Buddhism in Plain Terms

Buddhism: Your Questions Answered III

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Time : Saturday 2pm-4pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting
Topic of Discussion : Buddhism: Your Questions Answered III


On 2 April 2022, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held an online English sharing session focusing on a myriad of interesting aspects of Buddhism practice.

Using a host of Master Lu’s discourses, the facilitator walked through various meanings of dreams.

Dreams that are significant have to fulfil the following three conditions:
– occur around 5am to 9am;
– one can recall the fine details; and
– occur in between the state of asleep and awake.

The participants were reminded to only use dreams as a guide rather than be fixated on them, forgetting what truly matters in their spiritual cultivation.

The facilitator also explored aspects pertaining to interpersonal relationship and vegetarianism. With regards to the former, Master Lu said, “When you give others a little space, you are essentially giving yourself enough leeway for manoeuvre”.

By giving up meat-based diet, one stands to gain significantly because one avoids seeding karmic grievances with sentient beings.

The facilitator rounded up the session with a refresher of some Buddhism concepts by bringing to light that life challenges are actually good for us. Master Lu once said, “A problem-free life is potentially a life that is heading towards destruction”. Buddhist practitioners should always choose to compromise, be willing to suffer a little loss and regard difficulty as an opportunity to hone their forbearance.

In the upcoming session, scheduled on 16 April, we will delve into the seven reasons why we should not get angry, and ways to train ourselves not to retaliate when being treated unfairly or insulted.


🌿 Join us in our next session 

Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information


 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 2 April 2022 (2pm – 4pm)


Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:

  Summary Slides_Buddhism: Your Questions Answered III




1. What are my dreams trying to tell me? Do I need to take them seriously?
2. Why are there endless conflicts in my family? What’s the secret to a happy family?
3. I can’t find the motivation nor resolution to be a full vegetarian like other Buddhist friends. What’s wrong with me?
4. I’m in the sales line, is it wrong for me to aim for higher sales achievement?
5. Now that I am practising Buddhism, is it ok for me to have hobbies?




Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk | Jakarta, Indonesia | 11 March 2018

Through the blessings of Bodhisattva, we are surrounded by many opportunities every day. But sadly, we always thought that Bodhisattva didn’t bless us, and happiness just slipped through our fingers.

We should grasp this rare affinity with Buddhism and use it to transform our life. This is enlightenment; this is what it means to be awakened.


Buddhism Your Question Answered | Q&A 165

Q: Dear Master Lu, what do our dreams mean?

A: Dreams are ways for us to receive messages from the spirit world. Some dreams foretell while others reflect what you have thought about during the day or scenes from your past lives. Dreams can also besome revelation or suggestions. Whichever the case, we should not obsessively dwell on them.


  • Teeth: Dreams about problems with your teeth generally predict family members experiencing health problems, or indicate that you may have conflicts with family members. Upper teeth relate to elder family members, whereas lower teeth relate to younger family members.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Seeing fresh fruits or vegetables in the dreams is good. This indicates that you have attained a relatively good state from your spiritual practice, and you will have good fortune. However, if the fruits or vegetables are not fresh or become spoiled, you need to recall if you have committed any improper conduct or have had impure intentions / actions in your Buddhism practice. You should also examine if you have done anything that reduces your merits and virtues.
  • Food (cakes and chocolate, etc.): If fresh, then it indicates good fortune. If spoilt or going bad, then it indicates misfortune.
  • Noodles: They indicate increased longevity.
  • Transport (cars, trains, airplanes, boats/ships, etc.): A normal, moving car (or other vehicles) is good, indicating good fortune and progress. If the vehicle has broken down or fallen into disrepair, it represents obstacles or problems
  • New clothing: Out with the old, in with the new. It indicates the elimination of karmic obstacles.
  • Old clothing: Generally, it represents karmic obstacles. It means you need to diligently perform recitations and cultivate your mind, repent wrongdoings, and eliminate karmic obstacles.
  • Shoes: Generally, they indicate misfortune or problems, or may indicate interpersonal conflicts or trouble with people.
  • Hair: Hair represents worries and concerns. If hair is long in dreams, it symbolises the presence of many worries and concerns, and you should perform more recitations of the Heart Sutra. But if hair is cut short, it indicates the elimination of worries and concerns. 
  • Clocks, watches and time: They indicate that you should hurry up and make the most of your time in performing recitations and cultivating your mind, do not slack off.
  • Money: Money is a product of good fortune and misfortune. If you got the money in your dreams through legitimate ways, it generally indicates some wealth. However, if someone asks you for money or gives you money in the dreams, then it generally relates to Little Houses, and you need to recite Little Houses for your karmic creditors.
  • Coffins: If the scenes are bright and you feel happy in the dream, seeing coffins indicates wealth. If you feel afraid, or feel that the coffin is for someone in your family, it may indicate that one of your family members will have some health issues.
  • Excrement, faeces: If you dream about normal human faeces, it means wealth. If you dream about animal faeces, it indicates misfortune. If the excrement is very dirty, smelly and disgusting in the dreams, it indicates misfortune, or even the Hell of Excrement.



  • Arguments/fighting: If you dream about quarrelling with people you know, it indicates that some sort of agreement will be reached. You can recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots.
  • Climbing mountains, riding escalators/elevators:
    Any movement upwards is a good thing. Any movement downwards indicates going downhill.
  • Losing things: It foretells misfortune/problems.
  • Not wearing clothes: It means you have karmic obstacles. You have committed wrongdoings in the past that are immoral and cannot be brought to light. To eliminate these karmic obstacles, you need to sincerely perform recitations, cultivate your mind, and repent your wrongdoings.
  • Fire, things catching on fire: Major fires or being burnt and injured indicate trouble. Small fires may indicate good fortune.
  • Leaking water: Generally, it means that trouble will occur in your home. If the water trickles, and is clean, it could mean wealth.
  • Taking examinations: If you do well in the examination it means things will go well. It generally indicates that you have been making good progress in your Buddhism practice. Otherwise, the opposite is true, and you need to enhance the cultivation of your mind.
  • Showering/ Going to the toilet/ Sweeping, cleaning activities: Clearing or eliminating karmic obstacles.
  • Death: Dreaming about someone dying (who is alive in reality) indicates that the person will experience poor health or other trouble. They need to step up their recitation of sutras and mantras and the cultivation of their mind.
  • Sickness or illness: It foretells health issues. But in reality, the issues tend to be less severe than depicted in the dreams.
  • Disasters: It could be a scene from a past life, or predictive of some future issues. You need to diligently recite sutras and mantras, cultivate your mind, and introduce Buddhism to more people, helping them become spiritually awakened.
  • Reciting sutras and mantras: This means that you perform recitations of this sutra or mantra well, and these Buddhist scriptures have been stored in your eighth consciousness.
    It could also mean that you need to recite more of this particular sutra or mantra.



  • Not all numbers are significant.
  • If there are scenes about karmic creditors as well as accompanying numbers in your dreams, then the numbers usually have an association with the number of Little Houses you should recite.
  • If you find it difficult to determine the number of Little Houses required, just persist with reciting Little Houses for your karmic creditors. Even if you cannot tell how many Little Houses are required, you will eventually be able to help them ascend to a higher spiritual realm.


The above guidelines are only for general reference. There are times when dreams present aspects differently and this can have a bearing on the meaning. Dreams are only a guide, a form of suggestion for Buddhist practitioners. It is best not to become fixated on dreams and read too much into them, whileforgetting what truly matters.

It is also not recommended to speak of good dreams too much, lest they become inaccurate and cause the good fortune to slip away easily. In addition, if one does not continue to practise Buddhism sincerely and diligently, the good fortune predicted in such dreams will also change in line with your level of cultivation.

Having bad dreams means you need to be more cautious and practise Buddhism more diligently. You need to perform more recitations, recite Little Houses, make vows and perform life liberations to resolve these problems.

It is best to avoid interpreting dreams for people who do not believe in Buddhism, as this will easily cause you to bear the burden of their karma.

Q&A 165. Interpreting the meaning of dreams



Wenda20121214 19:00 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master Lu, there are dreams that foretell the future and there are also many random dreams. If a person often has such dreams, is there something wrong with him?

Master Jun Hong Lu: There are two explanations when it comes to a person having random dreams. His Yin energy could be more intense (阴气比较重). From a medical perspective, especially in traditional Chinese medicine, it is referred to as deficiency of Yin(阴虚), which explains his tendency to have random dreams.

Such a person should consider nourishing his body with the right nutrients. In addition, during the day, he should try not to allow any emotional upheaval to affect him, as “one dreams at night about what one thinks in the day”

Caller: I see.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Another way to look at this is that it is common for Buddhist practitioners to have dreams that foretell the future, so don’t worry about it.

Shuohua20130222  19:50 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: In general, what is the validity period of our dreams?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally, the validity is within two weeks. However, for some premonition dreams, it may be longer, possibly many years, depending on the specific environment and circumstances of the dreams.

For example, if you dream that you are involved in a car crash. You have to be careful as it will definitely come true within two weeks. If you dream of your own death, it could be that you are witnessing the final moments of your life.

An elderly lady once related to me the precise circumstances of her death – the white sheet on her body, and the kind of clothes she is wearing. After she passed on, her family members said the circumstances were exactly the same as depicted by her.


Wenda20150906A  03:10 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: There are some dreams which we can remember clearly, up to a few days or even weeks. There are also dreams that we forget as soon as we wake up or if we forget to pen down. Can we take the latter as dreams that are of little significance?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. Dreams that are useful to you have to fulfil the following three conditions: 

First, the dreams occur between 5am to 9am. Dreams that occur around 8am are more accurate;

Second, you remember every single fine detail of the dreams even after waking up. Such dreams carry great importance and accuracy;

Third, you are in a ‘half-dream and half-awake’ state (半梦半醒); as if you are asleep, as if you are not. Dreams like this are 100% true. 

So, these are the three types of dreams that are considered true to life (真实). Do you understand?
Shuohua20180223 23:19 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Performing recitation and life liberation will help us eliminate karmic obstacles. Will we be put to test through dreams before that? Would karmic obstacles be considered eliminated only if we pass the test?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, there will be lots of such tests. In fact, many people will be put to the test through such dreams. For example, if you are resolute to refrain from stealing, you will be presented with lots of good stuff in your dreams to intrigue you to steal.

Caller: I understand it now.


Wenda20141219  42:10 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master, you mentioned that we need to recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO) if we fail our dream tests (梦考). If we fail to repent immediately, karmic obstacles will form. I would like to know, when does this karmic obstacle start to form and how long does it take?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is formed very quickly. Generally, within a month.

Caller: I failed a few dream tests last year and also this year. Do I need to recite more LIFO? I have made a vow to recite 108 times.

Master Jun Hong Lu: In this case, karmic obstacles have already been formed. You are in trouble. If you keep failing the tests, in the context of the human realm, it is the same as repeating another year in school. When that happens, there will surely be karmic obstacles.

Caller: That’s true. I kept having dream tests and I didn’t take them seriously, nor did I put my heart into it. Hence, I went through four tests and still failed.

Master Jun Hong Lu: This is not good at all. 

Caller: For this, I recited LIFO and made a vow of reciting 108 times of LIFO. Is this enough? 

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s fine. Please proceed and recite.





Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Radio Program)
Volume 1 Chapter 6 (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu: As Buddhist practitioners, before we take any action, we should ask if our conscience is clear (用自己的良心问问是否可以做这件事).

You can even think, “If Guan Yin Bodhisattva were to do this, how would She handle it?” In this way, your Buddha-nature and your kindheartedness will emerge.

For example, if you run into some problem at work and you wish to complain about your colleague to your superior. Should you have compassion at this point, you would have forgiven this colleague and the matter will thus be settled.

That said, there will still be people asking me, “If that person is at fault, won’t my boss start to misunderstand me if I don’t explain myself? How can I survive at my workplace moving forward?”

Remember, there are two reasons for a person to behave the way they do. The person, whom you deem is at fault, is responsible for his own evil deed. The other possibility is, his behaviour is due to the fact that he is here to redeem his karmic debts from you.

Think about it, if you don’t fight back, that is, if you restrain yourself from complaining to your superior, that could well save you from another disaster (不会再有灾难)!

Even if your superior were to think negatively about you, as time goes by, his negative opinion will also disappear as he will ultimately see the truth of the matter. In fact, many things need no explanation.

When misunderstanding arises, if you do not speak ill about the other party, the resentment between the both of you will end and they will not cause you trouble again.

If you fail to forbear and fight back, it may result in even greater revenge and attack (更大的报复和打击). Such counterattack may push you into a bottomless abyss (促使你跌入万丈深渊).


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 29 December 2018

Master Jun Hong Lu: A happy family is never about ‘conformity of the three insights’ (三观相合). Rather, it is a family that never argues over what is right or wrong. In other words, family happiness is given more importance than the adherence to their individual’s perspectives, views and when being right is no longer important.

What does it mean by ‘conformity of the three insights’? What are the three insights? They are: one’s outlook on the world, their outlook on life, and values (世界观、人生观和价值观).

Someone asked, “What does a happy family look like?” The answer is a happy family does not dispute over who is right and who is wrong. Many people like to attribute family conflicts to different perspectives and views.

How can there be an absolute conformity of perspectives and views? It has more to do with not insisting on what is right and wrong. In a marriage, if there is a party who is eager to win (好胜), the couple will never be happy.

One day, an argument broke out between an old couple – the husband was the one who always gave in. The wife asked, “Clearly, you know I was in the wrong, why did you still give in to me?”

Her husband said, “Because I was afraid that if I won the argument, I would lose this relationship. If I lose you, I will lose half of my life”.

In a marriage, is it even possible to find an absolute ‘conformity of the three insights’? It’s just that when conflicts arise, others are exercising forbearance (忍让) and if you fail to be tolerant, you will make a fool of yourself.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Radio Program)
Volume 1 Chapter 6 | (An Excerpt)

Master Jun Hong Lu:

How should we react when we are cheated, bullied, placed at a disadvantage, or fooled by others in life? Should we retaliate in anger, ridicule, close ourselves off, hurl verbal abuse at the opposite party or should we show tolerance towards them from the bottom of our hearts?

Once a boss came to me and said: “All my staff are lazy. As soon as I am not watching them, they will slack off. I am very disappointed and angry!”

I asked him: “Have you ever worked for someone in the past?” 

He said: “Yes I have.”

“When you worked for others, have you ever been lazy?”

He blushed and said, “I have been lazy too, actually.”

When you give others a little space, you are essentially giving yourself enough leeway for manoeuvre (给别人留一点空间,就是给自己留一条后路). Understand the law of causation and try to tolerate others. If others mistreat you, you too, must have your share of the problems. Hence, learn to empathise with others and repent of your wrongdoings. 

The weak and the foolish are easily stirred up emotionally. As for us Buddhist practitioners, we must maintain a dignified state and demeanour at all times (保持自己的庄严和风度), no matter what happens.




Wenda20200724 58:34 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master, let me share with you this discourse from the Bodhisattvas about vegetarianism. I have sent a copy over to the Secretariat for your advice. Master, we can really feel your painstaking effort in hammering home the importance of us adopting a vegetarian diet.

The Buddha says, “Today, I would like to specifically speak to all of you about vegetarianism.”

When you adopt a vegetarian diet, it represents your intention to stop establishing a negative affinity with animals (不与动物结冤); a reflection of your respect for all creatures and spirits, and a true demonstration of love.

“I see sentient beings relishing the flesh of other beings oblivious to the sufferings of these beings. It really pains me to see them happily cooking the bodies of other beings during the festive seasons when, as a human being, they should be loving and cherishing other sentient beings. ”

“Clearly, sentient beings are drowned in ignorance and blinded, leading them to draw immense pleasure savouring the flesh of their own relatives. Alas! The Buddha sighed with great lamentation.”

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva said, “Today, I would like to persuade all of you to practise vegetarianism. A person who is on a vegetarian diet will be free from impure energy (无浊气) and heaven will protect them. On the other hand, those who eat meat will be surrounded by negative energy, and things will not go smoothly for them. If you wish to have a good family and career, you should adopt a vegetarian diet as this brings joy to both heaven and earth.”

“If you make the great vow to be a vegetarian, disaster can be dispelled (遇难可化解) – you will not perish in flood, fire, accidents, the harm caused by bad people or plague.”

“If you vow to practise vegetarianism, I, Samantabhadra, will bless you with success in your studies, advancement in career and well-being of your family. Sentient beings possess both spirits as well as consciousness (众生有灵也有识), hence you should never eat them.”

“If you make the great vow to be a vegetarian, disaster can be dispelled (遇难可化解) – you will not perish in flood, fire, accidents, the harm caused by bad people or plague.”

“If you vow to practise vegetarianism, I, Samantabhadra, will bless you with success in your studies, advancement in career and well-being of your family. Sentient beings possess both spirits as well as consciousness (众生有灵也有识), hence you should never eat them.”

“Despite this, they are happy and obsessed with human affairs. Do you know that what you put into your belly could be your family members of many generations? Carnivores will be beset by family troubles and ill-health. Their studies and work will also suffer from a sudden and devastating decline. It is my hope that all beings in the world will love and respect their counterparts; do not allow your greed for good taste leads you to ignorance and ‘deep’ karma.

Guan Yin Bodhisattva says, “Do you know that if you like to eat meat, you will destroy your wisdom life (断害自己的慧命), and when your wisdom life is concealed, you will create ‘deep’ karma that knows no bounds. Those who are fond of eating meat are surrounded by black ‘qi’ (energy); they will be possessed by the spirits; afflicted with a multitude of illnesses and yet not knowing why. ”

“Meat eaters exude a type of foul smell which attracts the beings from the evil realms. As a result, they will not be able to perfect their endeavours. To be a vegetarian is to accumulate blessings and merits; to be protected from retributions and to invite blessings. You should have more vegetarian meals so that you are able to accumulate merits, happiness in the family and liberate beings from the sufferings of being cooked.” 

“I hope that all disciples of the Buddha will practise vegetarianism as much as possible and accumulate merits. ‘One bite of grievance comes one bite of hatred’ (一刀怨来一刀恨). Think about it, when will this grievance ever be solved? You should practise vegetarianism to accumulate merits; when you are purified and joyful, you will meet with success in life.” That’s all for my sharing. Thank you, Master.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, indeed it is meritorious to practise vegetarianism. It is something you can perform anytime, anywhere.



Wenda20160722 56:10 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master Lu, is it true that vegetarians are less likely to be possessed by foreign spirits than non-vegetarians? The reason for asking is because on the 5th of July, during the discipleship ceremony, Master mentioned that the girl would not be possessed by the spirit of her uncle, who died an unjust death, had she been a vegetarian with a more sanctified body. Please enlighten us on this, Master Lu.

Master Jun Hong Lu: The energy that exudes from people who practise vegetarianism is close to that of the Bodhisattvas whereas the smell emitted from non-vegetarians is similar tothat of animals, a smell that foreign spirits can associate with. This is because the Ghost Realm is directly below the Animal Realm. Thus, they will be drawn to the odour. 

Caller: So, it’s the smell that attracts the foreign spirits.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, they are attracted to it. Why? Because foreign spirits like to possess bodies of those who are having depression and those with foul smell. Let me ask you, houseflies are attracted to things that are smelly, aren’t they? 

Caller: Yes. As the Chinese proverb goes, “a fly will not suck an egg without a crack”.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse | Question 16

Question: A fellow Buddhist friend’s job scope involves entertaining his superiors. He is in charge of placing orders for meals and he is distressed by it as he does not want to order those meat-based dishes. He would like to ask if there is any way he can attend less of such dinner engagements and avoid having to drink?

Answer: He may recite the Cundi Dharani to make the prayer request. In the meantime, he should recite the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zhou) every time he is done with ordering the meat dishes, right there at the dining table, whenever he can. Or he can do so when he gets home. Even if it means having to sacrifice his sleep, he must insist on completing the recitation.

After that, he should kneel before Guan Yin Bodhisattva to say that he has no choice as that is his job requirement and seek forgiveness for his wrongdoings. He should then make a pledge to recite a certain number of the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zhou) for these animals to help them proceed to a higher spiritual realm (超度它们) and seek the help of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help him eradicate his karmic obstacles.

This should be followed by the recitation of three times of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO). All these must be done when he gets home, otherwise there will surely be squabbles the next day (否则第二天一定吵架).


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse | Question 255 | 14 September 2018 (An Excerpt)

Question: Yesterday, my family invited a few of our relatives to dinner. Before dinner, I greeted them and I said: “Please place your order first. Feel free to order whatever you fancy. I will place my order after you.” The dishes that they ordered might have contained some live creatures.

As for me, I am a vegetarian and a Buddhist but they are not. Is there any problem with how I asked them to go ahead with their order?

Answer: You will be in trouble. That’s because you had asked others to order their food and if what they ordered were live creatures, you would have been considered to have instigated them to do so. So, what should you say, then?

Let’s have our meal now. I will place my own order”. This carries the meaning, “You shall place your own orders and bear your own karmic consequences”. Instead, if you say, “Please go ahead and order first”, this carries the meaning you have instructed them to place the order.

Speaking is an art. One word can make a person jump up or make them laugh out loud. There is a lot of wisdom in this.


Wenda20140727B 40:03 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: We have made a vow to be full vegetarian but not our family members. When we have our meals at the same table, they may use the same pair of chopsticks to pick up the meat as well as vegetarian dishes. I don’t feel comfortable with this, and my family members are of the opinion that I am a little too obsessed. Is this something we should insist upon, or…

Master Jun Hong Lu: Do not insist if you do not have the conditions to do so. If you do, go ahead and stand your ground. What does ‘to be attached to one’s view’ (执著) mean? It is when you think, “I believe this matter is…I believe it should be…’. 

This is the case now when your family members do not have the same belief as you and here you are, thinking the food they eat is filthy and you get attached to this view. You are so annoying! When others find you annoying, this is in itself a sign that your cultivation is substandard.





Wenda20131115 46:19 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: One fellow practitioner is in the sales line and naturally he is keen to boost the sales of his products. However, he is worried that this will cause a sense of greed to arise in him and generate new negative karma. Master, can you please enlighten us on how we should take charge in this respect?

Master Jun Hong Lu: There is no problem with him wanting to sell more. Just make sure he doesn’t take advantage of others. As long asyou go by the book on the price you set, what’s wrong with selling more products? This is not considered greed. You need to earn a living and you have no choice. However, if this item  is originally priced at three dollars, and you sell it for six dollars, then you are considered greedy.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 29 August 2017

Question: As Buddhist practitioners, we need to eliminate our karmic obstacles (消除业障), resolve our worldly affinities (了却尘缘) so that we are able to transcend the cycle of rebirth upon death. Life is a process of incurring and repaying debts.

In our daily life as Buddhist practitioners, if we are indebted to others, even if it is just a little, for example, when others treat us to a meal or give us some small gifts, this will incur debts (造成欠债) and sow the seeds of reincarnation (种下轮回的因).

That said, sometimes it is impossible to turn down invitations to dinner parties or decline gifts. As Buddhist practitioners, what should we do? What should we tell Bodhisattva?

Answer: Do not be troubled by this. You can’t be that badly indebted because of a meal. Just treat them back in return. If the person treats you to a vegetarian meal, clearly, he has a high level of spirituality. As for you, when you are able to convince him to go on a meat-free meal, it’s a meritorious deed (有功德)! Hence, don’t be troubled by this. Stop overthinking!

As long as Buddha is always in your heart and you are able to help others spiritually, you have succeeded. These are minor issues which you should not spend too much time brooding over. Generally speaking, ‘to be indebted to someone’ means your conscience is overwhelmed (良心过不去) because you have deceived and caused others harm for taking their money. This is what ‘feeling indebted’ means. As for having a meal,  just go with the flow.


Wenda20160110B 07:08 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: Master, is it right to say that the more hobbies and interests a person has, the more passion he has for life? A person who has had no hobbies since young and appears to others as leading a monotonous life, tends to be the one who is more focused when he embarks on the path of spiritual practice.

On the other end of the spectrum are those who have been proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since young. Master, is it true that a person’s hobbies may affect his ability to stay focused on Buddhism practice?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course it will! You must be kidding me! What kind of hobby are you talking about? If you have been interested in studying Buddhism since you were a child, of course you will have better concentration.

Conversely, if you learn a little bit of everything, you will achieve nothing in the end. It’s like the doctor you consult. A specialist doctor will definitely be worth more. If you are a doctor who treats every single medical condition, doesn’t that make you a general practitioner?

What’s all this about? What are you good at? When you go, “Oh, I can play the piano, chess, do calligraphy, etc.” But, what’s the point? They are only training to nurture you. Here you are stressing your child out. Even if they can develop into Stephen Hawking, the great English astronomer, Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein, do you think these people took pleasure in a lot of things in life?

They had only one single passion and that’s the key to their success. Had they loved to do everything, how was success possible for them? In traditional Chinese culture, there was a saying ‘a jack of all trades is a master of none’.

Caller: I understand. This means if we have set our focus on learning Buddhism, our single-minded practice (一门精进) will help us succeed.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course. This is how it works with the Bodhisattvas too. If you have your fingers in many pies, how can you succeed? Life is very short. If you learn this for over 10 years and you try to learn another skill for another 10, that’s it. You are done! That’s the end for you. There’s no shortcut; you can only set your heart on one thing in life (一门心思).

Caller: I understand now. Thank you, Master.


Wenda20150724 22:23  | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: In order to do better in their spiritual cultivation, some fellow practitioners decided to retire early. Doing so will reduce their income by hundreds of thousands in this life. May I know will the blessings they are destined to enjoy in this life be converted into merits? Or will these merits be brought  to their next life?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. After he retires, he has enough to eat and he spends all of his time chanting and practising Buddhism… Let me ask you this to help you understand better. For example, this person comes from a rich family and is supposed to have a wife and children but then he decides to leave home to become a monk and cast all of these blessings away. Do you think they will be transformed into merits? 

Caller: Yes.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right.

Caller: Will they be transformed into meritorious blessings (功德) or good fortune (福报)?

Master Jun Hong Lu: These are all the possibilities. If he is diligent in his spiritual cultivation, they will be transformed into meritorious blessings. Otherwise, they will be transformed into good fortune.

Caller: I understand now.





Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting
Paris, France | 6 September 2019 | Q&A Session – Question 12 

Question: For Buddhist practitioners, recitation of the Buddhist scriptures is the most important daily task. Master, you mentioned that it is a blessing to be able to chant and cultivate our mind at home every day. However, most of us still need to work. As such, we will perform recitation when we are on the road, during work breaks or when we are performing house chores.

We do not watch television anymore and we dare not even waste time talking on the phone. After some time, we feel that we are ‘disconnected’ from real life and all we are interested in is to perform recitation. Master, how do we maintain diligence in recitation in our real life? Please enlighten us, Master.

Answer: It depends on the level of the lotus pedestal you wish to attain as each level is different. Take a look at the monastics. Do you think they have any time to lose? Will they still watch TV? Will they still socialise? They are professionals in chanting and mind cultivation, and they aim to break the cycle of rebirth in this lifetime (一世修成).

If your level of spirituality is of a human and you say, “There are still so many things I wish to seek in this world; I still wish to make more friends, etc.” In this regard, you will have a lot of things that you have yet to achieve – it all depends on you.

If a child’s ambition is to become a professor, he must work harder in his studies than others; if your aim is just to graduate from university, you may feel more relaxed. So, it’s all about the choices you make.

If you perform recitation diligently today, most probably when you leave this world, you will be pain-free and you are able to make it to heaven right away. As for those who do not perform recitation and spiritual cultivation they may die in great suffering; they may not even be able to die. Do you think it’s that easy to die? This is suffering. It all boils down to the path you choose for yourself.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms | Volume 7 Chapter 13

Master Jun Hong Lu: The best way to avoid being ignorant is to ensure that our life is NOT an easy progress without difficulties (不要让一个人永远地顺利). A person who has been put to suffer, will understand that he needs to find a direction in life; whereas a person who has never been through any suffering and has always led a smooth-sailing life, will get into trouble in the end.

This is the case for many officials. When everything goes smoothly for them, in the end, either nothing happens or something major will happen to them.

In other words, a smooth-sailing life can only lead to your destruction (太顺利会害死你自己). The same is true for a child. You should not allow things to be smooth-sailing for them always. You have to intentionally make them undergo some degree of suffering in life.

When a child was born, the doctors and nurses made him suffer by hitting him on his buttock that sent him off crying. Only when we are in pain will we contemplate (有所深思) and think over some of our problems; no one will think about their problems in good times, will they?

For example, when someone leaves you, you will think, “Is it because I have done something wrong? Why did he leave me? This is when you will start thinking, won’t you? Only when you suffer you will start to contemplate (痛苦了才深思).


Shuohua20130823  26:25 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program

Caller: When others deceive us, on one hand it is a good thing to happen as it allows us to pay off our karmic debts (还债) and eliminate our negative karma (消业). However, from another perspective, it is not good as our foolishness grants the other party the opportunity to create negative karma (给对方造业的机会). How should we grasp at good discretion this concept ‘get the short end of the stick’ (to be at a disadvantage) (吃亏)?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Willing to be at a disadvantage’ does not mean an unprincipled compromise. Rather, your forbearance is based on an existential foundation, that is, when you think, “I choose to compromise as I understand, ‘compromise will make a conflict much easy to resolve’ (退一步海阔天空). It doesn’t matter if I suffer a little loss; I am willing to practise forbearance”. And you demonstrate to the other party your endurance. This is the kind of ‘disadvantage’ that is good for you.

Some people think that ‘to get the shorter end of the stick’ means, “I don‘t care about anything, anymore. Just do as you wish.” This is not forbearance; this is being ‘unprincipled’,and the effect of this characteristic is grave.

Let’s take a simple example in our everyday life. The parents say, “Since affinity has brought this child to us, we shall just repay our karmic debts to him. He can do whatever he wishes.”

By adopting this attitude, don’t you think you are destroying this child? You still need to point out his mistakes. When negative affinity arises between you and the child, and he starts to quarrel with family members, this is when you keep your silence and perform your recitation. You chant for him and help him behind the scenes.

This is one way to manage the relationship – also referred to as ‘getting the shorter end of the stick’ (吃亏). This is the type of ‘disadvantage’ you are willing to be in as you are able to help him. Do you understand?






  • If we dream about our own death or are involved in a car accident, we need to be careful as it will definitely come true within two weeks.
  • Three types of dreams that we should pay attention to:

Dreams that take place around 8am, dreams that we remember every single fine detail after we wake up and dreams that occur in a ‘half-dream and half-awake’ state.



  • Today’s session reminds us that a happy family will never dispute over who is right and who is wrong. Family conflicts happen merely because there are different perspectives and views. Hence, if there is someone in the family who is always eager to win, this family will never be happy.
  • Today’s session reminds us that a happy family will never dispute over who is right and who is wrong. Family conflicts happen merely because there are different perspectives and views. Hence, if there is someone in the family who is always eager to win, this family will never be happy.



  • If you are YET A FULL VEGETARIAN, hopefully the followings are good enough reasons to convince you to be one TODAY:
    1. How can you bear to relish  the flesh of other beings when they go through so much suffering when being killed? 
    2. Do you know the meat that you put in your mouth could be your family members of many generations?
    3. Foreign spirits tend to possess bodies of those who exude a type of foul smell as a result of their meat-based diet. 
    4. Meat-based diet destroys your wisdom life, and when your wisdom life is concealed, you will create ‘deep’ karma that knows no bounds.
    5. Those who are fond of eating meat are surrounded by black ‘qi’ (energy) and will be afflicted with a myriad of illnesses.

If you generate negative karma just to fulfil your desire for tasty food,  then you only have yourself to blame when you are faced with the many stumbling blocks in life!

  • If you are already a full vegetarian, Master reminded us that our practice should not make others feel annoyed; if it does, it is in itself a sign of substandard cultivation.



  • Master Lu reminded us that we should take it easy and not to worry that we will be indebted to those who do us little favour. We should learn to go with the flow.
  • This session reminds those who give up their worldly possessions e.g. career, etc  in order to have more time on Buddhism practice, their pre-existing good fortune can only be transformed into meritorious blessings ONLY IF they are DILIGENT in their Buddhism practice.



  • On the question: ‘How to balance Buddhism practice and daily life?’. Today’s session provides the answer and that is – it all boils down to the path we choose for ourselves. When our mind is set to elevate our level of spirituality, that is, when we will find the natural balance.
  • Today’s session opens up our mind to see the difficulties we face in our life are actually good for us. As Master Lu says, a problem-free life is potentially a life that is heading towards destruction.
  • Master Lu reminded us today that as Buddhist practitioners, we should always choose to compromise, to be willing to suffer a little loss and regard such situations as an opportunity to perfect our forbearance.




You strive to establish your career so that you can lead a happy LIFE.

But do you know when you are worn out in the process – with the increasing greed in you…..

You have essentially LOST THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE.

Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk | France, Paris
1 October 2017 (An Excerpt)




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