Buddhism in Plain Terms

The Ingenious Secrets & Efficacy Of The Heart Sutra

< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享    

Time : Saturday 2pm-4pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting
Topic of Discussion : The Ingenious Secrets & Efficacy Of The Heart Sutra


Master Lu says, “Only when a person uses his mind to reflect on his faults and shortcomings can he illuminate the emptiness of the Five Aggregates, and reform himself”.

On 14 May 2022, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held an online English sharing session to delve into The Ingenious Secrets and Efficacy of the Heart Sutra. 

The facilitator kicked off the session with a short video of Master Lu that reminded us the importance of being spiritually awakened and not to be attached to all worldly things because all things that we see – be it objects or people – are transient in nature. 

The Heart Sutra is a condensed version of the Diamond Sutra. In turn, the Heart Sutra can be condensed into ‘to illuminate’, which essentially means to watch over our mind so that it does not veer off the wrong track. The ingenious secret of the Heart Sutra lies in using the mind to overcome the impurities and unwholesomeness within.

By reciting more of the Heart Sutra, it helps regulate our body and mind, and to illuminate and see the emptiness of the Five Aggregates. Besides untying the knots in the mind, the energy-transformation effect is capable of balancing our Yin and Yang energies.

Unbeknown to many, the ‘Heart’ in the Heart Sutra encapsulates four types of power: 

1. The power of compassion – represented by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. 

2. The power of wisdom – represented by Manjushri Bodhisattva. 

3. The power of the dharma / practice – represented by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. 

4. The power of vow – represented by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

In the upcoming session, scheduled on 28 May, we will explore the Heart of True Repentance.


🌿 Join us in our next session 

Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information


 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 28 May 2022 (2pm – 4pm)


Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:

  Summary Slides_Heart Sutra




1. An Introduction to the Heart Sutra
2. The Efficacy of Reciting the Heart Sutra on the Body, Speech and Mind
3. Prayer Requests for Reciting the Heart Sutra Under Different Circumstances
4. The Powers and Essence of the Heart Sutra


< Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form >

Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms | Episode 51

Key Messages:

  • The Heart Sutra was translated by Master Xuanzang (玄奘法师) of the Tang Dynasty.
    It is the essence of Zen (禅宗的精髓).
  • “Form is no other than emptiness; emptiness is no other than form. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. The same is true of feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness.”
  • “色不异空,空不异色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行识,亦复如是”
  • In Buddhism, the word ‘form’ means all the things that we see, including objects and people. Therefore, it is important not to be attached (执情) to all worldly things.
  • The Heart Sutra emphasises on the philosophy of Zen that everything is inherently empty (万物本空), i.e.‘Form is emptiness (色即是空), and reminds us to be spiritually awakened.
  • Whatever we see is inherently empty; when we become attached to emptiness (恋空), we fail to understand what ‘emptiness is form’ truly means, as there is ‘form’ in ‘emptiness’.
  • Therefore, we must illuminate and see the emptiness of the Five Aggregates (照见五蕴皆空), to be able to see the true nature of everything.











< The Benefits of Reciting the Heart Sutra >



< The Efficacy of Reciting the Heart Sutra on the Body, Speech and Mind >

  1. Everything stems from the mind


Wenda20110909 12:04 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: How does the Heart Sutra help me gain wisdom? Has it to do with the quantity that I recite, or is it because Bodhisattva hears my recitation and blesses me as a result? Or, could it be that I have come to understand the verses in the scripture?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Firstly, the Heart Sutra originates from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. It is hard for humans to thoroughly understand the scriptures of Bodhisattvas. It is just like a university education – many things are not under our control.

For instance, a professor teaches you an equation, you do not need to know the origin of this equation. As long as you apply the equation, you are able to solve all the challenging mathematical problems.

Secondly, when you recite the Heart Sutra, your mind and that of Guan Yin Bodhisattva meld into one. As you contemplate how Guan Yin Bodhisattva answers all prayers and possesses such immense energy, the recitation of the Heart Sutra allows you to unravel the binds within your mind (心里的结打开).

In fact, your recitation allows you to gain spiritual resonance with Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s energy field. This is the kind of feeling you will experience.

Caller: Does it mean that with Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s blessings, one is able to gain wisdom faster?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s for sure! Why is it that people wish to find a master? A university textbook can be easily obtained, but if you do not receive lectures and tutorials from a professor, will you be able to graduate?


Wenda20140907A 39:09 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master once said that the recitation of the Heart Sutra generates the greatest meritorious blessings. Is it because our usual recitation of the Heart Sutra is able to help sentient beings around us?

Master Jun Hong Lu: The recitation of both the Heart Sutra and the Great Compassion Mantra can generate immense meritorious blessings. The same goes for all other Buddhist scriptures.

However, the Heart Sutra is the most effective in resolving one’s inner conflicts. Whenever you cannot think things through, suicidal, or have problems straightening out your thoughts, the moment you recite the Heart Sutra and your mind resonates with it, the Bodhisattva’s wisdom will permeate your mind (菩萨的智慧就到了你的心里).


Wenda20130414B  12:14 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Can Master Lu enlighten me about this: reciting more Heart Sutra can generate positive affinity with people, which in turn will make it easier for us to meet our benefactors (贵人). 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. The Heart Sutra is akin to greeting others and it helps you gain wisdom. A wise person will neither engage in quarrels with another person nor scold them; he is someone who is always willing to help others and ready to sacrifice himself for the benefits of the greater good for all.

Undeniably, a person who is wise because he recites a lot of the Heart Sutra, will have more positive affinities; with improved affinity, don’t you think you will be able to meet more benefactors? Consequently, when you treat everyone as a benefactor, don’t you think you have formed your benefactor luck?


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Radio Program) 1 April 2017 (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu:

The ingenious secret of the Heart Sutra (心经的妙诀) lies in using the mind to overcome the impurities and unwholesomeness within (用心来对付自己不纯的心、不好的心). 

Many people say, “My heart has been so deeply wounded and there is no way that anyone can soothe my broken heart.”

In reality, the Heart Sutra is able to heal your wound because it will essentially help you gain realisation so that you are able to see through the reality of things.

When performing recitation, you are very much like having a conversation with the Bodhisattva from which you will gradually gain the understanding that our mind is in actuality free from hindrances (心实际上是无碍的).

The real obstruction to our mind is our very own six sense organs and their corresponding objects (六根六尘). It’s us who fall short in taming and safeguarding this mind of ours (没有好好地把这个心安抚好) such that we fail to unite our mind with the cultivated state of mind of the Bodhisattva.



< Be the Master of Our Mind >

Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting Kuala Lumpur 28 December 2018

Key Messages:

  • Life is short and bitter. Hence, we should learn to regulate our mindset.
  • The Buddha tells us to look for eternal wisdom in this life of impermanence (在无常的人生当中寻找有常的人生智慧) to overcome our afflictions and exterminate our vexations, as only then can Prajna wisdom arise from within. This is what it means by ‘affliction is Bodhi‘.



< The Efficacy of Reciting the Heart Sutra on the Body, Speech and Mind >

  1. Eliminate Negative Karma of Speech


Wenda20200424 22:18 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Which Buddhist scriptures should we recite to eliminate the karma of speech?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You have to recite the Heart Sutra, Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance, and also Qi Fo Mie Zui Zhen Yan. In fact, the karma of speech arises from your thoughts.

Master Jun Hong Lu: If you didn’t have the unwholesome thoughts, they wouldn’t be reflected in your speech. That’s why you have to recite the Heart Sutra.

Caller: I understand now.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism Your Questions Answered(FAQ) | 6 May 2020 

  • Stuttering is an illness resulting from karmic obstacles, regardless of whether you were born with it or if you acquired it from imitating other people.
  • It is possible that in your previous lives, you generated a major karma of speech and made too many inappropriate remarks, and as a result, you are unable to speak fluently in your present life.
  • It is also possible that in your previous lives, you consumed an excessive quantity of freshly-killed animals, and made comments about whether they were tasty or not while you
    ate them
  • Since this is a problem caused by karmic obstacles, you need to diligently perform recitations, cultivate your mind, repent and repay your karmic debts.
  • For your daily recitations, you can recite the Great Compassion Mantra 7 times, the Heart Sutra at least 21 times, and the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance 3 to 5 times.
  • Stuttering is a problem related to one’s mental health. Therefore, it is recommended that you complete more recitations of the Heart Sutra than you normally would.
  • You can also say the following prayer:

    “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, grant me wisdom and help me to recover from stuttering.”

    For more details, please visit:

Q&A 146. Coping with stuttering



< The Efficacy of Reciting the Heart Sutra on the Body, Speech and Mind >

  1. Improve our physical health


Zongshu20200609  09:51 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: The Heart Sutra can transform the molecular structures of our cells. A person who often recites the Heart Sutra will find that his cellular molecules flow more freely, which is beneficial for one’s blood circulation. That is why you can feel that your whole body becomes warmer after recitation.

In fact, the accelerated circulation of the blood will enhance activity at the nerve endings, which in turn will induce movement in the digestive system besides stimulating the cranial nerves.

With that, you will be filled with “life force” (活力) – it is only through “living” that one gains the “force of life” (活着才有力量).


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism Your Questions Answered(FAQ) | 5 May 2020
Q&A 118. HEART DISEASE (An Excerpt)

People with heart problems need to be aware of the following:

  • First, you need to change your bad habits. Learn to be more tolerant and generous, and to have an open mind. A person who does not easily lose his temper tends to have a healthy heart.
  • Learn to be patient, as being impatient would also affect the condition of your heart.
  • Perform more recitations of the Heart Sutra, as it will help calm your heart. When you recite the Heart Sutra, you would receive blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and your heart would be at ease.
  • It is recommended that you recite the Heart Sutra 21 times per day. For people with heart disease, it is best to recite 49 times per day. In doing so, your heart will gradually open up and your mind will broaden itself.

    For full discourse, please visit:

Q&A 118. Heart disease


Wenda20141212 03:47 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program (An Excerpt)

Caller: How many times of the Great Compassion Mantra should cancer patients recite daily

Master Jun Hong Lu: They should recite a maximum of 49 times of the Great Compassion Mantra. Some of them recite desperately for 78 times or even up to 108 times daily.

In actual fact, they should recite more of the Heart Sutra during the daytime, because this sutra can make up for the insufficiency of their Little Houses.

Assuming you are stricken with cancer, and there is a foreign spirit on your body. Despite diligently reciting Little Houses, at times, the quantity offered may still be insufficient or perhaps, some minor foreign spirits are also claiming their karmic debts from you.

In such cases, by reciting the Heart Sutra, you are able to repay these minor karmic debts.

Caller: I see.

Master Jun Hong Lu: This is because the Heart Sutra can be transformed not only into a form of energy, but also something that is similar to Little Houses, which can be extremely beneficial to beings in the human and lower realms.

Caller: OK.


Wenda20170106  57:28 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: The recitation of the Heart Sutra and the Great Compassion Mantra can help us gain wisdom and increase our spiritual energy, respectively. Both are beneficial and can help balance one’s Yin and Yang energies (阴阳调和).

Caller: Does it mean a person laden with the Yin energy (阴气) should recite 49 times of both the Buddhist scriptures?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s advisable for such a person to recite both the Great Compassion Mantra and the Heart Sutra. The Heart Sutra has an energy-transformation effect.

For example, you are overloaded with Yang energy (阳气), and are on the verge of losing your temper, you will be able to keep your cool and maintain a balanced state of mind the moment you recite the Heart Sutra.

On the contrary, if you have insufficient Yang energy, reciting the Heart Sutra will still be able to help you gain more wisdom and increase your Yang energy. That’s how it works.


Wenda20190726   01:01:44 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: A Buddhist friend’s daughter is constantly in a foul mood every day and this can last up to four to five hours. Unfortunately, this has been going on in recent years. There isn’t much that her daughter can do in a day except sleeping, which can be for more than 10 hours a day. When she is cranky, practically she can’t stay focused and hence is unable to complete any task. As a result, she can only complete her daily recitation in the wee hours. Master, I would like to know about the Buddhist scriptures to recite and how can she go about transforming herself? 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Please get her to recite the Heart Sutra to seek help from the Bodhisattva to help her change for the better. For those who wish to mend their ways, they must first and foremost be able to recognise their weaknesses, before performing recitation of the Heart Sutra to seek greater blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help them overcome their bad habits.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11 September 2019 (An Excerpt)

Somewhere in a mountain perched a small temple where only a Zen Master and his disciple, a young monk, lived. 

One day, the young monk asked the Zen Master, “Hi Master, you have long said that what you hold in your heart, you will see in your world (境由心生); everything is a creation of the mind (一切唯心造); and the mind is the soul of a man (心为人之灵).

In this context, how big can the heart of a man be?”

Instead of giving a direct answer to the query, the Zen Master said, “Close your eyes and build a big mountain in your mind.”

Obliged, the young monk shut his eyes and not long after, he reopened them and said, “Master, I am done with creating the mountain in my mind.”

The Zen Master said, “Please continue to create a stalk of grass with your mind.”

With his eyes shut, he pondered for a few brief seconds and he told his Master, “I’m done with it too.”

The Zen Master pressed on, “Alright, use your mind to bring yourself to the entrance of the temple.”

Immediately, the young monk replied, “Master, I’ve reached the entrance.”

The Zen Master carried on, “Now, bring yourself to the horizon.” Straight away, the young monk answered, “Master, I’m there already.”

By now, the Zen Master probed, “When creating the huge mountain and the stalk of grass, did you do so solely with your mind or together with someone else’s mind?”

Without thinking, the young man promptly responded, “It was solely my mind that I was using.”

The Zen Master queried, “If that’s the case, did it take longer for you to reach the entrance of the temple or the horizon?”

Without any hesitation, the young monk replied, “Equally long, Master.”

The Zen Master probed the third time around, “In terms of size, the huge mountain is enormous, while the stalk of grass is tiny. Besides, let’s not forget about the inestimable number of small grass that grows in the mountain.

So, when conjuring up the huge mountain, am I right to say that you were doing so with all your heart, while you only tapped into a fraction of it to create the stalk of grass?”

Shaking his head, the young monk replied, “Be it creating a huge mountain overgrown by vegetation, or creating a single stalk of grass, I did so with all my heart.”

Upon hearing the reply, the Zen Master burst out laughing before saying, “Be it bringing ourselves to the horizon or to the entrance of the temple using our mind, an equal amount of time is used. This goes to show that our mind is neither quick nor slow.

It takes a heart to conjure up a huge mountain and with the same heart, you can create a stalk of grass. Clearly, our heart can either be large or small, allowing us to have an immense tolerance towards all things in life.      

As a Buddhist practitioner, we must understand that the ocean is vast and yet it is dwarfed by the expanse of the sky. That said, the vastness of the sky is incomparable to the magnanimity of one’s heart.

Regardless of how vast the ocean or sky is, there is a limit to it. On the contrary, our heart is boundless. In this world of no limits, we can leverage our heart to create infinite compassion, because only through an immeasurable heart can we transform ourselves and others.



< Prayer Requests for Reciting the Heart Sutra under different circumstances >


Zongshu20161115 00:47 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally, under such situations, you have to recite more Heart Sutra and to find specific ways to solve each individual problem. Your prayer to Guan Yin Bodhisattva will be, “May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy on me. Lately, I have been harried by a particular issue. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy on me. I would like to recite 108 times of the Heart Sutra to help me resolve the karmic knots. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bestow wisdom upon me and help me transcend the secular mindset”. 

Master Jun Hong Lu: Because of the statement “transcend the secular mindset” (脱离凡尘的思维), Bodhisattva will help elevate your state of mind and you will soon be able to wrap your head around your predicament. It is extremely efficacious!


Shuohua20151023 15:30 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Recently, a few fellow practitioners have been fully occupied performing volunteer work and thus, they recite only the daily homework without reciting any Little Houses.

In such cases, if we dream of our karmic creditor, can we recite the Heart Sutra for the karmic creditor if we do not have sufficient Little Houses?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally, the Heart Sutra cannot be recited as a substitute for Little Houses. However, if the negative karma erupts there and then, you should recite the Heart Sutra immediately.

Caller: How should we state our prayer request to the Bodhisattva?

Master Jun Hong Lu:

“May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me so that the foreign spirit can let me off for the time being. I will recite Little Houses for him. For now, I will recite 21 times of the Heart Sutra for him first.” You will be alright immediately. 

Caller: I will convey your advice to the fellow practitioners. Master, please take care and goodbye.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Goodbye.


Wenda20180216   34:25 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master once said, “All of you must know how to pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to shower blessings on your roots (要懂得请观世音菩萨加持根本). To do so, you can say, “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva shower blessings on my spiritual root”. What does it mean by spiritual root? It is your innate nature, that is, your Buddha nature”. 

“The moment Guan Yin Bodhisattva bestows blessings on your spiritual root, you will be able to receive Her compassion, paving the way for your innate Buddha nature to come forth and hence, allowing you to have the wisdom to overcome all your problems”.

Master, I’d like to seek guidance from you whether it is alright for us to state the following prayer before performing our daily recitation of the Heart Sutra, “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva shower blessings on our spiritual roots so that we are able to gain wisdom”?   

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s for sure! All of you should have already done so much earlier. The problem was no one had raised this question before.

What does it mean by ‘spiritual roots’ (根本)? Let me give you a simple example: There is an air-conditioning system in the car, and yet you are feeling warm and perspiring away; such a condition is akin to your afflictions and resentment and other negative aspects of life. Assuming the coolant being the ‘spiritual root’ of the air conditioning unit, has now run out, causing hot air to be churned out.





Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Audio) Episode 25 (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu:

I will now offer you some insights into the Heart Sutra since it is a Buddhist scripture that all of you recite daily. As a matter of fact, the Heart Sutra carries a supremely important message that can be summed up as the ‘Heart’.

The “Heart” in this sutra encapsulates four types of power.

The first being the power of compassion (慈悲神力) – a type of divine power that Guan Yin Bodhisattva and every compassionate human being possess.

Take a look around you, a compassionate person is capable of overcoming all types of troubles and worries in life. When you are nice and compassionate towards others, you possess a type of extraordinary power known as the divine power of compassion.

The second power is the power of wisdom (智力). Which Bodhisattva embodies great wisdom? It is Manjushri Bodhisattva (文殊师利菩萨), please bear this in mind. Wisdom can be found within the Heart Sutra.

The third power within the Heart Sutra is the power of the dharma (法力). All Bodhisattvas have the power of the dharma and among Them, who has the most immense power of the dharma? It is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (大行普贤菩萨). The power of practice is essentially the power of the dharma (行力就是法力).

Last but not least, it is the power of vow (愿力). Which Bodhisattva embodies the power of vow? It is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (地藏王菩萨).

This is how marvellous the word “Heart” within the Heart Sutra is. It is just one word but within which embeds four types of miraculous power. Hence, those who frequently recite the Heart Sutra will have power – an immense power to be exact.  

Through the Heart Sutra, Guan Yin Bodhisattva is essentially urging us to understand our minds because without which, the ordinary beings will commit negative karma in the midst of their afflictions (因为凡夫没有明心,所以烦恼在作业), only having to endure the eventual untold suffering.

The Heart Sutra says,

“Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, (观自在菩萨)

when practising the perfection of Prajna Paramita (行深般若波罗蜜多时), 

He clearly sees that the Five Aggregates are all empty (照见五蕴皆空), and thus

He attains deliverance from all sufferings (度一切苦厄).”

This phrase is essentially telling us to know ourselves as encapsulated in the phrase “When you practise self-contemplation” (观自在).

Many people do not understand themselves; they do not even know what they are capable of doing.

Ironically, they want to have a finger in every pie, and even though none of their endeavours seems to be paying off, they are still so full of themselves.

This is why the Bodhisattva urges us to practise self-contemplation so that we can first gain an insight into our inner self. If you don’t even understand yourself, how do you even gain self-deliverance (自己都不认识自己,怎么能度自己)? 

Do you think there are many Buddhist practitioners who are able to correct their shortcomings? Why do they still struggle in their effort to mend their ways?

When making the vows, they think they are in control of themselves, and implore, “Bodhisattva, I hereby vow to…” Why is it that they break their vows soon after? This is because they simply do not understand themselves.   

When a shortcoming has become deeply ingrained (毛病已经到骨髓里了), it would be a challenge to get rid of it. It would take more than the mere act of kneeling before the Bodhisattva and uttering, “I must mend my ways”.

It is therefore important for Buddhist practitioners to practise self-contemplation (学佛要“观自在”).

That is why the Bodhisattva wants us to first know ourselves as only then, we can gain self-deliverance (菩萨要你们自己先了解自己,才能度自己). The Buddha wants us to understand ourselves first before attempting to understand sentient beings, and this is how the Buddha saves sentient beings.

Look inwardly and assess where you fall short of the ideal, what you need to foster before taking the necessary steps to make it up. This is what it means by ‘to teach the dharma according to the learner’s aptitude’ (应机说法). This also highlights the importance of first understanding yourself before you can understand others.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse Guan Yin Hall Sydney, Australia 7 July 2020 (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: Buddhist practitioners should recite more of the Heart Sutra as a means to regulate their body and mind, and to ‘illuminate and see the emptiness of the Five Aggregates’ (照见五蕴皆空). 

The Heart Sutra is essentially a condensed version of the Diamond Sutra, with great wisdom embedded in every character of the Heart Sutra and thus, it is important to be mindful when reciting each of these words.

The verse ‘form is emptiness, emptiness is form’ (色即是空,空即是色) refers to the cycle of rebirth, which essentially urges us not to dwell on things in life (要想开).

If you know that what is not in your possession now will be yours in the future, and what you own now will be lost over time, will you still be sad? Don’t you think this is what wisdom is about?


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Audio) Episode 26 1 January 2020 (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: If we are to condense the Heart Sutra into a single word, that will be ‘To Illuminate’ (照), that is, to be in the quest to watch over (寻找观照). Just like how you need to watch over your child.

Why is the word ‘To illuminate’ mentioned in the Heart Sutra? It is exactly like how you illuminate your mind to ensure that it is free from defilements; as all defilements stem from the mind.

Be it the Diamond Sutra or the Heart Sutra, the focus is to watch over your mind with the sole purpose of preventing it from going on the wrong track.





1. The Efficacy of Reciting the Heart Sutra on the Body, Speech and Mind

On the Mind

  • It helps us gain wisdom by unravelling the binds within our mind and allows us to gain spiritual resonance with Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s energy field.
  • It is most effective in resolving our inner conflicts. The moment we recite the Heart Sutra and our mind resonates with it, the Bodhisattva’s wisdom will permeate our mind.

On the Speech

  • It helps us eliminate negative karma of speech, including stuttering.

On the Body

  • It increases our energy and enhances our health by transforming the molecular structures of our cells.
  • It will help calm our heart – when we recite the Heart Sutra, we receive blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and our heart will be at ease.
  • It helps us repay minor karmic debts because the Heart Sutra can be transformed not only into a form of energy, but also something that is similar to Little Houses, which can be extremely beneficial to beings in the human and lower realms.

  • It has an energy-transformation effect and helps balance our Yin and Yang energies.

  • It helps overcome our bad habits – we must first recognise our weaknesses before reciting the Heart Sutra to seek greater blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help us overcome our bad habits.


The Powers and Essence of the Heart Sutra

  • The “Heart” in the Heart Sutra encapsulates four types of power:

I. The power of compassion (慈悲神力) – represented by Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

II. The power of wisdom (智力) – represented by Manjushri Bodhisattva (文殊师利菩萨).


  • The “Heart” in the Heart Sutra encapsulates four types of power:

III.The power of the dharma (法力) / the power of practice (行力) – represented by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (大行普贤菩萨).

IV.The power of vow (愿力) – represented by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (地藏王菩萨).

  • The Heart Sutra is a condensed version of the Diamond Sutra.
  • We should recite more of the Heart Sutra as a means to regulate our body and mind, and to ‘illuminate and see the emptiness of the Five Aggregates’.
  • If we are to condense the Heart Sutra into one word, that will be ‘To Illuminate’ () – to watch over our mind with the sole purpose of preventing it from going on the wrong track.




Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms | Episode 11

Key Messages:

  • ‘To contemplate and see’ means to shine a light and see through the reality, illuminate the emptiness of the Five Aggregates. By doing so, you are allowing the Buddha’s light and energy in you to be integrated with your conduct. Only through this, you can stay resolute in practising ‘The Way’.
  • Do not allow your worldly thoughts to obscure your inherent Buddha-nature.
  • Everything is created by the mind. If you are sincerely helping others today, that makes you a kind-hearted person. If you perform small acts of kindness every day, in 365 days, you will have 365 sparkles, that is, sparkles of kindness (光亮点和善良点), which will make you a good person. However, if you perform some minor bad deeds today, you will eventually fill yourself up with evil and you will emerge as a bad person.
  • In our spiritual practice, we have to aim for a mind that is pure, as only then will the evil thoughts and erroneous views, including those inappropriate matters, not get the chance to intrude and meddle with our minds. This is when the purity of mind is uncovered.





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