English Sharing Session

English Sharing Session – 7 April 2019

24/02/2020 | English Sharing Session    
< English Sharing Session    

Time : Sunday 2.00pm-3.30pm (fortnightly)
Venue : Singapore Oriental Radio Practice Centre

On 7 April 2019, Guan Yin Citta (Singapore) held yet another fortnightly English Sharing Session at the practice centre featuring many inspiring and enriching items on the lineup.

The theme of this sharing was Life After Death, featuring items such as the intermediate state of existence (Bardo) which aimed to enlighten about why some deceased are stuck in limbo. A member of the audience said, “My mother who is very ill kept telling me that she hears heavenly music. If it was not for the sharing today on ‘Scenes experienced at the end of one’s life’, I would never have figured out what it means!”

Next, a 9 year old boy took over the stage and left the audience in awe when he shared about his daily recitation of 49 times of the Great Compassion Mantra, Heart Sutra and other short mantras. Through his persistent daily recitation, his grades had improved greatly, winning him the ‘Good Progress Award’ too!

If you wish to understand more about Master Lu’s latest discourses, learn to apply Buddhist teachings into our everyday lives, imbibe yourself with more positive energy and blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we welcome you! Join us in the next English Sharing Session two weeks later and embark on a wondrous expedition of wisdom and positivity!

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