Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House|I. Introduction (1)

03/10/2021 |    

1. Introduction to the Little House


The Little House (or Xiao Fang Zi in Chinese) is a combination of four classic Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras).

There are two kinds of illnesses from the Buddhist point of view. One is caused by your body itself, and the other is caused by foreign spirits. Spirits and ghosts are commonly associated with the spirit world. Foreign spirits that occupy a living person are usually deceased relatives, aborted or miscarried children, deceased close friends or foes, and foreign spirit(s) from their house. If foreign spirits occupy a person’s body for an extended period of time, this person can experience physical illness, bad temper, misfortune, and difficulty in career or studies.

Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu, an Australia-based Chinese Buddhist cultivator, has obtained transcendental abilities, thanks to the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Under the guidance of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Master Jun Hong Lu gives people advice on how to change their lives for the better, be free of suffering and attain happiness. He teaches people to recite sutras and mantras, as well as the Little Houses, to help spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm, so that they can recover from the illnesses caused by foreign spirits. The Little House can also be used to help deceased relatives ascend to higher spiritual realms, including heaven.

The Little House is one of the Buddhist Practices the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva bestows upon us to help spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm and to eliminate our karmic obstacles in this Age of Dharma Decline.

In the spirit world, the Little Houseis like a high value cheque. With the recitation of Little Houses, we are able to repay karmic debts from previous lives. They provide spirits, including deceased loved ones, with the power to ascend to a higher spiritual realm. Therefore, the Little House is a great tool for helping ourselves as well as others. It works miracles!