Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | VI. Burning the Little House (4)

10/10/2021 |    

4. When burning a Little House


  • While you are burning Little Houses, simply say, “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me with your compassion.” Do not say anything further.
  • You may light the Little House using the flame from the oil lamp on your Buddhist altar, a match or a lighter. However, it is suggested that you favour a match or lighter over your oil lamp.
  • It is best to burn Little Houses starting from the upper right- hand corner where it says, “Offer To:”.
  • Little Houses must be burnt thoroughly, there should not be any pieces left unburnt.
  • Do not handle the ashes with your bare hands.
  • Burn the Little House one after the other. Do not burn several pieces simultaneously.
  • If you are burning Little Houses to different recipients, you should say the prayers for each separately. Once finished burning Little Houses to one recipient, you should pause for one to two minutes before burning them to another one.
  • Ensure that the Little House is completely filled out before burning as it is irrevocable once burnt (refer to Figures 22 to 25).


Figure 22 Getting Ready for Burning the Little House


Figure 23 Burning the Little House


Figure 24 Fully Burnt Little House


Figure 25 Little Houses Must be Burnt Thoroughly;
Do Not Leave Any Pieces Unburnt