Buddhism in Plain Terms

Countering Depression

< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享    

Dear Buddhist friends,

All of us must have gone through some degree of pain at some point in our lives. We know that physical pain is hard to describe but mental pain, the pain in our thoughts, is even harder. How much do you know about this invisible illness called ‘depression’ (忧郁症)? How do you know if you are suffering from depressive disorder? Well, here’s a checklist:

Poor memory? Insomnia? Persistent worry or fear? Not able to focus…. and etc……

Master Lu once said, “One single psychological trauma can mar a person for life. It is only through Buddhist practice and the blessings of Bodhisattvas can your mind be transformed into a state akin to a Lotus Pond” (只有靠学佛,只有真正靠菩萨的加持,才能把你的心灵变成莲花池).

Starting today for the next two weeks (dates), we have lined up a series of teachings on this important topic ‘Countering Depression’.

This pack will focus on improving awareness about depressive disorder through recognising its signs and understanding that this mental state is a function of the karma we committed not only in our past lives but also in our present lives! We hope you will stay connected with us through this platform while we share all of the above while offering you practical coping strategies to help you and your loved ones regain mental wellness. 


< Depression and ways to overcome it >

Key Message:

1. Do not dwell on the past and neglect the present.

2. Take one pill of ‘gratitude’ in the morning and one pill of ‘contentment’ in the night.

3. Be grateful even to those who have mistreated you for being part of your life journey.



Caller: Hi Master, why is it that these days, it is increasingly common for kids to develop depression? Why has depression become so prevalent among children?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s not just children who have depression these days, it is now affecting everyone due to the enormous life pressure. Take a look around you, desire for material possessions has multiplied in this day and age. This is further compounded by an increase in complexity of interpersonal relationships. People no longer speak kindly towards each other, and their minds have veered off the right path (思维上都有偏差). Value systems (价值观) and worldview (世界观) have changed making it difficult for people to interact with one another. With this comes the enormous pressure in life which results in depression. As such pressure builds up, it leads to chronic distrust in people.

Let me cite a simple example: How would you feel if you were living around people who are liars? Can you imagine what kind of life that would be? There is no one who will tell you the truth and this includes your co-workers and your spouse. Even your children will not be honest with you. When you live in a world with so much deception, how is it possible that you do not develop depression?

Caller: I see. If we begin to feel that we are experiencing signs of depression, how should we get ourselves out of it?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s simple. You should study more of the Buddhism in Plain Terms, step up your recitation of the Buddhist scriptures, open up your mind and help more people. By doing so, you will bounce back from depression. In fact, when you help others, you are actually helping yourself.

Caller: That’s true.

Source: Shuohua20180928 02:46, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Caller: Hi Master, what’s the karmic cause of depression (忧郁症是什么因果)? Has it got anything to do with one’s past lives?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Typically, it has to do with a person’s habit of deriving devious ways (动坏脑筋) in their past lives. They must have committed a lot of sinful acts and they were always scheming against others (经常阴人家). In consequence, they become a nervous wreck in this life.

Let’s not talk about their past lives. This is also what’s happening in this present life. Take a look at those who are into backstabbing others. They will have this nagging fear of others taking revenge, so much so that they develop depression. Nowadays, is it even possible to find anyone who has not backstabbed others or spoken ill of others? That is why depression is so common these days. It is because everyone is living in fear. A person who speaks ill of others will surely be afraid of being a target of slander in return. Just like those who have caused harm to others, don’t you think they’d be worried about being harmed in consequence?

Caller: True!

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s natural for someone who lives in fear and distress to either develop depression or become worrisome. If you are worried about everything that you do, it goes to show that you lack meritorious blessings (功德不够) and hence, nothing that you do will be smooth sailing. When things aren’t going well for you, you start to worry; after you complete certain tasks, you become anxious. This is how depression comes about. It is brought upon by your wandering mind (脑子里乱想).

Caller: I see. 

Source: Wenda20200814 05:15, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Master Jun Hong Lu: Many modern diseases are not caused by the body, but by the mind. Many children develop depressive moods and self-isolation tendencies from young due to the quarrels at home and their parents’ divorce. They feel that they have lost two people whom they can rely on. A father is a figure whom a child relies on while the mother is someone they adore since they were little. As such, quarrels between parents are a major psychological shock to them.

In a nutshell, it is not others, but us, who cause our children to become depressed. We are the ones who bring upon sufferings into this world every single day. ‘Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated’ (世间本无事庸人自扰之). Day by day, we create problems for ourselves and we get ourselves entrapped in our self-inflicted agony. These are all due to our greed and our perpetual discontentment (永远不满足) as discontentment is the inherent nature of all humans.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, New Zealand, 27 April 2014



Master Jun Hong Lu: I shall use the Buddhism perspective to share with you the following:

In order to ascertain whether you have depression, please remember the following three points:

First, deteriorating memory. You start forgetting where you put your things. This indicates your condition has begun to worsen.

Second, inability to stay focused. Your mind is unable to concentrate on the task in hand. This is an alarming sign.

Lastly, if you start to show symptoms like incoherent speech and you have the details such as time and location all jumbled up, the problem becomes much more dire.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Brisbane, Australia, 10 July 2011



Master Jun Hong Lu:

First stage of depression: The person becomes suspicious. This is why it is important not to be distrustful. When a person becomes highly suspicious, panic and fear follows.

Second stage of depression: The person becomes fearful. Those who suffer from depression is disturbed by fear. First, they are afraid of social interactions. Second, they worry that someone will mess with them.

Third stage of depression: This is the most severe stage where the sufferer will feel as if they are being attacked, provoked or messed with. To them, life is intolerable and they may resort to taking their own lives.

Source: Wenda20170407 19:11, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Caller: Hi Master, would you be able to sense whether I suffer from depression? Do you think so?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You certainly are suffering from depression. There isn’t a need at all for me to sense it.

Caller: Then, what could possibly be the cause of my  depression? I think I have depression but my husband doesn’t believe me. I’ve not been working in recent years due to ill health.

Master Jun Hong Lu: You are a very typical case of a person who suffers from depression. What’s depression? Let me share with you some of its key characteristics. First, you tend to worry just about everything under the sun. Are you someone like that?

Caller: Yes.

Master Jun Hong Lu: You worry about your health, your kids and husband. In fact, there is nothing that doesn’t worry you. Second, you suffer from insomnia.

Caller: True. I have been suffering from acute insomnia lately. Just like a child who can’t sleep at night.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Third, those who are depressed are scared, fearful, and anxious of meeting people. Do you not always suffer from anxiety?

Caller: Yes, I do. I always feel very much like…

Master Jun Hong Lu: This says it all. Based on the above three points, you are at the early stage of depression.

Caller: Honestly, I couldn’t be more grateful to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door because without it, I would have been so helpless.

Source: Wenda20130714A  14:17, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Caller: Hi Master, in one of the radio programs, you said that long-term depression may lead to cancer.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s correct.

Caller: Why is it so?

Master Jun Hong Lu: A depressed person will have blockages in his energy channels (经络不通) and the six meridian pathways fail to open (六脉打不开). Those who are constantly depressed tend to wallow in sorrow and heartbreak. In consequence, there will be obstructions in their blood flow and meridians. Their sleep and appetite will be compromised and they are plagued by unwanted thoughts. If this situation persists over a prolonged period, all sorts of tumours and lumps will start to form inside the body and these abnormalities will develop into cancerous cells. It’s just like pimples will start to appear on your body when you have not  taken a shower for a long time.

Source: Wenda20161118  01:12:23, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Caller: During last Tuesday’s totem program, Master said that the deceased should not have died but due to a twist of fate, things got mixed-up. At that time, the deceased’s daughter was so distraught over her mother’s passing that she almost wanted to take her own life just like her mother. However, she was fortunate enough to have chanced upon Guan Yin Citta and she is now reciting Little Houses to help ascend her mother to a higher spiritual realm. Master, for the benefit of her daughter, would you be able to shed some light from the karma perspective for such a ‘mix-up’ to happen that had resulted in her mother’s premature death?

Master Jun Hong Lu: In my past reading of her totem, I did say that she should not have died because her life was practically snatched away by the foreign spirits in the underworld.

Caller: I see!

Master Jun Hong Lu: You must remember, a person who is overwhelmed by sorrow and depression will ‘invite’ a certain type of foreign spirits who are looking for scapegoats (找替死鬼) to snatch his life away. This is why a person should not allow sorrow to overcome them nor should they go on ruminating on matters (不能想得太多). Depressed individuals are the easy target of some foreign spirits who are out to look for scapegoats. This explains why, suicide is most common among those who suffer from depression when depression on its own is not a life-threatening disorder.

Caller: No wonder. Prior to her death, her mother was in the worst period of an extreme depressive episode. So many things happened in the family at that time.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Her life was practically snatched away by foreign spirits as foreign spirits are particularly fond of doing so unto those who are depressed.

Caller: I see.

Source: Wenda20180907 17:09 , Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Master Jun Hong Lu: As a Buddhist practitioner, we should not get caught up in the right and wrong of life, thinking, “You are right on this” today, or “I am right on that” the next day. As a matter of fact, there is nothing that is objectively right or wrong in the human realm because everything is a function of causes and conditions (都是因缘果报). We did not come to this world to argue over who is right and who is wrong because whatever happens in our life is an interplay of our affinities (都是缘分).

When you constantly delve into the right and wrong, it will only expose your own foolishness. If a person goes around speaking ill of others it only goes to show that that he is experiencing mental hindrances (心里有障碍) and he has a negative mental attitude (心态不好). To search for an answer of who is right and who is wrong will only make you someone who suffers from mental problems. To begin with, this world that we live in is imperfect, hence, is it even possible to find perfection in an imperfect world? Wouldn’t you say this is ignorance and absurdity? This is purely your fantasy! Delusion stems from an irrational mind. Only those who are irrational will be deluded and hence the phrase, ‘To be carried away by one’s absurdity and delusion’ (痴心妄想).

Let’s not figure out what is right and what is wrong in a world ruled by the law of karma and affinity (不必在人间的因果和因缘中追求谁对谁错). When we were little, we thought we were right, but as we grew up, we realised that our parents were right. When we were little, we thought we were always right, but as we grew up, we realised that what our teacher taught us was right. Similarly, here I am trying to impart some Buddhist principles to all of you, but there are bound to be some of you who have the impression that what Master says is not right, and you may say, “I have all the reasons and yet, Master prohibits me from speaking up”. This is because there is no right and wrong in this world. To live, you must learn to forbear (忍辱) as only through forbearance can one forge ahead in one’s cultivation (忍辱的人才能精进). If you hope to iron all worldly things out, rationalise them and sieve the right from the wrong, there are two ways to go about it:
first,  bring your issue to court; or
second, raise your issue to the King of Hell (阎王老爷).

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Disciples to Discourse, Malaysia, 3 March 2014



Master Jun Hong Lu: One of the humans’ greatest pains is living with regret. We should never regret things that have happened. After all, it is said in the Buddhist scriptures that even the Buddha cannot change the past. The Buddha will accept whatever happens and He would tell Himself, “I cannot change the law of karma”. Conversely, humans refuse to accept reality, and will question, “How could this happen? That’s not possible!”.

This tendency in humans has nothing to do with their reluctance to think and change, but it stems from their inner sense of attachment and having a character that simply refuses to accept things as they are. This can be likened to a child playing in the courtyard, accidentally breaks his toy, bursts into tears and protests, “I don’t want it broken! This is not what I want!” Looking on, the adults know well that it is over.

The same goes to marriages. Marital breakdown causes many people to wallow in sorrow, crying, “I don’t want him to go. He should not leave me”. While others might hurt them once, they end up hurting themselves countless times.

It is inevitable that life will throw all sorts of curveballs at us, leaving us broken-hearted. As and when a relationship breaks down or a financial crisis hits us, the majority of the adults will react like a child, who will say, “I don’t want it to be like this. It should not be like this”. Such a reaction is merely a manifestation of our inner fear and a soul that is in a state of denial (内心的恐惧和心灵的逃避).

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Vancouver, Canada, 3 September 2016



Master Jun Hong Lu: We should let go of this idea that we are entitled to happiness. Many people think they deserve to be happy when what they should have done is to relinquish the happiness and success that they perceive to be rightfully theirs (人要放下应有的快乐,放下应该获得的成功) as only then will they find their life to be less cumbersome.

The Buddha says, “The binds of life come only because we ask for it. In fact, some pain that we suffer is self-inflicted. There is no such thing as being born under a bad sign. The problem lies in our obsession that we refuse to let go of” (佛陀说:有些束缚是我们自己找的,有些痛苦是我们自己愿意的,没有如影随形的不幸,只有死不放手的执著”). You must have faith in your own strength. Since you are the one who binds yourself, you are the one capable of breaking free of the chain that binds you.

Misery in life stems from our excessive clinginess to what we have. We manage to raise our children against all odds, thinking that our children will be filial to us in return. We expect our kindness will always be reciprocated. We also believe in everlasting love and that our loved ones will be with us in perpetuity.

We practically bank our desires and hopes in a world that is constantly changing. Had we known earlier that people change and everything in this world, including our material possessions, are ever changing, we wouldn’t have subject ourselves to so much heartache and tears.  

Gaining and losing is nothing but a normality. As a Buddhist practitioner, it is when we understand the law of karma and the working of causes, conditions and its effects, we are able to rise above it.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Hong Kong SAR, China, 20 June 2015



Master Jun Hong Lu: Based on a research conducted on the entire population of 14,000 doctors and medical undergraduates in Australia, it was discovered that all the medical students and the young doctors who are less than 30 years of age have had suicidal thoughts and psychological problems (有自杀念头和心理问题). As this group of people are under immense psychological pressure, they have considered taking their own lives, either directly or indirectly.

From the 2016 survey, it was found that half of the doctors and medical undergraduates have had thoughts of committing suicide or not wanting to live anymore. This goes to show that a person will develop the same cause of sickness as those they often befriend or come into contact with (和谁接触得多,这个人就会得到和接触人一样的病因). Hence, if you wish to break free from any shambles, you must mingle more with those who are clear-headed. If you wish to mend your ways, you must repent piously. If you wish to be enlightened, you must be ready to cast all your worries aside and free yourself from afflictions by acquiring the wisdom from the Buddha’s teachings.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, 14 April 2017



Master Jun Hong Lu: Here are the following methods to deal with depression:

first, you must fervently recite the Heart Sutra (心经);

second, you must keep your mind focused. The more Heart Sutra you recite, the least likely your thoughts will run wild. You must understand the verse that says, “An unobstructed mind is unhindered, and hence, all fears can be overcome” (心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖”).

The Heart Sutra says we should never have fear or worries. Why? This is because a heart where Bodhisattva resides will have no fears.

Just imagine yourself being diagnosed with cancer. When you have the notion that Guan Yin Bodhisattva will come to your rescue just like how She has helped more than 10 people around you and they have since completely recovered from cancer through the recitation of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Buddhist scriptures, would you still be worried? Undoubtedly, you will say, “I’ll surely get well!”

Caller: Yes, that’s right. Now that I have the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I feel at peace. However, every now and then, I still fail to control my unruly thoughts (管不住胡思乱想).

Master Jun Hong Lu: If you are unable to control your thoughts, it means that Bodhisattva is not deeply rooted in your heart. Otherwise, this would not be the case.

Let me quote you a simple example, do you think my faith in Bodhisattva is more deeply rooted or yours? You would not be able to fathom the amount of obstacles and difficulties that I have encountered. But, I have always had such strong faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva. With that, what fear could I possibly have?

As for you, you may believe in Guan Yin Bodhisattva but when trouble crops up, you will start to question, “Would Bodhisattva come and save me? Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Would I get well after reciting these Buddhist scriptures?”

When a problem arises, I will tell myself, “There’s nothing that can’t be sorted out because there is no way that Bodhisattva will forsake me”. Only with such unwavering faith would you be able to overcome all worldly troubles and challenges.

Caller: I see. Thank you, Master.

Source: Wenda20130714A 14:17, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program 



Caller: Oftentimes, we receive blessings from Bodhisattva in our spiritual cultivation journey. There are various types of such blessings, among which are better health, a smooth-sailing career, ability to think things through and these may even include endless setbacks, tribulations and major obstructions.

However, through the application of Buddhist’s teachings of “faith, commitment, action” (信愿行), one is able to surmount these problems, from which, one gains a profound realisation.

Is it right to say that at face value, the problems may seem like an impediment but in reality, it is a form of immense spiritual blessings that the Bodhisattva is bestowing upon us as we advance this path of mind cultivation?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Anything that gives you stress, or an opportunity for you to get rid of these stresses, is a form of blessings from the Bodhisattva (任何让你心里有压力或者排除压力都是加持).

It’s all possible. These stresses are meant to propel you so that you mend your ways.

Would you change your bad habits if no one puts pressure on you? When you are asked to observe the Buddhist precepts, do you feel the pressure?

Caller: That’s true.

Master Jun Hong Lu: If there is no pressure, how are you going to observe the Buddhist precepts?

Caller: I see. Is it correct to understand it as trials and tribulations are Bodhisattva’s ways to toughen us up and to help us grow, hence, they can also be considered as a type of blessings?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s correct. That is how it works.

Source: Wenda20170430A 37:47, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program



Master Jun Hong Lu: The hidden potential of many people is realised by force. This is because human potential is like a diamond, lurking deep inside the earth and we need to dig to get it out. A lot of human capabilities only come to light when forced by situations in life. If you remain in your comfort zone, you will never uncover your true self, and the diamond within you may become obsolete (你自己心中的钻石有可能会被淘汰). From time to time, you must give yourself a push and force yourself to create personal breakthroughs in life. You can only regain your confidence and create miracles when you stop telling yourself, “I can’t do it, I simply can’t do it”.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Macau SAR, China, 9 June 2019


< How Should We Overcome Depression? | 如何对治忧郁症>


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