Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | I. Introduction (4)

03/10/2021 |    

4. Types of the Little House


As of the writing of this book, the Little House can be used for the following functions:


• Offering to karmic creditors seeking karmic debts

At a certain point in life, the karmic debts and negative karma accumulated from past lives will manifest in the form of illnesses and obstacles that cause our suffering. This is when karmic creditors (spirits) demand repayment of karmic debts. With the Little House, a lot of these problems would be resolved after we help our karmic creditors ascend to a higher spiritual realm.

When you are unable to identify your karmic creditors, you can write the recipient as “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>” on the Little House. “Karmic Creditor” is a respectful title for spirits. The underworld has its own set of laws. Karmic creditors will only come to us in accordance with these laws and their affinities with us. The rightful karmic creditors will receive their dues once the Little House is burnt.


• Offering to the deceased

The Little House can help your ancestors to ascend to a higher spiritual realm. If you dream about the deceased, you should offer the Little Houses for them, otherwise you may be down on your luck.


• Offering to aborted or miscarried children

Generally, it is difficult for these deceased children to be reborn as humans. Therefore, their spirits can wander around in the human realm, among their families. This could lead to issues like poor health, disobedient children, discord, career impediments, etc. within the family. Little Houses can help these spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm. Once this is accomplished, various problems will be resolved.


• Offering to the spirits in the house

Spirits exist in the houses of many. This may result in problems in their households such as malfunction of electrical appliances, sewer blockages, and poor health and domestic disputes among its occupants. Little Houses can help the lingering spirits to ascend to a higher spiritual realm.

If spirits exist in shops, offices, or business premises, this may lead to poor business, career impediments, etc. Little Houses can also help to address these issues.


• Resolve karmic conflicts

When reciting the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots does not effectively resolve family disharmony, neighbourly disputes and workplace animosity, etc., you may recite the “Little House to resolve karmic conflicts” in order to dissolve any feelings of resentment. While reciting a Little House of this nature, you should recite Little Houses for your karmic creditors as well.


• Reserve for future use

If you are able to recite more than enough Little Houses for yourself, you may reserve the extras by wrapping them in a red envelope or a piece of red fabric for future use.