. However, as long as you persist, over time, they will stop picking on you.

Please remember: If you are a pillar today, when people approach you, they will have to walk “around” you. (你今天是一根柱子,别人走到你这里就得绕着走). Conversely, if you are not strong today, you will be pushed over by others in no time. This explains why it is important to have determination, there is no two ways about it.


Wenda20161023B 01:30 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: I have some Buddhist friends who have vowed to become full vegetarians. However, among them there are some who are still in poor health. Does this have anything to do with the fact that they are still cooking non-vegetarian meals for their families?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s for sure. For example, you are a good person now, but on the other hand you are still helping others to kill someone or perform bad deeds.

Caller: So, is there something that can be done to allow these Buddhist friends to be spared from preparing non-vegetarian meals, and at the same time steer away from any possible conflict in the family? By the way, they have made vows to be full vegetarians.

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s very simple. It is a question of predestined affinityIf your family members’ predestined affinity is still premature and you have taken the lead to be a full vegetarian, conflicts will definitely arise as a result. You have no choice but to go with the flow of things first, that’s the only way.

As for now, you can choose to be full vegetarian yourself while you continue to prepare non-vegetarian meals for your family members, there is no other way. However, you should stand your ground on not cooking any live creatures. Be firm on this issue, even if you are being held at gunpoint! Do you understand?

Otherwise, it will be very bad for yourself as there will be leakage of virtues. It is like having a pocket that is consistently being filled with money, but at the same time the money keeps leaking out, would you still have money in the end?

Caller: No.




Why is it important for us to observe the precepts?
> To help us find the freedom of the mind – to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth
> To cultivate the Way – A prerequisite for attaining the state of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
> To cultivate the mind is about observing the precepts – which should be followed by everyone, not only the monastic community
> To prevent the outflow of our blessings 
> Remember: Do no evil and practise only the good!


Why do we Commit the Act of Killing? Out of greed, hatred and ignorance:
Greed – desire is the root of all evil
Hatred – resentment is the catalyst for the thought of killing to arise
Ignorance – ignorant to the fact that ‘animals are not born to be eaten
What are the Acts of Killing in Our Daily Lives? 
> Killing of animals 
 -Hunting, fishing, farming, etc
 -Killing of insects (including pest control)
> Abortion & Miscarriage – including taking contraceptive pills
> Committing suicide 
> Consuming and cooking of non-vegetarian food
And so on…
What are the Karmic Retributions from the Act of Killing?
> Breaking off the seeds of great compassion(断掉大悲种) – unable to ascend to heaven
> Violation of the law of the Underworld (犯阴律) – create negative karma & deplete good karma; the negative karma accumulated from killing other beings will generally affect three generations
> Short lifespans 
> Poor health
> A depletion in blessings and virtues – suffer from financial misfortune, etc.
And so on…


Totem Reading: Malignant Tumour Caused by Karma of Killing


< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享