Little House | III. List of Essentials (1)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

1. Essentials for the recitation of Little Houses (refer to Figure 9)   Figure 9 Essentials for Recitation and Safekeeping of Little Houses   Sutra booklets containing the four Buddhist scriptures contained in the Little House; Counters for keeping track of the number of sutras and mantras recited; Red pens (to put the dots in […]

Little House | II. Printing of the Little House (1)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

1. Downloading   Please visit the Resource Centre on our website to download the Little House template in English (refer to Figure 3). The direct link is as follows: Please print the Little House on yellow A4 paper only. For the Chinese version of the Little House, please go to   Figure […]

Little House | I. Introduction (3)

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

3. Functions of the Little House   The Little House can be used for several purposes, including helping the deceased ascend to a higher spiritual realm, resolving karmic conflicts with others, and eliminating karmic obstacles. Accordingly, it helps us improve our lives and resolve calamities. Once we pay off our karmic debts in the human […]

Little House|Preface

Posted Posted in Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva (Guan Yin Bodhisattva, or otherwise known as Guan Zi Zai Bodhisattva in Chinese, Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit), is a Bodhisattva with immense loving kindness and compassion. With immeasurable wisdom and miraculous powers, she comes to the aid of those in hardship and difficulty. She attained Buddhahood countless eons ago, and is known […]

Words of Wisdom | Impermanent Nature Of Life

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The reality of life is that it is a process. Being obsessed with the process brings suffering. Letting go of the process means understanding the suffering, emptiness, and the impermanent nature of life. Only by departing from the process can real life begin. 生命的真实性在于过程, 执着过程会带来痛苦, 放下过程才能懂得苦空无常, 而离开过程才是真实生命的开始。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Squandering

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Squandering defines a kind of disappearance. It numbs your thoughts and makes you disappear unconsciously. 浪费是一种消失, 它会麻痹你的思维, 让你在不知不觉中消失。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Control Your Mind

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Human beings live in impermanence, and all things are created by the mind. As such, by controlling your mind, you control your world. 人是活在无常中的,万物唯心造。 控制好自己的心念, 至少控制了自己的世界。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Be Strict On Oneself

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To become a Bodhisattva, one must exert a great deal more strength than ordinary people. Learn to be strict with oneself so your observation of the precepts is solid and firm. 要修成菩萨 必须付出比常人大得多的力量, 学会严于律己,才能守戒如刚。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Lotus

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Judge the conditions before speaking, and be considerate about the other party when discussing a problem. To cultivate yourself in a corrupt society, you must be like the lotus, which remains untainted by the mud from which it grows. 讲话看条件,谈问题为对方着想, 在社会中入污泥而不染, 才能修成莲花。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | The Way

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As the saying goes: we should carry out the Way on behalf of Heaven. The Way is in our heart; learning to be sincere and honest is itself a place of practice. 替天行道,道在心中, 实心是道场。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Saints Do Without Talking

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Some people do before they talk. Others talk before they do. There are still others who talk but never do, whereas the Saints do without talking. 有人先说后做,有人先做后说, 有人说了不做,圣者做了不说。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Keeping A Low Profile Is Virtue

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Keeping a low profile is a virtue. We hurt others when we show off our wealth and wisdom and make people blush with jealousy. A Buddhist practitioner must learn to consider other people’s feelings and thoughts. Refrain from bragging about yourself, making others feel embarrassed or hurting others. This is compassion. 低调是一种美德。 在别人面前显示自己的富有和智慧, 让人脸红或嫉妒, 也是对别人的一种伤害。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Letting Go

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Those who choose Buddhism choose a new life. We all have to let go of many things in life. Those who cannot will suffer, while those who can will be liberated. 选择佛法,就选择了全新的人生。 每个人一生必须放下很多东西, 放不下就会痛苦; 放下的人会获得解脱。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Delusion

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Delusion, which is akin to a weed that hinders the cultivation of the mind, must always be removed forthwith. 妄念是修心的杂草, 必须时刻清除之。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9